Display csv file in html table javascript

Save the table contents to a variable first and set it to the innerHTML afterwards. Everytime you add a [or any not singleton tag for that matter], the browser immediately renders the closing tag.

Try this:

function createTable[] {
    var array = [[1,2,3],[4,5,6],[7,8,9]];
    var content = "";
    array.forEach[function[row] {
        content += "";
        row.forEach[function[cell] {
            content += "" + cell + "" ;
        content += "";
    document.getElementById["1"].innerHTML = content;

Because you are planning on using the FileReader API, IE9 support is off the table anyways. Updated the above function to use the 'newer' forEach array function


To load a file with javascript you have to use the FileReader HTML5 API. I can give you some pointers as to how you should go about doing this. This is all untested code, but it gives you a little idea what to do

1.Create a input field

2.Trigger a response on change of this input

var file = document.getElementById['file'];
file.addEventListener['change', function[] {
    var reader = new FileReader[];
    var f = file.files[0];
    reader.onload = function[e] {
        var CSVARRAY = parseResult[e.target.result]; //this is where the csv array will be

3.Parse the result to an array by using split/push. This uses \n as row delimiter and , as cell delimiter.

function parseResult[result] {
    var resultArray = [];
    result.split["\n"].forEach[function[row] {
        var rowArray = [];
        row.split[","].forEach[function[cell] {
    return resultArray;

[or you can use a third party plugin which will parse the CSV for you: papa parse, for instance]

CSV to HTML Table

Display any CSV file as a searchable, filterable, pretty HTML table. Done in 100% JavaScript.

Check out the working demo: //csv-to-html-table.netlify.app/


1. Clone this repository [in the command line]

git clone :derekeder/csv-to-html-table.git
cd csv-to-html-table

2. Add your CSV file to the data/ folder

3. In index.html set your options in the CsvToHtmlTable.init[] function

    csv_path: 'data/Health Clinics in Chicago.csv', 
    element: 'table-container', 
    allow_download: true,
    csv_options: {separator: ',', delimiter: '"'},
    datatables_options: {"paging": false}

Available options
  • csv_path Path to your CSV file.
  • element The HTML element to render your table to. Defaults to table-container
  • allow_download if true, shows a link to download the CSV file. Defaults to false
  • csv_options jQuery CSV configuration. Use this if you want to use a custom delimiter or separator in your input file. See their documentation.
  • datatables_options DataTables configuration. See their documentation.
  • custom_formatting New! A list of column indexes and custom functions to format your data [see below]
Custom formatting

If you want to do custom formatting for one or more column, you can pass in an array of arrays containing the index of the column and a custom function for formatting it. You can pass in multiple formatters and they will be executed in order.

The custom functions must take in one parameter [the value in the cell] and return a HTML string:


  //my custom function that creates a hyperlink
  function format_link[link]{
    if [link]
      return "" + link + "";
      return "";

  //initializing the table
    csv_path: 'data/Health Clinics in Chicago.csv', 
    element: 'table-container', 
    allow_download: true,
    csv_options: {separator: ',', delimiter: '"'},
    datatables_options: {"paging": false},
    custom_formatting: [[4, format_link]] //execute the function on the 4th column of every row

Note that you should take care about HTML escaping to avoid XSS or broken layout. jQuery has a nice function text[] which safely escapes HTML from value.

4. Run it

You can run this locally using this handy python command:

python -m SimpleHTTPServer

...or with Python 3:

navigate to //localhost:8000/

5. Deploy it

GitHub pages You can host your table on GitHub pages for free! Once you've made all your changes and committed them, push everything in the master branch to gh-pages which automatically enables GitHub pages.

git push origin master:gh-pages

Then navigate to //your-github-username.github.io/csv-to-html-table/

Read more on working with GitHub pages projects.

Web server This project should work on any web server. Upload this entire project [including all the css, data, fonts and js folders] to a public folder on your server using FTP.

6. iframe it [optional]

Want to embed your nifty table on your website? You can use an iframe. Once you've deployed your table [above in step 5] you can link to it in an iframe right in your HTML.


  • Bootstrap 4 - Responsive HTML, CSS and Javascript framework
  • jQuery - a fast, small, and feature-rich JavaScript library
  • jQuery CSV - Parse CSV [Comma Separated Values] to Javascript arrays or dictionaries.
  • DataTables - add advanced interaction controls to any HTML table.

Common issues/troubleshooting

If your table isn't displaying any data, try the following:

  1. Use the Chrome developer console or install Firebug for FireFox. This will allow you to debug your javascript.
  2. Open your table in the browser and open the javascript console
    • Chrome developer console on a Mac: Option+Command+J
    • Chrome developer console on a PC: Control+Shift+J
    • Firebug in Firefox: Tools => Web Developer => Firebug => Open Firebug]
  3. If you do see javascript errors, the error will tell you what line it is failing on. Best to start by going there!

Errors / Bugs

If something is not behaving intuitively, it is a bug, and should be reported. Report it here: //github.com/derekeder/csv-to-html-table/issues


  • Derek Eder - primary contributor
  • ychaouche - javascript tag fixes
  • Freddy Martinez - localized javascript libraries
  • Sergey Ponomarev - CSV escaped in HTML output
  • djibe - Bootstrap 4 and latest DataTables

Note on Patches/Pull Requests

  • Fork the project.
  • Make your feature addition or bug fix.
  • Send a pull request. Bonus points for topic branches.


Copyright [c] 2018 Derek Eder. Released under the MIT License.

How do I display a CSV file in HTML table?

Display any CSV file as a searchable, filterable, pretty HTML table..
Clone this repository [in the command line] git clone git@github.com:derekeder/csv-to-html-table.git cd csv-to-html-table..
Add your CSV file to the data/ folder..
In index. html set your options in the CsvToHtmlTable. init[] function..

How do I display a CSV file in JavaScript?

reader. readAsText[SELECTED FILE] Read the selected CSV file as text..
let csv = reader. result. split["\r\n"] Remember that CSV files uses \r\n to indicate new rows? ... .
for [let row of csv] { for [let col of row. split[","]] For each row, we further break down the columns and draw the table rows/cells..

How do you insert a CSV file in HTML?

On the File menu, click Import. In the Import dialog box, click the option for the type of file that you want to import, and then click Import. In the Choose a File dialog box, locate and click the CSV, HTML, or text file that you want to use as an external data range, and then click Get Data.

Can JavaScript parse csv?

Comma Separated Values [CSV] is used as a common format to exchange tabular data between spreadsheets and relational databases. In a JavaScript action, you can parse CSV data using the csv library.

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