Can javascript connect to php?

Try using the includes reading documentation here, I think that is what you need

You can not tell javascript how to use PHP, because JS is a client language and a PHP server language and the workflow is first PHP and second JS and not vice versa.

If you need to take php data with JS, you need to use AJAX

well (it's an example, not tested)


    $someVar = 0;
    echo $someVar

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    JavaScript is the client side scripting language and PHP is the server side scripting language. JavaScript is used as client side to check and verify client details and PHP is server side used to interact with database. In PHP, HTML is used as a string in the code. In order to render it to the browser, we produce JavaScript code as a string in the PHP code.

    Example 1: Write JavaScript code within PHP code

    echo ''




    Can javascript connect to php?

    Example 2: Write JavaScript code outside of PHP code (in same PHP file)



    Can javascript connect to php?

    Example 3: JavaScript Function – DOM Manipulation (in same PHP file)

        echo "



    var x = myFunction(11, 10);   

    document.getElementById("demo").innerHTML = x;

    function myFunction(a, b) {

        return a * b;             




    JavaScript is best known for web page development but it is also used in a variety of non-browser environments. You can learn JavaScript from the ground up by following this JavaScript Tutorial and JavaScript Examples.

    PHP is a server-side scripting language designed specifically for web development. You can learn PHP from the ground up by following this PHP Tutorial and PHP Examples.

    Setting up a PHP backend and accepting JavaScript variables to PHP and dealing with output

    Photo by Lukas Blazek on Unsplash

    I have recently undertaken a project at work which required me to display the output from 950+ tests and analyse the results. It also required me to save the data from each run in a MySQL database and then display graphs based on the data from previous runs. I scripted it all up in python. Getting the output of the tests into a tidy form was pretty straight forward. The challenge for me however was both the JavaScript and the PHP having not written much in either language.

    The first thing to do is make a connection to your MySQL database:

    Can javascript connect to php?

    Pretty standard connection boilerplate (connection.php)

    The next php file I wrote was the file that checks which tables are in my database, and if it doesn’t find one called ‘runs’, it creates it.

    Can javascript connect to php?


    Now, the very cool thing about php, is having these little modular pieces of code spread across different files and being able to use them in your main code. Note that in create_db.php, it uses the variable $link, which was defined in connection.php. So, these two files would only work if they are called in order. You call and execute php scripts by using the keyword ‘include’. So from another php file we would do the following:

    I wrote the HTML and JavaScript that displayed the data. I continued to use small blocks of code in php files to carry out different MySQL queries and return different graphs.

    Can javascript connect to php?

    JavaScript file calling different php files

    Here, a Javascript function is called each time a drop-down menu is changed in HTML and a different graph is selected. Depending on the selection, a different php file is executed. These mostly follow the same process; carry out a MySQL query and use the pulled data to draw a graph and insert it into a target

    . I include one at random here:

    Can javascript connect to php?


    Since this php file is included inside a JavaScript function, there is no need for further