100 cách hàng đầu để kiếm tiền trực tuyến năm 2023

1. Xem video kiếm tiền online trên ClipClaps 

Có thể bạn không biết, xem video cũng là một trong những cách kiếm tiền online rất thịnh hành. Đặc biệt là khi xem video trên ứng dụng ClipClaps, sau khi xem bạn sẽ được tích điểm và điểm này sẽ được đổi ra thành tiền. Ngoài ra, bạn cũng có thể mời thêm bạn bè sử dụng App và nhận hoa hồng thông qua cách giới thiệu link đăng ký cho App. 


100 cách hàng đầu để kiếm tiền trực tuyến năm 2023
Xem video kiếm tiền online trên ClipClaps

Tiền kiếm được từ ClipClips sẽ được rút với nhiều hình thức khác nhau như rút tiền mặt về ví điện tử, đổi thẻ cào hay thẻ game tùy người dùng. Vậy còn chần chừ gì nữa mà không truy cập ngay vào CH Play/IOS để tải ClipClaps và bắt đầu thực hiện công việc kiếm tiền online vào thời gian rảnh thôi nào. 

2. Kiếm tiền online thông qua App Go Like (Chỉ tải được trên Android)

Nếu bạn đang muốn tìm kiếm cho mình một App kiếm tiền online nhanh, gọn, lẹ trên hệ điều hành Android thì hãy thử tìm hiểu ngay App Go Like một trong những ứng dụng được liên kết với Facebook giúp bạn kiếm tiền vô cùng dễ dàng và đơn giản. 

100 cách hàng đầu để kiếm tiền trực tuyến năm 2023
Kiếm tiền online thông qua App Go Like

Để kiếm tiền online thông qua App Go Like bạn chỉ cần cài đặt App vào điện thoại rồi liên kết với tài khoản Facebook của mình vào bắt đầu kiếm tiền thông qua việc like, share và comment bài viết mà khách hàng yêu cầu. Cứ mỗi lượt tương tác bạn sẽ nhận về số tiền lương tương ứng, và số tiền đó sẽ được cộng dồn theo từng ngày. Tùy vào năng lực mà bạn có thể kiếm được vài chục nghìn đến vài trăm nghìn một ngày. 

Số tiền bạn nhận được từ Go Like có thể chuyển thành thẻ cào điện thoại, thẻ Zing nạp Game hoặc rút tiền mặt về ví điện tử. Với cách làm đơn giản này bạn có thể dễ dàng kiếm được tiền triệu mỗi tháng cho mình. 

3. Đọc truyện trên App Mamo để kiếm thêm thu nhập (Chỉ tải được trên Android)

Đọc truyện là một trong những thói quen của rất nhiều người, đặc biệt là giới trẻ những người đam mê tiểu thuyết tình cảm. Đây cũng chính là lý do App đọc truyện Mamo ra đời, với App Mamo bạn vừa có thỏa niềm đam mê đọc truyện vừa có thể kiếm thêm tiền online để kiếm thêm thu nhập. 

100 cách hàng đầu để kiếm tiền trực tuyến năm 2023
Kiếm tiền online thông qua App đọc truyện Mamo

Đây là App đọc truyện kiếm tiền được phát hành bởi doanh nghiệp tại Việt Nam. App sử dụng nhiều ưu điểm và tính năng tuyệt vời đáp ứng nhu cầu giải trí, kiếm tiền của người dùng. Để kiếm được tiền từ App Mamo bạn chỉ cần tải App, đăng ký tài khoản và thực hiện theo các nhiệm vụ được nhận trên App là có thể đọc truyện để nhận tiền. 

Đến ngày rút tiền bạn chủ cần lựa chọn hình thức rút tiền phù hợp. Hiện tại Mamo hỗ trợ người dùng 3 hình thức rút tiền, cụ thể: Momo, thẻ điện thoại, thẻ game. 

4. Kiếm tiền trực tuyến qua phần mềm đọc báo VN Ngày Nay 

VN Ngày Nay là App kiếm tiền online qua hình thức đọc báo. Do đó, hình thức kiếm tiền này không chỉ phù hợp với các bạn trẻ mà ngay cả những người lớn tuổi hoặc những ai đang thất nghiệp có thể kiếm được tiền vào thời gian rảnh. 

