Comment and reply html code

You can use the following HTML code to create a comment box within your HTML document.

Example Comment Box Code:

The following comment box code consists of a form containing a small textarea [the comment box] and an input field [the submit button].

Note that the above code assumes that there's an "action page" to process the contents of the form. In this example, html_form_tag_action.cfm [located in the /html/tags/ directory] is the server-side script that processes the form.

To learn more, check out Add Comments to Website.


Customize the scrollbars [only works on WebKit browsers such as Chrome, Safari, and Opera].

Efficient honorificabilitudinitatibus cross-media information without floccinaucinihilipilification cross-media value. Quickly maximize timely deliverables for real-time schemas plenipotentiary.

Efficient honorificabilitudinitatibus cross-media information without floccinaucinihilipilification cross-media value. Quickly maximize timely deliverables for real-time schemas plenipotentiary.

Efficient honorificabilitudinitatibus cross-media information without floccinaucinihilipilification cross-media value. Quickly maximize timely deliverables for real-time schemas plenipotentiary.

More Scrollbars →

Send Email from your Comment Box!

You can use your comment box to create a feedback form that sends you an email every time someone clicks the submit button. All you need to do is change the value of the action attribute to a script that processes the form and sends you an email.

Here's an example of what I mean. This page provides you with all the code you need to create a feedback form.

Further Details

This info aims to help you understand the above code, which consists mainly of HTML tags [or HTML elements].

The form tags contain other tags nested within them. These other tags define the actual form elements that appear within the form - such as the actual comment box [otherwise known as the "textarea"].

You can use the following template as a basis for your HTML comment box code. Simply fill in the blanks or remove uneeded attributes.

1. The Tag

For an explanation of all the attributes, see the HTML form tag specifications.

2. The Tag

This tag defines the comment box within the form.

For an explanation of all the attributes, see the HTML textarea tag specifications.

3. The Tag

This tag defines input fields within the form and can be used for defining the submit button of the comment box.

For an explanation of all the attributes, see the HTML input tag specifications.

  • 25 min read
  • Coding, CSS, JavaScript, HTML5, HTML

The Web has become increasingly interactive over the years. This trend is set to continue with the next generation of applications driven by the real-time Web.

Adding real-time functionality to an application can result in a more interactive and engaging user experience. However, setting up and maintaining the server-side real-time components can be an unwanted distraction. But don’t worry, there is a solution.

Cloud hosted Web services and APIs have come to the rescue of many a developer over the past few years, and real-time functionality is no different. The focus at Pusher, for example, is to let you concentrate on building your real-time Web applications by offering a hosted API which makes it quick and easy to add scalable real-time functionality to Web and mobile apps.

Further Reading on SmashingMag:

  • Improve User Experience With Real-Time Features
  • Real-Time Data And A More Personalized Web
  • Building A Real-Time Retrospective Board With Video Chat
  • Where Have All The Comments Gone?

In this tutorial, I’ll show how to convert a basic blog commenting system into a real-time engaging experience where you’ll see a comment made in one browser window “magically” appear in a second window.

More after jump! Continue reading below ↓

Why Should We Care About The Real-Time Web?

Although the Real-Time Web is a relatively recent mainstream phrase, real-time Web technologies have been around for over 10 years. They were mainly used by companies building software targeted at the financial services sector or in Web chat applications. These initial solutions were classed as “hacks”. In 2006 these solutions were given an umbrella term called Comet, but even with a defined name the solutions were still considered hacks. So, what’s changed?

In my opinion there are a number of factors that have moved real-time Web technologies to the forefront of Web application development.

Social media, and specifically Twitter, has meant that more and more data is becoming instantly available. Gone are the days where we have to wait an eternity for Google to find our data [blog posts, status updates, images]. There are now platforms that not only make our data instantly discoverable but also instantly deliver it to those who have declared an interest. This idea of Publish/Subscribe is core to the real-time Web, especially when building Web applications.

Increased User Expectations

As more users moved to using applications such as Twitter and Facebook, and the user experiences that they deliver, their perception of what can be expected from a Web application changed. Although applications had become more dynamic through the use of JavaScript, the experiences were seldom truly interactive. Facebook, with it’s real-time wall [and later other realtime features] and Twitter with it’s activity stream centric user interface, and focus on conversation, demonstrated how Web applications could be highly engaging.


Earlier on I stated that previous solutions to let servers instantly push data to Web browsers were considered “hacks”. But this didn’t remove the fact that there was a requirement to be able to do this in a cross-browser and standardised way. Our prayers have finally been answered with HTML5 WebSockets. WebSockets represent a stardardized API and protocol that allows realtime server and client [web browser] two way communication over a single connection. Older solutions could only achieve two-way communication using two connections so the fact the WebSockets use a single connection is actually a big deal. It can be a massive resource saving to the server and client, with the latter being particularly important for mobile devices where battery power is extremely valuable.

