Checklist for conducting training

This subsection includes useful forms such as a sample agenda, a sign-in sheet, a training manual checklist, and a training logistics worksheet. There is a form to help you evaluate how you work as a team and identify improvement possibilities, as well as a form to evaluate leadership skills. These forms and checklists will help you keep track of training details and maximise your human resources.

  • Evaluate Your History: Build a Strong Team File Type: Word Document Pages: 2

    A form to help you evaluate how your team works together. The form helps you assess the effectiveness of your meetings, how well you share responsibilities, and whether people feel respected and heard. It helps you evaluate accountability and if you use inclusive, efficient teleconferencing protocols. Your answers will help you identify areas that your team can improve so you can create the best training possible and enjoy doing it together.

  • Leadership Characteristics File Type: Word Document Pages: 4

    A discussion of leadership from a more inclusive perspective, i.e., the idea that you don't have to be the boss to be a leader. This discussion of leadership characteristics, and of experiences with both positive and negative leaders, will enrich your understanding of the leadership qualities you may possess or want to cultivate. Sample characteristics are: uses creative problem solving, is recognized for being very fair, listens and attempts to understand others, and remains positive and productive during times of uncertainly and change. Use this rating sheet to draw out the best in your staff and those who will be building a curriculum with you.

  • Training Manual Checklist File Type: Word Document Pages: 2

    A checklist of all components needed for a training manual, including speakers' biographies, sign-in sheet, agenda, name tags, etc.

  • Training Logistics: A Worksheet File Type: Word Document Pages: 4

    A worksheet to help you track your progress as you take care of the many training logistics you will need to consider. You will be able to identify what you need to know, where and how to find the answer, and a place for team notes. The form covers structure [e.g., number of training days, best time of day], location considerations [e.g., safety, easy to locate, parking], and advertising and marketing methods.

  • Pre- and Post-Course TO DO Checklists File Type: Word Document Pages: 2

    Pre- and post-course TO DO checklists to help you track details related to training sessions. There is a list of pre-course activities, such as reserving a room, ordering certificates, creating a participant list, and setting up the room. The post-course list includes items such as collect evaluations and pass out certificates. Keep these lists handy before and during the training.

  • Training Agenda File Type: Word Document Pages: 2

    There are two forms here. One is a sheet describing the training, including materials and learning objectives. The other is for the actual training day agenda: what will happen and when. Personalise each form with your logo and training presenters' and coordinators' names. Remember to arrange for language and sign-language interpreters if necessary.

  • Sign-in Sheet: One Day File Type: Word Document Pages: 1

    A trainee sign-in sheet at a one-day training course. Can also be used on the first day of a multiple-day training course.

  • Sign-in Sheet - Multiple Days File Type: Word Document Pages: 1

    A trainee sign-in sheet at a multiple-day course. Use the Sign-In Sheet - One Day on the first day of training to collect contact information. Use this multiple-days sheet every day to track morning and afternoon attendance.

Have you ever thought, “I must remember to do this!” without remembering to do the task afterwards?

Probably. And you’re not alone. Us humans often have an excessive belief in our own memory. Sometimes this has no consequences, while other times the result is much worse.

We at FrontCore know that training providers, lecturers and organizers have a lot to think about. There is much to be done both before, during and after a training and event. Therefore, to deliver the quality that you promised your participants, you may want to use a checklist.

In this article, you can read about what a checklist really is, why you should use checklists, what you should include in your checklist, as well as how to create your own checklist.

What is a checklist?

A checklist is a list of things that need to be done, and/or evaluated. Checklists are used to reduce human error by compensating for limitations found in human memory. The list can be simple, such as a to-do to-do list, or be more advanced and include other factors – for example who is responsible for the tasks, deadlines, supplementary descriptions and the like.

Why use a checklist?

There are many reasons to use checklists:

  • You can’t remember everything. And it’s totally normal. With a checklist you don’t have to worry about forgetting things that are important to keep in mind in order to deliver as promised
  • Shortcomings and mistakes can be revealed in due training and corrected in advance of the training.
  • The checklist collects all tasks in one place and is easy to follow [unlike a ton of post-it notes floating around your desk].
  • You will feel more prepared and confident that you will live up to the participants’ expectations.
  • You will get more things done. With a checklist you will continuously be able to follow up on how you and your team is progressing and have an overview of what work  remains to be done.
  • Checklists provide a sense of mastery and a sense of having done something important. Aim for the good feeling you get for every item you check off on the list!
  • Shared checklists provide common understanding. By jointly designing and using the checklists, all involved parties will have an overview and the same understanding of who should do what, what deadlines must be met and what needs to be done.
  • Checklists lead to successful courses, and successful courses lead to satisfied customers!

Of course, what you should include in your checklist depends entirely on what you create a list for. Even between different types of courses and events, the content can vary greatly. The checklist for a crane driver’s training will not be equal to the checklist for a training in mind mastery. What is common, however, is that most courses require action points before, during and after the training.

Below is an example of checkpoints that can be included in a typical checklist for courses and events. Here is a social media expert who will give courses for beginners in Instagram marketing:

Before the training

  • Find and book rooms
  • Promote the training in all social media
  • Post the training on and your own home page
  • Receive keys for the room
  • Order food
  • Prepare training certificates for participants
  • Send SMS reminders to enrolled participants
  • Update PowerPoint presentation
  • Prepare the venue / meeting room for training
    • Arrange chairs and tables
    • Prepare projector and PC for presentation

During the training

  • Take attandance 
  • Distribute training certificates

After the training 

  • Clear the room
  • Deliver keys
  • Send out follow-up emails and ask for reviews
  • Send out bills and receipts
  • Invite participants to follow-up the training via email.

In addition to various checkpoints, you may want to clarify who is responsible for the assignment, the deadline for the assignment, the status of completion and any important comments/descriptions.

Making your own checklist

How do you make checklist? There are many different ways to create checklists. Although you can make lists on paper nicely, an electronic checklist will be much more convenient for most people. You can open an electronic list on your mobile phone, tablet and PC wherever you are. In addition, you can also share the checklist in the cloud, so your colleagues can access it as well. In this way, everyone will be able to cross off their tasks as they are completed, and everyone involved will have a continuous overview of their progress.

Electronic checklist template

You can create an electronic checklist in many different ways. Among other things, it is possible to create a checklist in Excel, a checklist in Word, and a checklist in PowerPoint.

Do you want a checklist of tickboxes for each item on the list? This can be a little trickier if you do not have a lot of experience using Microsoft Office. Fortunately, we have created a checklist template in Excel with checkpoints, which is especially suitable for courses, events and lectures. Download the checklist template in Excel here.

Create and use seamless and easy-to-use checklists linked directly to your tlistings in FrontCore’s training management system.

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