Financial objectives là gì

A financial objective is a specific goal or target of relating to the financial performance, resources and structure of a business

Value of setting financial objectives

The key benefits of setting financial objectives include:

  • Providing a focus for the entire business
  • A measure of success of failure for the business
  • Reduced risk of business failure [particularly prudent cash flow objectives]
  • Help coordinate the different business functions [all of which require finance]
  • Provide target to help make investment decisions [investment appraisal]
  • Indicate to stakeholders [e.g. shareholders] what the priorities of the management are

Main types of financial objective

These can be summarised as follows:

Revenue Objectives

Most businesses set revenue objectives. Amongst the most common are revenue objectives relating to:

  • Revenue growth [% or value]
  • Sales maximisation
  • Market share

Cost objectives

Cost minimisation is a common cost objective - particularly in relation to controlling the fixed costs of a business and, therefore, the break-even output.

A business might also set objectives relating to unit costs and link these to targeted efficiency measures such as labour productivity and/or capacity utilisation.

Profit objectives

Most people assume that businesses aim to maximise their profits, so profit objectives are likely to be a key part of the overall corporate objectives for a business. Different types of profit objective include:

  • Specific level of profit [in absolute terms]
  • Rate of profitability [as a % of revenues]
  • Profit maximisation
  • Exceed Industry or Market profit margins

Cash flow objectives

A timeless quote states that, in business:

Revenue is vanity

Profit is sanity

, but Cash is KING

Which neatly highlights the important of setting cash flow objectives. With adequate cash flow a business is more likely to be able achieve other financial objectives by providing extra financial resources.

Typical cash flow objectives might include those relating to:

  • Maximum level of debt 9the absolutely amount, rather than the gearing ratio]
  • Amount of cash tied up in working capital [inventories, receivables]
  • Cash flow to profit %

Capital structure objectives

The capital structure of a business refers to the balance of its finance in terms of how much is equity [or share capital] and how much is is in the form of debt. The two key capital structure objectives tend to be:

  • Gearing ratio [the percentage of total business finance that is provided by debt]
  • Debt / equity ratio [the proportion of business finance provided by debt and equity]

Return on investment objectives

Financial objectives relating to the return that businesses make on their investment tend to be of two types:

  • Objectives relating to the level of capital expenditure - at either an absolute amount [e.g. invest £5m per year] or as a percentage of revenues [e.g. 5% of revenues]
  • Objectives relating to the return on Investment - usually set as a target % return, calculated by dividing operating profit by the amount of capital invested.

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