How are Real-Time Technologies being used?

Real-time Web technologies are making it possible to build all sorts of engaging functionality, leading to improved user experiences. Here are a handful of common use cases:

  • Realtime Stats - The technology was first used in finance to show stock exchange information so it’s no surprise that the technology is now used more than ever. It’s also highly beneficial to sports, betting and analytics.
  • Notifications - when something a user is interested in becomes available or changes.
  • Activity Streams - streams of friend or project activity. This is commonly seen in apps like Twitter, Facebook, Trello, Quora and many more.
  • Chat - the 101 or real-time Web technology but still a very valuable function. It helps delivery instant interaction between friends, work colleagues, customers and customer service etc.
  • Collaboration - Google docs offers this kind of functionality within its docs, spreadsheets and drawing applications and we’re going to see similar use cases in many more applications.
  • Multiplayer Games - The ability to instantly deliver player moves, game state changes and score updates is clearly important to multiplayer gaming.

In the rest of this tutorial I’ll cover building a basic blog commenting system, how to progressively enhance it using jQuery and finally I’ll also progressively enhance it using the real-time Web service I work for, Pusher, which will demonstrate not just how easy it can be to use real-time Web technology, but also the value and increased engagement that a real-time factor can introduce.

Start from a Template

I want to focus on adding real-time commenting to a blog post so let’s start from a template.

This template re-uses the HTML5 layout defined in the post on Coding An HTML 5 Layout From Scratch and the file structure we’ll start with is as follows [with some additions that we don’t need to worry about at the moment]:

  • css [dir]
    • global-forms.css
    • main.css
    • reset.css
  • images [dir]
  • index.php


The template HTML, found in index.php, has been changed from the HTML5 Layout article to focus on the content being a blog post with comments. You can view the HTML source here.

The main elements to be aware of are:

  • - the blog post content
  • - where the comments are to appear. This is where the majority of our work will be done

Now that we’ve got the HTML in place for our blog post and for displaying the comments we also need a way for our readers to submit comments, so let’s add a element to collect and submit the comment details to post_comment.php. We’ll add this at the end of the

section wrapped in a

Leave a Comment

Your name Your email; Your message

Let’s apply some CSS to make things look a bit nicer by adding the following to main.css:

#respond {
  margin-top: 40px;

#respond input[type='text'],
#respond input[type='email'],
#respond textarea {
  margin-bottom: 10px;
  display: block;
  width: 100%;

  border: 1px solid rgba[0, 0, 0, 0.1];
  -webkit-border-radius: 5px;
  -moz-border-radius: 5px;
  -o-border-radius: 5px;
  -ms-border-radius: 5px;
  -khtml-border-radius: 5px;
  border-radius: 5px;

  line-height: 1.4em;

Once the HTML structure, the comment form and the CSS are in place our blogging system has started to look a bit more presentable.

Handling Comment Submission

The next step is to write the PHP form submission handler which accepts the request and stores the comment, post_comment.php. You should create this file in the root of your application.

As I said earlier I’m keen to focus on the real-time functionality so a class exists within the template that you’ve downloaded which encapsulate some of the standard data checking and persistence functionality. This class is defined in Persistence.php [you can view the source here], is in no way production quality, and handles:

  • Basic validation
  • Basic data sanitization
  • Very simple persistence using a user $_SESSION. This means that a comment saved by one user will not be available to another user.

This also means that we don’t need to spend time setting up a database and all that goes with it and makes post_comment.php very simple an clean. If you wanted to use this functionality in a production environment you would need to re-write the contents of Persistence.php. Here’s the code for post_comment.php.

The above code does the following:

  1. Includes the Persistence.php class which handles saving and fetching comments.
  2. Creates a new instances of the Persistence object and assigns it to the variable $db.
  3. Tries to add the comment to the $db. If the comment is successfully added it redirects back to the blog post. If it fails the redirection also occurs but some error text is appended to an error query parameter.

The final thing we need to do to have our Generic Blog Commenting System up and running is to update the blog page, index.php, to fetch and display the comments from the Persistence object.

  • Since this isn’t a real blogging system we’ll hard code the $comment_post_ID value to be 1.
  • Include the Persistence.php class and fetch the comments from it. Comments are associated with a blog post using a unique $comment_post_ID.

Since we now have the $comment_post_ID accessible via PHP we should update the HTML for the comment form to use this value.

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