Diagram of ring topology

... this research, we compare the proposed structure with other know topologies such as 3D hexagonal network, linear array, ring, binary tree, and hypercube as shown in Table 1. A Hex- Cell network with depth d is denoted by HC [d]. It can be constructed using units of hexagon cells, each of six nodes [1]. A Hex-Cell network with depth d has d levels numbered from 1 to d, where level 1 represents the innermost one corresponding to one hexagon cell. Level 2 corresponds to the six hexagon cells that surround the hexagon at level 1. Level 3 corresponds to the 12 hexagon cells that surround the six hexagons at level 2 [see: Figure 8]. The Hex-Cell network is divided into six sections labeled from left to right [clockwise] and numbered from 1 to 6. While each node is addressed by section number, both of; level number and the node number on that level are labeled from X ,......,X ; where n = [[2×L] - 1] [1]. Is a network design that can transmit the data in one direction and can form a single network segment that can communicate with each other in the level of TCP/IP data link layer. Such network can host several workstations. The major concern of such network is the transmission coordination to avoid collision. Carrier sense multiple access [CSMA] technique is used for avoiding collisions. Bus topology is mainly used for small networks and requires less cable length. Figure 9 shows a typical buss topology network. Is a network design in which each node is connected with only two other nodes in a form of ring [see: figure 10]. Data travels from the source to the destination through all the nodes located on the path. In order to avoid collision between the sending nodes, only the node who currently owns the token can transmit over the network. When a node finishes transmission, it passes the token to the adjacent nodes, and so on. The problem with this approach is that the token is passed to the nodes that need it and to those that has nothing to transmit over the network. The first proposed approach of embedding bus into Hex-Cell topology is based on two phases: First, clockwise move from the starting node at the same level. Second, move to the upper level [steps 1 to 5]. In case we want to convert the Bus embedding into Ring one, one extra phase is required in which a clockwise move takes place from the last node in the Bus embedding to the next node then a move continues to lower level until it reaches to the starting node [steps 6 and 7]. [see: Figure ...

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