Bad manners là gì

Dưới đây là những mẫu câu có chứa từ "bad manners", trong bộ từ điển Từ điển Tiếng Anh. Chúng ta có thể tham khảo những mẫu câu này để đặt câu trong tình huống cần đặt câu với từ bad manners, hoặc tham khảo ngữ cảnh sử dụng từ bad manners trong bộ từ điển Từ điển Tiếng Anh

1. It's also bad manners.

2. Excuse her bad manners.

3. I can't stand bad manners.

4. It's bad manners to tell tales.

5. His bad manners grate on my nerves.

6. □ What are some causes of bad manners?

7. She's always lecturing me on bad manners.

8. She chided him for his bad manners.

9. It's bad manners to whisper in company.

10. It's bad manners to stare at people.

11. That man's bad manners galled the young lady.

12. 6 She chided him for his bad manners.

13. It is bad manners to whisper in company .

14. It was a case of monumental bad - manners.

15. His mother reproached him for his bad manners.

16. His bad manners earned him a sharp rebuke.

17. Burping in public is bad manners in America.

18. It's bad manners to fidget about at the table.

19. It's bad manners to talk with your mouth full .

20. It's bad manners to eat with your mouth open.

21. I can' t tolerate your bad manners any longer.

22. It's bad manners to make a noise while eating.

23. It's bad manners to talk with a full mouth.

24. 5 I can' t tolerate your bad manners any longer.

25. No more so than your adenoids and your bad manners

26. 19 It's bad manners to talk with a full mouth.

27. It is bad manners to speak with your mouth full.

28. Many visitors complained of his bad manners and self-importance.

29. It is bad manners to talk with your mouth full.

30. How does “the air” of this system promote bad manners?

31. This is my son and I apologise for his bad manners.

32. A pretty girl with bad manners will be definitely considered inharmonious.

33. It is bad manners to make a noise while eating soup.

34. It's bad manners to discuss business at a social occasion in India.

35. Don't blame the children for their bad manners they don't know any better.

36. 11 Bad manners bring about entirely different results. [Bad manners are the unhappy way of doing things. ] You will feel unhappy if you are treated impolitely . Bad manner can ruin a friendship.

37. They were tolerating that redhead well enough in spite of his sullen bad manners.

38. I take exception to being addressed by my surname; I consider it bad manners.

39. A tongue in cheek reminder to some one whose cheeks were bulging with bad manners.

40. It's sometimes considered bad manners to lean your elbows on the table when you're eating.

41. When you told him his house was too cold that was just plain bad manners.

42. 9 I take exception to being addressed by my surname; I consider it bad manners.

43. It would be the height of bad manners, and I know you aren't that sort of person.

44. Good manners open the closed doors; bad manners close the open doors! Mehmet Murat ildan 

45. Loving does not cancel out such bad manners or excuse them, and she would not think so either ....

46. It's thought bad manners not to offer a visitor a night of passion after tramping round the icy far north.

47. In fact, not offering or responding to a greeting may be taken as unloving or as evidence of bad manners.

48. They knew better than to insult their hosts by open mention of this superiority; such bad manners would disgrace the clan.

49. In some parts of the world, it is considered bad manners to pick up food or cutlery with the left hand.

50. It will show how we must be different from the world and not adopt its bad manners and irreverent or obscene language.

excuse for bad manners

is considered bad manners

bad manners and bad words

is bad

so bad

too bad


Cùng tìm hiểu định nghĩa và ý nghĩa và cách dùng của từ: bad-mannered

+ Adjective

  • thái độ cư xử xã hội không đúng đắn, thô lỗ, cục cằn

Từ liên quan

  • Từ đồng nghĩa:
    ill-mannered rude unmannered unmannerly

Các kết quả tìm kiếm liên quan cho "bad-mannered"

  • Những từ có chứa "bad-mannered" in its definition in Vietnamese - English dictionary:
    phong lưu bặt thiệp hư thân thanh tao cao nhã cà lơ nặc nô hiền hoà kiểu cách bạt thiệp more...

Lượt xem: 706

Vẫy lá cờ này trước mặt Tổng thống Mỹ là bất lịch sự bạn nhé. Photo courtesy Todd Huffman.

'Bad manners' có từ manners là cách xử sự, cách cư xử; vì thế cụm từ này nghĩa là cách xử sự xấu, cách cư xử không lịch sự.

Ví dụ

Let's say "The End" to bad manners at the movies.

Kids aren't rude. It's the ADULTS with bad manners.

Bad manners can be contagious [dễ lây, truyền nhiễm], a study suggests. It found that those who experience rudeness [khiếm nhã, láo xược, thô lỗ] in the workplace [nơi làm việc] are more likely to be impolite [bất lịch sự] to colleagues [đồng nghiệp].

Confederate [Liên minh miền Nam Hoa Kỳ] flag [lá cờ] rallies [cuộc mít tinh lớn] staged on the day President Barack Obama visited Oklahoma were a display of bad manners and insensitivity [không nhạy cảm].

Phạm Hạnh

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