Bio oil multiuse skincare oil review

Bio-Oil Skincare Oil is a specialist skincare product that helps improve the appearance of scars, stretch marks and uneven skin tone. Bio-Oil Skincare Oil’s advanced formulation contains skin renewing and conditioning properties which increase elasticity and promote the formation of new collagen, while soothing the skin.

60mL / 125mL / 200mL

$14.99 / $24.99 / $34.99

Bio-Oil Skincare Oil


Hydrating multi-use oil

Absolutely love this super hydrating multi-use oil. PROS: I've been using this oil on my scars to help with the healing process. I was very surprised to see after about 3 months of applying the oil day and night to my face, it helped to get rid of dark scars. I've used this on my body to help with stretch marks and skin elasticity which has helped considerably. It hasn't got rid of stretch marks but since using the oil i haven't seen any more come up or get worse. My main go to use for this product is on my scalp. I have been getting a pretty dry scalp so i use massage the oil into my hair, leave it in for minimum an hour and continue to massage it in before i wash my hair. This has helped me so much with dandruff, dry scalp and hair loss. CONS: The smell of this product can be a bit overbearing at times which is my only down fall.

Bio-Oil not for me

The Bio Oil Body oil comes in a plastic see through bottle with a white screw top cap. There is a small hole in the top of the bottle which helps to control the amount you dispense but be careful you don't squeeze the bottle too hard. It has a very very faint floral scent, could be roses, could be lavender. Bio-Oil is supposed to be excellent in the treatment of scars, but I did not apply this consistently enough for me to recommend it for that. Bio-Oil is great for treating the dry skin on my legs but there was just something about the texture of the oil that I didn't like. It's hard to explain but it felt, I don't know, rough and corrosive? The initial "slip" was there but then it just felt like I'd washed my hands with bleach. The inclusion of mineral oil has created a small stir on the internet as a lot of people believe that mineral oil has no business being in skincare products. Mineral oil is a by product of petroleum but its usually been refined and processed to a point where it is safe to use. Unfortunately, I can't recommend this product not because of the inclusion of mineral oil as an ingredient but because I just didn't like the way it felt.


My skin had been super dry lately, I have been adding a few drops of the Bio-Oil Skincare Oil to my body lotions and moisturisers to aid my skin with extra hydration. I have found the Bio-Oil works well added into my skincare and I especially like to do it after showering. The oil absorbs really well into my skin, I haven’t found it oil whatsoever. My skin feels much more subtle and hydrated, much less itchy and much more soothed. I haven’t used it specifically for stretch marks or scarring although I have used it over those areas I’ve noticed no change with them. I would recommend this to friends and family and to anyone looking to add extra hydration to their skincare routine.

Great for dry skin concerns

I have oily skin in some areas but find that the skin on my legs and buttocks can get a bit dry, especially in winter. It was suggested that I use this after surgery to reduce the appearance of my scars. I didn't use it as regularly as I should have so I still have scars. I did try using it on my stretch marks and it didn't work but I do like to use it as a moisturiser on my legs and sometimes on my face. It really helps with the dry skin that gets a bit itchy in winter. It glides on easily and you don't need to use so much. It doesn't feel oily on the skin surprisingly.

Great but other oils can do the same!

I was hoping this oil would fix all of my problems! Unfortunately it did not. I used this oil to help fade acne scars and hydrate my combination skin. I didn't find that it helped with acne scars or any other scars I had on my body. I also used this as a night moisturiser to help nourish my skin. Whilst it did help with moisture, I felt like it stayed on top of my skin rather than sink in. I would wake up in the morning and my skin still felt greasy. Although this is not a bad product, I do find better results with Jojoba and Rosehip oils on my skin.

Hydrating and nourishing

I have been using bio oil since I was pregnant and it was recommended to me to help prevent stretch marks. I never got a single stretch mark and was so impressed I have been continuing to use it ever since. The oil is silky and light and sinks straight into skin. Easy to use just rub it into dry skin or anywhere you want to treat marks, scars or just for hydration. It makes my skin feel so soft and silky and it’s really nourishing and is comfortable to wear on skin all day. it’s quite economical. A great product I will continue to buy and highly recommend

Bio Oil Skincare Oil

This is the first time I had purchased Bio Oil I had never used it before and after the winter months my skin has been extremely dry. After showering I applied a few drops into my moisturiser and massaged into my whole body. The scent itself is heavenly, sweet and floral and absorbed straight away into the skin I applied extra on the heels of my feet and areas where my skin has been extra dry such as my hands and cuticles. After suffering for many years from dry skin my skin has never felt moisturised and nourished. I would definitely recommend this for those wanting a more intense moisturisation.

Does Bio

So, Does Bio-Oil Work? Even though results vary from person to person, the overall consensus from the public is that yes Bio-Oil does work, and works well.

Can I use Bio

Bio-Oil helps replenish the skin's natural oils so is a great product to apply after bathing. And yes, you can safely enjoy the goodness of this exceptional product on your face. Apply Bio-Oil after bathing, showering, sun-tanning or swimming.

What are the disadvantages of Bio

It has some side effects such as Skin irritation, redness, irritated skin conditions. The salts Calendula Oil, Lavender Oil, Rosemary Oil, Chamomile Oil, Vitamins. are involved in the preparation of Bio Oil.

What are the side effects of Bio

You may use bio-oil for face issues like dark spots, wrinkles, and acne scars. Though considered safe, it may cause some side effects like a burning sensation and allergic reactions in certain people.

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