100 cách hàng đầu để kiếm tiền trực tuyến năm 2023
Kiếm tiền trực tuyến qua App đọc báo VN Ngày Nay 

Với App VN Ngày Nay bạn không những đọc được tin tức hàng ngày mà còn kiếm được tiền thông qua đó. Ngoài đọc báo kiếm tiền, VN Ngày Nay còn hỗ trợ người dùng kiếm tiền bằng cách xem video, chơi game giải trí ngay trên App. Tùy vào nhu cầu của bản thân mà bạn có thể lựa chọn hình thức nào cho phù hợp. 

5. App Ola City - Cách kiếm tiền đơn giản, dễ dàng và hiệu quả

Ola City là ứng dụng kiếm tiền đa nền tảng. Với Ola City bạn có thể kiếm được hơn 100k/ngày nếu thực hiện chăm chỉ và đúng cách. Với Ola City bạn có thể kiếm tiền online bằng nhiều cách khác nhau như: làm các nhiệm vụ kiếm tiền, link rút gọn, làm Affiliate Marketing,... 

100 cách hàng đầu để kiếm tiền trực tuyến năm 2023
App Ola City - cách kiếm tiền đơn giản, dễ dàng và hiệu quả

Bên cạnh đó, thông qua mỗi lượt mời bạn bè tham gia bạn cũng được tặng thêm tiền vào tài khoản của mình trên App. Sau khi nhận thường từ mỗi nhiệm vụ thực hiện thành công bạn có thể thực hiện rút tiền về tài khoản của mình, tuy nhiên số dư phải đạt tối thiểu 5$ mới có thể thực hiện thao tác rút về tài khoản. 

Bên cạnh kiếm tiền qua các App (ứng dụng trên điện thoại), bạn cũng có thể kiếm tiền qua các trang web uy tín ví dụ như: AZtest, InfoQ, Accesstrade, Adflex.vn, iPanelOnline… Trong đó, phần mềm thi trắc nghiệm tực tuyến AZtestnổi bật với việc giúp các giáo viên/ những người làm giáo dục kiếm tiền thông qua bộ đề thi online chất lượng của mình. Để kiếm tiền trên AZtest bạn chỉ cần khởi tạo website, dành thời gian tạo các bộ đề thi chất lượng và định giá tiền cho các bộ đề thi đó. Người dự thi nếu muốn tham gia ôn luyện trên bộ đề thi do bạn tạo ra thì phải trả tiền cho đề thi theo mức giá bạn đã đặt ra mới có thể tham gia thi. Đây là cách làm khá đơn giản và dễ dàng, có thể giúp bạn kiếm thêm thu nhập thông qua bộ đề rất hay và giá trị của mình!

Trên đây là những chia sẻ của chúng tôi về TOP 5 App kiếm tiền online 100k/ngày uy tín mà bạn nên tham khảo để kiếm thêm thu nhập cho bản thân. Chúc bạn thành công và kiếm được thật nhiều tiền từ các App kiếm tiền uy tín.

>>> XEM THÊM: Mách bạn 5 website tiêu biểu kiếm tiền online 100k/ngày

AZtest là hệ thống tạo lập website thi trắc nghiệm trực tuyến do
 CÔNG TY CỔ PHẦN TDFOSS phát triển. Với AZtest, người dùng có thể dễ dàng sở hữu một website tổ chức ôn tập, thi trắc nghiệm trực tuyến hoàn toàn miễn phí, độc lập, được cá nhân hóa theo yêu cầu của người quản trị.

Liên hệ hotline 0987.893.519 hoặc Fanpage https://m.me/aztest.vn để được tư vấn trực tiếp bởi đội ngũ kỹ thuật viên của AZtest.

Do you know there could be hundred ways to make money online? Anyone from anywhere can do it by just having a computer with an Internet connection.

I have been making money online since 2005 and after years of experience & research, I thought of covering all the ways in this post that a person can use to earn money online.

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I am damn sure that, you will find many ways that will be suitable for you &

So let’s check the list here with all the resources that will help you to make money online.

