From the functionalist perspective, the media can be dysfunctional in what way?


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Chapters 6-10

From the functionalist perspective, the media can be dysfunctional in what way? They desensitize us to events
Sociologist Robert Park studied how newspapers helped immigrants to the United States adjust to their environment by changing their customary habits and by teaching them the opinions held by people in their new home country. His study was conducted from w The functionalist perspective
There are problems inherent in the socialization function of the mass media. For example, many people worry about both a and b
Media advertising has several clear functions, but it also has dysfunctions. Sociologists are concerned that all of the above
Gatekeeping, the process by which a relatively small number of people control what material reaches an audience, is largely dominant in all but which of the following media? the internet
Which sociological perspective is especially concerned with the media's ability to decide what gets transmitted through gatekeeping? the conflict perspective
Which of the following is now a problem feminist theorists see with media coverage? The increasing frequency of single moms in the media is providing a negative role model for women
Which of the following is not true concerning how men and women use the internet? Men account for 100 percent of players in online sports fantasy leagues
Sociologist Paul Lazarsfeld and his colleagues pioneered the study of opinion leaders
In his study of how the social composition of audience members affected how they interpreted the news coverage of riots in Los Angeles in 1992, sociologist Darnell Hunt found what kind of differences in perception? racial
Which of the following describes a condition in which members of a society have different amounts of wealth, prestige, or power? social inequality
In Karl Marx's view, the destruction of the capitalist system will occur only if the working class first develops class consciousness
Which of the following were viewed by Max Weber as analytically distinct components of stratification? class, status, and power
Which sociological perspective agues that stratification is universal and that social inequality is necessary so that people will be motivated to fill socially important positions? the functionalist perspective
British sociologist Ralf Dahrendorf views social classes as groups of people who share common interests resulting from their authority relationships. Dahrendorf's ideology aligns best with which theoretical perspective? the conflict perspective
The respect or admiration that an occupation holds in a society is referred to as prestige
Approximately how many out of every nine people in the United States live[s] below the poverty line established by the federal governments? one
Which sociologist has applied functionalist analysis to the existence of poverty and argues that various segments of society actually benefit from the existence of the poor? Herbert Gans
A measure of social class that is based on income, education, and occupation is known as the objective method
The poor, minorities, and those who live in rural communities and inner cities are not as likely to have access to the internet as other members of the US. The situation is called the digital divide
A plumber whose father was a physician is an example of downward intergeneration mobility
The maintenance of political, social, and economic, and cultural domination over a people by a foreign power for an extended period is referred to as colonialism
In viewing the global economic system as divided between nations that control wealth and those that are controlled and exploited, sociologist Immanuel Wallerstein draws on the conflict perspective
Which of the following nations would Immanuel Wallerstein classify as a core country within the world economic system? Germany
Which sociological perspective argues that multinational corporations can actually help the developing nations of the world? the functionalist perspective
Which of the following terms is used by contemporary social scientists to describe the far-reaching process by which peripheral nations move from traditional or less developed institutions to those characteristic of more developed societies? modernization
In at least 22 nations around the world, the most affluent 10 percent receives at least what percentage of all income? 40 percent
Karuna Chanana Ahmed, an anthropologist from India who has studied developing nations, calls which group the most exploited of oppressed people? women
Which of the following terms is used to refer to Mexico's large, impoverished majority, most of whom have brown skin and a mixed racial lineage due to intermarriage? mestizo
In Mexico, women now constitute what percentage of the labor force? 48 percent
Which of the following terms refers to the foreign-owned factories established just across the border in Mexico, where the companies that own them don't have to pay taxes or provide insurance or benefits for their workers? maquiladoras
Sociologists have identified five basic properties of a minority group. Which of the following is not one of those properties? cultural bias
The largest racial minority group in the United States is african americans
Racism is a form of which of the following? prejudice
Suppose that a white employer refuses to hire a qualified vietnamese american but hires an inferior white applicant. This decision is an act of discrimination
Suppose that a workplace requires that only English be spoken, even when it is not a business necessity to restrict the use of other languages. This requirement would be an example of institutional discrimination
Working together as computer programmers for an electronics firm, a hispanic women and a jewish man overcome their initial prejudices and come to appreciate each other's strengths and talents. This scenario is an example of the contract hypothesis
Intermarriage over several generations, resulting in various groups combining to form a new group, would be an example of amalgamation
Alphonso D'Abruzzo changed his name to Alan Alda. His action is an example of assimilation
In which of the following racial or ethnic groups has one teenager in every six attempted suicide? native americans
Advocates of Marxist class theory argue that the basis for racial subordination in the united stated lies within the capitalist economic system. Another representation of this point of view is reflected in which of the following theories? exploitation
Society brings about acceptance of basic norms through techniques and strategies for preventing deviant human behavior. This process is termed social control
Which sociological perspective argues that people must respect social norms if any group or society is to survive? the functionalist perspective
Stanley Milgram used the word conformity to mean going along with peers
Which sociological theory suggests that our connection to members of society leads us to conform systematically to society's norms? control theory
Which of the following statements is true of deviance? deviance is behavior that violates the standards conduct or expectations of a group or society
Which sociologist illustrated the boundary-maintenance function of deviance in his study of Puritans in 17th century New England? Kai Erikson
Which of the following is not one of the basic forms of adaptation specified in Robert Merton's anomie theory of deviance? hostility
Which sociologist first advanced the idea that an individual undergoes the same basic socialization process whether learning conforming or deviant acts? Edwin Sutherland
Which of the following theories contends that criminal victimization increase when communal relationships and social institutions break down? social disorganization theory
Which of the following conducted observation research on two groups of high school males and concluded that social class played an important role in the varying fortunes of the two groups? William Chambliss

What would a functionalist say about the media?

Functionalism sees the contribution that technology and media provide to the stability of society, from facilitating leisure time to increasing productivity. Conflict theorists are more concerned with how technology reinforces inequalities among communities, both within and among countries.

What is the functionalist perspective of social media?

In mass media, functionalism defines a scenario where different media groups that operate in a given society work together so as to be consistent in their operations. These groups come together and work as a whole so that every group gives similar information regarding an issue in society.

What Functionalists think of mass media?

Functionalists believe that mass media contributes to the benefit of society. Charles Wright [1975] identified several ways in which mass media contributes to creating equilibrium in society.

Which of the following is a function of mass media according to the functionalist perspective ?:?

From the functionalist perspective, mass media serve which of the following functions for society? a collective experience for members of society.

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