Bài tập Passive voice lớp 7 có đáp an

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  4. Bài tập tổng ôn câu bị động [Passive Voices] có đáp án chi tiết

Bài tập tổng ôn câu bị động [Passive Voices] có đáp án chi tiết


Bài tập

Exercise 1: Chuyển các câu sau sang câu bị động

  1. Our teacher wants us to prepare our lessonscarefully.

Our teacher .....................................................................................................................................................

  1. They expected me to finish my workearly.

They expected .................................................................................................................................................

  1. Is she making big cakes for theparty?

Are ...................................................................................................................................................................

  1. The house needscleaning.

The house.......................................................................................................................................................

  1. It was impossible to preserve river water in thepast.

River ...............................................................................................................................................................

  1. He made me stay outsideyesterday.

I .......................................................................................................................................................................

  1. The teacher let us go home early lastweek.

We ...................................................................................................................................................................

  1. He had the waiter carry the luggagehome.

He had .............................................................................................................................................................

  1. I got the postman to post the letter forme.

I got .................................................................................................................................................................

  1. Turn on thelights!

The lights ........................................................................................................................................................

  1. They know that English is an internationallanguage.

English ............................................................................................................................................................

  1. Don't do that silly thingagain.

Don't let ..........................................................................................................................................................

  1. We'll continue to use thisphone.

This phone ......................................................................................................................................................

  1. Did people make jeans two hundred yearsago?

Were ..............................................................................................................................................................?

  1. They opened the road 10 yearsago.

The road ..........................................................................................................................................................


  1. You should open the wine 3 hours before you useit.

The ..................................................................................................................................................................

  1. It's your duty to make tea for theparty.

You .................................................................................................................................................................

  1. The man gave me a piece of paper with his address onit.

I .......................................................................................................................................................................

  1. The teacher is watching themwork.

They ................................................................................................................................................................

  1. What subjects have people discussedtoday?

What ...............................................................................................................................................................

  1. The boy broke the window and took away somepictures.

The window ....................................................................................................................................................

  1. It is impossible to solve this problemimmediately.

This problem ...................................................................................................................................................

  1. She wishes someone to carry her luggage to thehotel.

She wishes ......................................................................................................................................................

  1. They are going to repair the bridge nextmonth.

We are .............................................................................................................................................................

  1. They enjoy their parents taking them to thezoo.

They enjoy ......................................................................................................................................................

  1. People supposed that the lion had escaped from thecage.

The lion ...........................................................................................................................................................

  1. I saw them playing football in thepark.

They ................................................................................................................................................................

  1. The teacher is correcting heressay.

She ..................................................................................................................................................................

  1. I remembered Nam offering me a beautiful present on mybirthday.

I remembered ..................................................................................................................................................

Exercise 2: Chọn phương án đúng để hoàn thành mỗi câu sau đây

  1. Whenin international trade, letters of credit are veryconvenient.
    1. usingB.are usedC.usedD.they used
  2. The26thAnnualMeetingoftheAsia-PacificParliamentaryForum[APPF]in Hanoi, our beautiful and peaceful capital city, from January 18thto 21st,2O18.
    1. washeldB.is heldC.is beingheldD.will beheld
  3. Weweremadehard when we were atschool.
    1. tostudyB.studyC.studyingD.studied
  4. Her fianceis saidfrom Harvard University five yearsago.

  1. Only one of ourgiftedstudentsto participate in the final competition.
    1. waschoosingB.chosenC.has beenchosenD.have beenchosen
  2. They cancelled all flights because offog.
    1. All flights were cancelled by them offog.
    2. All flights were because of fog werecancelled.
    3. All flights were because of fogcancelled.
    4. All flights were cancelled because offog.
  3. Thisbuildingfinished by the end of last year but there have been so many strikes that it isn't finished yet.
    1. willhavebeenB.should havebeen