1. Make Money Online with Simple Jobs

This is the first job I recommend to anyone who wants to make money online. Micro jobs are doing short task like reading emails, completing surveys, watching videos, writing comments etc.

Here are some of the most popular sites I can recommend you for doing simple online jobs.

  1. Swagbux – Best site if you are from US, UK, Canada & good for everyone. Read Review
  2. ClixSense – One of the great & my most favorite site. Read review.
  3. InboxDollars – Again the best site with good earning potential. Read review
  4. BuxP
    100 cách hàng đầu để kiếm tiền trực tuyến năm 2023
  5. Neobux
  6. CashCrate
  7. mTurk – One of the best crowdsourcing site. Thousands of people make enough money from this single website
  8. MicroWorker – Another site like Microworker. More sites like mTurk here.

You can find more online jobs here.

2. Make Money Blogging

If you want to make big money say above $1000 then blogging is the only simple, safe method that you can start.

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I have dozens of blogs including MoneyConnexion that give me 7 figure yearly income.

Although it may take some time initially, but trust me once you are an expert, there will be nothing like blogging that can give you time freedom and huge income both.

Blog is nothing but a website where you write about your favorite topic on regular basis. You use some marketing techniques like SEO to get the traffic on your blog.

As traffic starts coming, you can monetize your blog with Google AdSense program or affiliate. Passion for blogging and a hobby is must.

Just check here some of the best resources that will help you to make money from blog.

3. Freelance Gigs

Freelancing is the 2nd biggest opportunity on internet where people make tons of money. On the internet there are myriads of freelance gigs that you can find.

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There are dozens of popular freelance sites that offer you hundreds of different jobs that you can do for your clients.

You can provide services like writing, web designing, data entry, virtual assistant, SEO, video maker, graphic designing and many more listed here.

4. Google AdSense & other ad network

Google is everything for me. I have made 90% of my total income either because of Google or directly from Google.

Its more than 10 years, Google is regularly paying me monthly AdSense income. There is not a single month in last 10 years when I did not receive income from Google AdSense.

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You must have a website or a blog to make money from AdSense. You can place AdSense ads on your website.

People come to your website and when they click on any AdSense ads, Google pay you 68% of the amount they receive from their advertisers.

And yes, you can even place ads from other ad networks like Google AdSense but I am sure, you will be dissatisfied.

Here are some of the best resources that will help you with Google AdSense.

5. Make Money with Vlogging

Vlogging or video blogging is where you create and upload great videos on YouTube or other video sharing sites.

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If your videos are special and people like it then you earn revenue by partnering with Google. Thousands of people are making good income running their own channel on YouTube.

Here are some of the best resources to earn money online from YouTube.

6. Network Affiliate Marketing

Network affiliate marketing is where you sell products on behalf of companies like Clickbank, Commission Junction etc. Here you find thousands of vendors and you sell products on their

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It’s always better for a beginner to work with an affiliate network because you can try number of companies & their products from a single place & even get your earnings from all these companies at a single place.

You can check list of top affiliate networks here.

7. Individual Affiliate Marketing – HostGator, Bluehost etc

Individual affiliate marketing is different than network affiliate marketing. Here you sell on behalf of one particular company.

The money that you receive is paid by that company not a network like Clickbank or CJ. Here you get complete flexibility and the product matches with the content of your blog.

You can try big companies like Amazon, Flipkart, HostGator, AWeber, SEMRush or anything related to your industry.

You can find 20+ Best Affiliate Programs here.

8. Make Money with URL Shortener

You can make money with URL shortener services like Google URL shortener or Bitly. You have to shortened an URL and distribute online by various means.

Once you get traffic and when visitors click on the link then you get paid for the each click.

Read: Top 10 URL Shortener Sites to Earn Money

9. Amazon or eBay Seller

The best way to start is become a seller on e-commerce sites like Amazon and eBay where you can sell a lot of merchandize on their behalf.

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You easily earn a commission on each sale you make. It is very easy to get started however experience with marketing is very important.

There are millions of sellers all over the world who make a full time living selling various items on these sites.

10. Freelance Writing Work on Upwork, Elance, Fiverr etc

Writing jobs that you can do online are copywriting, ghost writing, content writing etc. You can easily find writing jobs on Upwork, Fiverr, iWriter etc.

