Demonstrate self parent and keywords in terms of static members with examples in php

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In a lot of ways, PHP supports Object-Oriented Programming [especially using self::, static:: and parent:: in PHP].

Seeing code written procedurally is becoming archaic and akin to finding dinosaur fossils in the Antarctic.

We can all agree that writing code in an Object-Oriented way is better than writing it procedurally in a lot of ways.

One of the fundamental tenets of an Object-Oriented Language is the concept of inheritance. A programming language must support inheritance to be seen as Object Oriented or maybe. 

When writing classes in PHP, there will be times when we need to access methods defined in a class or a parent class within the class itself [rather than an instance of the class]. 

There are three such accessors that can be easily confused, and these are self::, static:: and parent:: in PHP. This article will describe these in detail to remove any ambiguity that might exist with these accessors.

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The self:: Accessor

In order to picture this, let’s look at this line of code:

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