C.was tohave beenD.may not havebeen

  1. As a small boy, he wasusedtoalone in the house for an hour ortwo.
    1. being leftB.leavingC.be leftD.leave
  2. DNAtestsaccepted in court eases.
    1. are knownB.wereusedC.have beenD.willhave
  3. Annhopedto join the private club. She could make important business contacthere.
    1. beinginvitedB.to inviteC.tobe invitedD.inviting
  4. Despitetheirnormalcylindricalform,someofthedocumentson silk that were found at Mawangdui, an archaeological site in southeastern China, were folded intorectangles.
    1. wroteB.writtenC.werewrittenD.be written
  5. The boyby the teacheryesterday.
    1. punishedB.waspunishedC.punishD.punishing
  6. Robotswilleveneverywhere in factories, schools, offices, hospitals, shops, andhomes.
    1. seenB.seeC.sawD.be seen
  7. We don't allow anyone to use their cell phones during theexamination.
    1. Nobody is allowed to use their cell phones during theexamination.
    2. Nobody is allowed using their cell phones during theexamination.
    3. Nobody isn't allowed to use their cell phones during theexamination.
    4. Nobody isn't allowed using their cell phones during theexamination.
  8. Everyonelikeswhen they have got somesuccess.
    1. tobe congratulatedB.being congratulated

C.tobecongratulatingD.to congratulate

  1. This is the latest news from earthquake site. Two- thirds ofthe cityin afire.
    1. has been destroyedB.have beendestroyed


  1. Referencesin the examinationroom.
    1. not are usedB.is not usedC.didn't usedD.are not used
  2. Her watchneeds
    1. repairingB.tobe repairedC.repairedD.repairing/to berepaired

A.being followedB.arefollowedC.followD.following

  1. Haveyouby a dog?
    1. biteB.bitC.everbeenbittenD.ever beenbit
  2. The roomisbeingat the moment.
    1. wascleanedB.cleanedC.cleaningD.clean
  3. Itthat the strike will endsoon.
    1. isexpectedB.expectedC.are expectedD.wasexpected
  4. I'llget Minhthis for you.
    1. doB.doneC.didD.to do
  5. Thoselettersnow. You can do the typing later.
    1. needtypingB.needn't betypedC.needto typeD.neednt to typing
  6. What a beautiful dress you are wearing"-Thanks,itespecially for me by a Frenchtailor."
    1. is madeB.has madeC.madeD.wasmade

Exercise 3: Chia dạng đúng của động từ trong ngoặc

  1. Sheexpects[promote]soon, but things seem to gowrong.
  2. The children weremade[go]to bed at 10:00 pm.
  3. The parcel issupposed[deliver]this evening.
  4. The childrenagreed[divide]the candy equally.
  5. Iexpected [invite]to the party, but I wasn't.
  6. The man washeard[say]goodbye to the host inChinese.
  7. A strangeman[watch]coming into your house at thetime.
  8. I don'tenjoy [laugh]at by other people.
  9. I don't appreciate [interrupt] when I'mspeaking.
  10. Trees[plan]since it stoppedraining.
  11. Thehouse [build]two years ago.
  12. We can't go along here because theroad [repair]now.
  13. We [wake]by a loud noise lastnight.
  14. Today, many serious childhood diseases[canprevent]by early immunization.
  15. Thetelephones [invent]by Alexander GrahamBell.
  16. Lots of houses [destroy]by the earthquake lastweek.
  17. Gold[discover]in California in the 19thcentury.
  18. Thepreparation [finish]by the time the guestsarrived.
  19. He had thechair [mend]by the neighbors.
  20. Let your book[open]
  21. It'simpossible [rebuild]the school.
  22. They suggested that thetest[make]easier.
  23. I wish traffic regulation[obey]
  24. It [think]that she will win thecontest.

Đáp án

Exercise 1


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Giải thích chi tiết


Our teacherwants our lessons to be prepared carefully.

Theo cấu trúc:

S + V1 + O1 + to + V + O2

Vì chủ ngữ "our teacher" và tân ngữ "our lessons" không phải là một nên khi chuyển sang cấu bị động sẽ theo công thức sau:

S + V1 + O2 + TO + BE + VP2


Theyexpected my work to be finished early.

Theo cấu trúc:

S + V1 + O1 + to +V+ O2

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