You take a project and get paid by your hirer. Read this detailed post to know 6 ways to make money as a writer.

11.Writing Review

You get paid online for writing honest review for movies, restaurants you eat or a place you visit. Companies and other third party firm need you to write a review for them.

12. Online Consultancy

This is best for people who has expertise in a particular field. Whether you are a teacher, doctor, feng shui expert, trainer or anyone who has some skills that can solve problem of others then you can start online consultancy.

You can promote your services through your blog, Google+, Facebook etc. You can provide consultancy on phone or through skype.

13. SEO Services

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SEO or search engine services are very hot. There are number of companies which are looking for a SEO expert that can rank their website high on the Google.

If you have experience and know everything about SEO then go for it. You can either start an SEO business or provide freelance services.

14. SEM

SEM or Search engine marketing is extension of SEO. Here you focus on SEO plus marketing. These two online jobs are very hot right now and you can make a lot of money with it.

Here you must be an expert in Google AdWords, Facebook ads, Bing ads etc. People can pay you 10% to 20% of the advertising budget.

15. Newsletter Marketing

Here you bombard your client with newsletters daily. Either they subscribed to you or you send them newsletters daily.

You attach a sales pitch with the newsletter. You have to know the exact demographics of your client before you market a product.

16. Email Marketing

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Email marketing is also like newsletter marketing however here you send your clients a sales letter via an email. You send thousands of email to a list of people and convert them into future prospects.

17. Email list or Database Selling

This is quite different than previous two. Here you sell an email list to marketers. You have to have database of thousands of people which you are going to sell to marketers online.

However database must be fresh and relevant otherwise no one would buy it.

18. Online HR Recruiting

Today after the advent of social media most of the recruiting is done online. If you are an HR recruiter then you can find candidates through LinkedIn and refer them to your client.

However you must have a decent profile with dozens of HRs in your social network.

19. Social Media Marketing

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Social media can be used for marketing if you are familiar with Facebook, Twitter or YouTube. You can be a marketer that targets only social media.

Companies are in great need of social media marketers.

20. Social Media Executive / Manager

Similarly companies also need social media manager to manage their operations on Facebook, Twitter, YouTube etc.

You must have experience with social media platform likes Facebook where you can run a campaign for the company you are working with.

There is also great scope of handling Twitter account of celebrities, companies or other big personalities where you will tweet on their behalf & manage the followers and responses.

21. Online PR Firm

Earlier Public Relations were limited to TV and newspaper. However now online is also a major platform for PR. If you have experience with PR then you start promoting people online and charge a fee.

22. Domain Flipping

Domain buying and selling can make you rich overnight. You buy a domain with a right name. You don’t use it but just keep it with you and sell to a bigger player for a higher rate.

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You can sell 10 to 20 times higher of your buying price. Sometime your domain might fetch you thousands of dollars. If you don’t believe, you can check this list of most expensive domains.

You need to do lots of research &

Know more about domain flipping business.

23. WordPress Plugins

There are companies who want to hire or outsource their website designing task to people who know to work with WordPress theme and plugins.

You also add some code to it and deliver the website to your clients.

24. Website Flipping

Just like domain flipping, there is a great potential in another similar business and that is website flipping. Here you don’t sell domain but a complete website.

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But in order to earn online, your website must be a quality website with good traffic &

Here you buy a domain, write regular content & promote your website through social media and SEO & once you get the traffic & make some money, you can sell it.

There are sites like Flippa, Empire Flippers which can help you out for getting 10-20 times of price of your monthly earning.

You can also buy websites from the above platforms, work on the site to grow traffic & income and then sell it on a higher price.

Read: What is Website Flipping? How to Start Website Flipping Business

25. Coding Services

You will never run out of clients if you know about coding. Coding jobs are not rare however you must know how to code.

You have to write codes for fixing a given problem or designing a functionality of a website. The money is also great here.

26. Web Designing with PHP

Web designing with PHP or ASP will be quite different than setting up WordPress code or plug in.

Here you will design fully fledged website with a backend database. You may also require having a team with coders, designers and testers.

