Add comma in foreach loop php

I'm using a foreach loop to echo out some values from my database, I need to strip the last comma from the last loop if that makes sense.

My loop is just simple, as below

foreach[$results as $result]{
  echo $result->name.',';

Which echos out


I just need to kill that pesky last comma.


39k11 gold badges76 silver badges112 bronze badges

asked Jan 16, 2011 at 14:15



$resultstr = array[];
foreach [$results as $result] {
  $resultstr[] = $result->name;
echo implode[",",$resultstr];

answered Jan 16, 2011 at 14:23


9,1024 gold badges23 silver badges38 bronze badges

1. Concat to string but add | before

$s = '';
foreach [$results as $result] { 
    if [$s] $s .= '|';
    $s .= $result->name; 
echo $s;

2. Echo | only if not last item

$s = '';
$n = count[$results];
foreach [$results as $i => $result] { 
    $s .= $result->name;
    if [[$i+1] != $n] $s .= '|';
echo $s;

3. Load to array and then implode

$s = array[];
foreach [$results as $result] { 
    $s[] = $result->name;
echo implode['|', $s];

4. Concat to string then cut last | [or rtrim it]

$s = '';
foreach [$results as $result] { 
    $s .= $result->name . '|';
echo substr[$s, 0, -1]; # or # echo rtrim[$s, '|'];

5. Concat string using array_map[]

echo implode['|', array_map[function[$result] { return $result->name; }, $results]];

answered Oct 26, 2014 at 13:03


41.7k13 gold badges74 silver badges107 bronze badges


$result_names = '';
foreach[$results as $result]{
    $result_names .= $result->name.',';
echo rtrim[$result_names, ','];

answered Jan 16, 2011 at 14:17


4,7693 gold badges24 silver badges22 bronze badges


I've been having the same issue with this similar problem recently. I fixed it by using an increment variable $i, initializing it to 0, then having it increment inside the foreach loop. Within that loop place an if, else, with the echo statement including a comma if the $i counter is less than the sizeof[] operator of your array/variable.

I don't know if this would fix your issue per se, but it helped me with mine. I realize this question is years-old, but hopefully this will help someone else. I'm fairly new to PHP so I didn't quite understand a lot of the Answers that were given before me, though they were quite insightful, particularly the implode one.

foreach [$results as $result] {
    if[sizeof[$results] > $i] {
        echo $result . ", ";
    } else {
        echo $result;

answered Jul 14, 2018 at 1:02

In modern PHP, array_column[] will allow you to isolate a column of data within an array of objects.

Code: [Demo]

$results = [
    [object]['name' => 'A'],
    [object]['name' => 'B'],
    [object]['name' => 'C']

echo implode[',', array_column[$results, 'name']];



That said, since you are iterating a result set, then you may be better served by calling a CONCAT[] function in your sql, so that the values are already joined in the single value result set.

If you are processing a collection in Laravel, you can pluck[] and implode[]:


answered Sep 13, 2020 at 2:50


39k11 gold badges76 silver badges112 bronze badges

$arraySize = count[$results];
for[$i=0; $iname;


5,49110 gold badges49 silver badges56 bronze badges

answered Aug 18, 2015 at 19:01


Another smart way is:

foreach[$results as $result]{
  echo [$passed ? ',' : ''] . $result->name;
  $passed = true;

In this case at first loop $passed is NULL and , doesn't print.

answered Feb 24, 2018 at 16:30

Amir FoAmir Fo

4,4061 gold badge39 silver badges45 bronze badges

I know this is an old thread, but this came up recently and I thought I'd share my alternate, cleaner way of dealing with it, using next[].

$array = array["A thing", "A whatsit", "eighty flange oscillators"];
foreach[ $array as $value ]{
    echo $value;
    $nxt = next[$array];
    if[$nxt] echo ", "; // commas between each item in the list
    else echo ". And that's it."; // no comma after the last item.

// outputs: 
// A thing, A whatsit, eighty flange oscillators. And that's it.

play with it here

answered Feb 15, 2021 at 16:57


I have to do this alot because I'm always trying to feed numbers in to jplot, I find its easier to put the comma in the front of the loop like so:

foreach[$arrayitem as $k]{ $string =  $string.",".$k;

and then chop off the first character [the comma] using substr, it helps if you know a guestimate of long your string will be, I'm not sure what the limit on substr max character is.

 echo substr[$a,1,10000000];

hope this helps.

answered May 13, 2012 at 15:44

$a[0] = 'John Doe';       
$a[1] = 'Jason statham';       
$a[2] = 'Thomas Anderson';
$size = count[$a];
foreach[$a as $key=>$name]{
    $result .= $name;
    if[$size > $key+1] $result .=', ';
echo $result;


76.2k20 gold badges156 silver badges174 bronze badges

answered Sep 27, 2012 at 11:06



9,193146 gold badges85 silver badges118 bronze badges

answered Apr 24, 2017 at 9:49


191 silver badge2 bronze badges

answered Oct 5, 2018 at 10:38


9513 gold badges12 silver badges25 bronze badges

This is what I normally do, add a comma before the item rather than after, while ignoring the first loop.

$i = 0;
$string = '';

foreach[$array as $item]{
    $string .= [$i++ ? ',' : ''].$item;

answered Aug 26, 2020 at 11:19


921 silver badge8 bronze badges

First get all the output by using output buffering. Then, trim the comma and display it. So, do it like this:

foreach[$results as $result]
   echo $result->name.',';
$output = ob_get_clean[];

echo rtrim[$output, ','];

The output buffering method helps if the inside loop is very big [and OP is posting here just for brevity], then using OB is easier without changing the internals of the loop.

answered Jan 16, 2011 at 14:21


45.4k12 gold badges73 silver badges78 bronze badges


How do you put a comma in a foreach loop?

If your intention is to show comma after each element except the last one, you can easily use $loop->last[] inside your foreach.

How do you remove the last comma in a for loop?

An alternative method of removing the comma from last foreach loop item. In this alternative way, we are going to use the PHP array_push[] function. below is the code:

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