Can javascript connect to php?

Try using the includes reading documentation here, I think that is what you need


    var value = "";
    if[value == 0]{
        document.getElementsByName["button1"][0].disabled = true;

You can not tell javascript how to use PHP, because JS is a client language and a PHP server language and the workflow is first PHP and second JS and not vice versa.

If you need to take php data with JS, you need to use AJAX

well [it's an example, not tested]


     url: "getValueFromDB.php",
     success: function[result]{
       if[result == 0]{
        document.getElementsByName["button1"][0].disabled = true;



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    JavaScript is the client side scripting language and PHP is the server side scripting language. JavaScript is used as client side to check and verify client details and PHP is server side used to interact with database. In PHP, HTML is used as a string in the code. In order to render it to the browser, we produce JavaScript code as a string in the PHP code.

    Example 1: Write JavaScript code within PHP code


    Example 2: Write JavaScript code outside of PHP code [in same PHP file]



    Example 3: JavaScript Function – DOM Manipulation [in same PHP file]

    I wrote the HTML and JavaScript that displayed the data. I continued to use small blocks of code in php files to carry out different MySQL queries and return different graphs.

    JavaScript file calling different php files

    Here, a Javascript function is called each time a drop-down menu is changed in HTML and a different graph is selected. Depending on the selection, a different php file is executed. These mostly follow the same process; carry out a MySQL query and use the pulled data to draw a graph and insert it into a target

    . I include one at random here:


    Since this php file is included inside a JavaScript function, there is no need for further flags. The MySQL query is returned inside a JavaScript array, this array is then added to a standard google visualisation API call.

    Now the cool bit… for some of the graphs, the user would select the filters, so the MySQL call was not static. For these graphs we need to use JavaScript to send a variable to a php file. The following example is a function that is called when the user changes the value on a slider bar in the HTML.

    Here the function updategraph accepts two arguments. slider is the new value of the slider bar, and id is the id of the slider bar. id is the name of the php file without the ‘.php’ bit. To send the value of the slider bar to php we use a $.ajax function which use. Here the type is set to POST the url is id + ‘.php’, the data is the value of slider bar and here we call it runs. There is then a success function which deals with the output of the php call.

    My success function might seem strange, as I could have just used the eval[] function to convert the php string back to an array, but I read a lot about being careful using this function when dealing with MySQL queries as they can be used to corrupt data. This is probably overly cautious, but I split and replace in order to get to the data. I then insert this data in the google visualisation API call.

    In the php file, we scoop up that variable in with the $_POST['runs'] line. I have then used echo to output the data from the MySQL query. This is what is picked in the success function in the JavaScript function.

    I really enjoyed working on this project and have learnt some new skills. I hope this article has helped you with some of the basics of this process.

    How can I connect HTML and JavaScript to PHP?

    PHP function could be called in JS. Onclick=""; But JS function cannot be called with PhP. However, linking PHP to HTML is simple, just add the line

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