27. Developing Mobile Apps

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App development for Android or iOS devices has always been a lucrative business. If you can develop an innovative app that solves people’s problem then you can make huge money with it.

However you have to have experience with coding.

You can also get the business from companies &

Read: How To Become A Mobile App Developer?

28. Transcription

Transcription jobs are readily available online. You have to copy and write from one medium to another. Most of the time you will find medical transcription jobs that pays you well.

29. Translating

You can also find translating jobs where you will be translating from one language to another. Translating jobs are fewer in number than transcription jobs.

However still you can find few translating jobs online.

30. Tech Support

Big corporations outsource their customer support to others. You can find tech support jobs online where you have to solve technology related problems. These problems can be issues related to a computer hardware or software.

31. Web Assistant or Virtual Assistant

You can make money online by becoming virtual assistant. Here your job we will be taking care of all the meetings and presentations that are to be held on a given date.

32. Data Entry Jobs

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Data entry jobs are one of the simple way to make money online. You have to convert an image file into a word file by writing into it. There are many other types of data entry jobs available.

You have to achieve an accuracy of over 99% and finish it on time. You should always look for legit data entry jobs because market is full of scammers.

33. Surveys and Form Filling

There are various websites that offers you money for filling various survey forms. They pay according to number of surveys that you take.

It takes 5 to 20 minutes to fill a form depending upon the survey. You get paid once you finish the survey.

You can signup with this most legit paid survey sites.

34. Online Focus Group

Companies like Google or Microsoft need feedback from their consumers about the product they are using. You can help them getting feedback and in return you get paid.

35. Earn from Cashback sites

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Do you know you can make money each time you buy something from shopping sites like Amazon, eBay etc.

You need to download apps or signup sites like eBates, ShopAtHome, CashKaro etc. and then buy everything by clicking through these sites.

You can get 2% to 5% of the amount of your total purchase as cashback from these sites.

36. Online Tutoring

Websites like Tutor.com can help you finding tutoring jobs. Here you are going to teach children online via Skype or other software. You can choose a subject that you know the best.

37. Get Paid to Click

You can get paid to click on a link. This is called PTC or paid to click jobs. You just have to click a link and stay there for 2 to 3 minutes.

You get paid a small amount for this particular task.

38. Podcasting

Podcasting is a great way to make money online. If you know about a subject like finance or current affairs then you can record videos and sell it online.

People are ready to buy your podcast videos for few dollars.

39. eBooks

Write eBooks and sell online. If you know about a particular subject like training your dog, cooking, music or marketing then you can create an eBook and sell it online for $1 or $20 per copy as per your own valuation.

40. Columnist for a Newspaper

You can write for an online version of a newspaper. You can write a column and get paid for each word you write. Online columnists are in great demand these days.

41. Digital/Online Journal

Digital journal is also like writing for an online version of a newspaper. However the difference is digital journal doesn’t have any offline presence.

You write columns as a web journalist.

42. Sharing Content

If you can create content which can go viral then you can make a lot of money.

Your content will be shared around the internet and you will get paid. However you have to create great content every time.

43. Contextual Advertising, Infolink

If your blog is getting some traffic then you can monetize it with contextual advertising and infolinks.

You get paid for showing ads and anchor texts that contains a link.

44. Visual Arts and Designing Jobs

If you know about designing then you can find jobs on websites like 99 designs or Envato Studio.

These sites have a huge number of members who are making money by designing various cover of magazines and online publications.

45. Online Journalism

Online journalism or web journalism is nothing new and it is getting better day by day. You write for an online version of cable TV news network.

You work with their web desk.

46. Phone Apps

There are various smartphone applications that pay you if you perform certain tasks. If you shop using an app then they pay you once you have completed a task.

47. Giving Space to Publishing On Your Website

If your blog or website is very popular and getting huge traffic then you can sell some space of your site for marketing. You can set a price for showing ads on your website.

48. Membership Sites

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Similarly you can create a site that solves a particular problem that people are looking for. Later on as traffic increases you can start charging for becoming a member so they can access more serious content.

Creating a membership is very easy through WordPress. Either you can buy a theme or plugin to make your site as membership site.

