For letter in word python

I want to write a function which checks whether a letter is part of a word e.g

"u" part of word in "i c u" = false
"u" part of word in "umbrella" = true

asked Apr 15, 2013 at 6:53


>>> text = "i c u"
>>> letter = "u"
>>> any[letter in word and len[word] > 1 for word in text.split[]]
>>> text = "umbrella"
>>> any[letter in word and len[word] > 1 for word in text.split[]]

You might change letter in word to letter.lower[] in word.lower[] depending if you are case sensitive or nt.

answered Apr 15, 2013 at 6:55


124k29 gold badges227 silver badges227 bronze badges


Assuming you mean 'in a word' to be 'has at least one character on either side that is a "word character"', this would work:

import re
def letter_in_a_word[letter, words]:
    return bool[[ur'\w{0}|{0}\w'.format[letter], words]]

letter_in_a_word['u', 'i c u'] # False
letter_in_a_word['u', 'umbrella'] # True
letter_in_a_word['u', 'jump'] # True

answered Apr 15, 2013 at 7:02

Tim HeapTim Heap

1,66111 silver badges11 bronze badges

>>> word = 'i c u'
>>> letter = 'u'
>>> letter in word.split[' ']
>>> word = 'umbrella'
>>> letter in word.split[' ']

answered Apr 15, 2013 at 10:18

Raghav Aggarwal

Double each letter of a word in Python

In this Answer, we’ll learn how to use Python to take a word as input and output it with doubled letters.


Input: red



To solve this problem, we’ll use the repetition and concatenation properties of strings.

String repetition

In Python, any string when multiplied with a numeric value results in a repetition of the original string.

For example, when a string hello is multiplied by a number 2, the result is hellohello.

string = "hello"


String Repetition


  • Line 1: We store the string hello in the variable string.
  • Line 2: We print the result of the multiplication of a string with an integer.

String concatenation

When a string is added with another string, it results in the concatenation of both the strings.

For example, when a string hellois added to the string world, it results in the output helloworld.




String Concatenation


  • Line 1: We store the string hello in the variable string1.
  • Line 2: We store the string world in the variable string2.
  • Line 2: We print the result of the addition of a string with another string.

We need to repeat individual characters in the given problem instead of the whole word. To solve this, we will use both string repetition and concatenation together.


Take the input string and store it in a variable. Loop through the string using a forloop, multiply every character by 2, and add the resulting character to an output variable holding an empty string initially. This will double every character and add all the resulting characters to form an expected output string.

input_string = input[]


for i in input_string:

output = output + i*2




  • Line 1: We store the input string in the variable input_string.
  • Line 2: We store an empty string "" in the variable output.
  • Line 3: We iterate through the string using a for loop.
  • Line 4: We multiply each character stored in the variable i with 2 and add it to the variable output. Store the result in the variable output.
  • Line 5: We print the output variable.


Raghav Aggarwal

How do you search for a letter in a word in Python?

Use the find[] Function to Find the Position of a Character in a String. The find[] function returns the position of a substring. We can also specify the start and end positions in which we want to search [by default, the start is 0, and the end is the string's length].

How do you search for each letter in a string Python?

Use a for-loop to read every character in a string.
a_string = "abc".
for character in a_string: Examines each character in a_string..

Is letter function in Python?

The isalpha[] method returns True if all the characters are alphabet letters [a-z]. Example of characters that are not alphabet letters: [space]! #%&?

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