49. Revenue Sharing Sites

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If you have something to share with the world, then there are many sites where you can write your expertise or experience and make money through Google AdSense or affiliate programs.

You need to learn little bit about keyword research and SEO so that you can apply this on your written post and get more traffic.

There are many revenue sharing sites like InfoBarrel.com, HubPages, Xomba, Snipsly where you can signup, write articles and start earning.

50. Write for other sites

Can’t have your own blog then you can write for some other established sites or bloggers on the internet. You can contact them in person and decide on rates for each blog post you write.

Your writing quality must be exceptional if you want to make big money from this. There are sites that can pay you up to $200 for each post.

51. CPA

CPA or cost per action allows you to pay if you get people to sign up or register for a website. Here commissions can be great.

52. Desktop Publishing

You can design publications, front page of magazines online by using adobe Photoshop. You can sell your design online.

53. Selling Old Books Online

If you have old books then you can visit a site like BookScouter where you can sell it for few dollars. You have to enter the ISBN number and bid for the selling price.

54. Selling courses Online

You can design various courses in the form of eBooks or Podcasts and sell it online. You can become a vendor on Clickbank and take help of other affiliate marketers there.

These courses can be about cooking, how to start blogging, about photography etc.

55. Make Money Selling Gadgets

You can sell your iPhone, laptop and other electronic gadgets online and make some money. You buy for a less price and sell it for more.

So you make some profit.

56. Sell Photos Online

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Do you know your mobile camera can earn you good cash. Yes, if you a good photographer who can capture quality photos through your mobile camera or professional cameras then there are sites who are ready to pay you money for your photos.

You can upload your photos on such photo sharing sites & earn money whenever someone buys your photo. Read more about this here.

57. Stock Photography

Similarly in stock photography bloggers and other websites would like to buy photos from you for a cheaper rate. If you can take decent photos then you can turn it into a great business.

58. Art and Painting Auction

If you collect arts and paintings then you can sell it online. If you have a passion for drawing paintings then you don’t have to wait for an auction because you can anytime do it online.

59. Arts and Crafts

Similarly you can sell other kinds of crafts which you make in your home but sell online. You do all the work from your home but sell it on sites like Etsy.

60. Sell Music and Videos

If you have good voice and can create great music then you can sell them online. You can also sell cute animal or baby videos online.

61. Create Your own Merchandize and Sell Online

In a nutshell you can create your own merchandize whether it is a mug or a t shirt or a cap and sell it online.

62. Peer to Peer Lending

Peer to peer lending banks do not get involved in lending large loans. You as an individual can give or invest an amount and get returns on it.

There are sites like Lending Club which takes care of everything.

63. Stock Trading

You can trade stocks, commodities and even mutual funds online. Just open an account with a broking firm and get started.

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Stock trading is not new however you must know about the markets otherwise you will lose money.

64. Forex Trading

Similarly you can trade through Forex. However in certain countries forex trading is not allowed. You trade currency and make huge amount of money.

65. Sponsoring Links and Sponsored Post

You can sponsor links and posts on your website and make money with it. There are people who will be willing to pay you an amount if you allow them to sponsor their blog post on your website.

66. Paid or Sponsored Tweet

You can tweet on someone else behalf and make money. There are sites online which allows sponsored tweets.

67. Facebook Paid to Like

You also get paid to like a Facebook page. Although such jobs are limited however you can find them online. But such jobs don’t pay you much.

68. Sign Up for a Credit Card

There are many credit card companies that offers sign up bonuses worth hundreds of dollars. You can sign up for such credit cards and make some money.

69. Earn with Mystery Shopping

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You shop on someone’s behalf and send a report about the product and the service. You have to write a review how well was a service in a given store.

You get paid for writing honest reviews. Read about mystery shopping here.

70. Product Testing

Companies around the world offer you money if you test their products and give a feedback. You have to use the product and send them a detailed feedback via an email. You get paid for the feedbacks.

71. Playing Online Games

You make money while playing games online. There are companies who develop online games and they need people who can play and test these games online.

You get paid for playing games for certain hours.

72. Online Beta Version Software Testing

Before releasing the website a company wants it to test it. Not just a website but other piece of software also. If you use the software and report on bugs or other code errors then you get paid for doing that.