Gcd of two numbers without recursion in python

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    Given two numbers. The task is to find the GCD of the two numbers.

    Using STL :

    In Python, the math module contains a number of mathematical operations, which can be performed with ease using the module. math.gcd[] function compute the greatest common divisor of 2 numbers mentioned in its arguments.

    Syntax: math.gcd[x, y]


    x : Non-negative integer whose gcd has to be computed.

    y : Non-negative integer whose gcd has to be computed.

    Returns: An absolute/positive integer value after calculating the GCD of given parameters x and y.

    Exceptions: When Both x and y are 0, function returns 0, If any number is a character, Type error is raised.


    import math

    print["The gcd of 60 and 48 is : ", end=""]

    print[math.gcd[60, 48]]


    The gcd of 60 and 48 is : 12

    Using Recursion :


    def hcf[a, b]:

        if[b == 0]:

            return a


            return hcf[b, a % b]

    a = 60

    b = 48

    print["The gcd of 60 and 48 is : ", end=""]

    print[hcf[60, 48]]


    The gcd of 60 and 48 is : 12

    Using Euclidean Algorithm :

    The Euclid’s algorithm [or Euclidean Algorithm] is a method for efficiently finding the greatest common divisor [GCD] of two numbers. The GCD of two integers X and Y is the largest number that divides both of X and Y [without leaving a remainder].

    Pseudo Code of the Algorithm-

    1. Let  a, b  be the two numbers
    2. a mod b = R
    3. Let  a = b  and  b = R
    4. Repeat Steps 2 and 3 until  a mod b  is greater than 0
    5. GCD = b
    6.  Finish


    def gcd[a, b]:

        if [a == 0]:

            return b

        if [b == 0]:

            return a

        if [a == b]:

            return a

        if [a > b]:

            return gcd[a-b, b]

        return gcd[a, b-a]

    a = 98

    b = 56

    if[gcd[a, b]]:

        print['GCD of', a, 'and', b, 'is', gcd[a, b]]


        print['not found']


    GCD of 98 and 56 is 14

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    Given two integer x and y, the task is to find the HCF of the numbers without using recursion or Euclidean method.


    Input: x = 16, y = 32 
    Output: 16

    Input: x = 12, y = 15 

    Approach: HCF of two numbers is the greatest number which can divide both the numbers. If the smaller of the two numbers can divide the larger number then the HCF is the smaller number. Else starting from [smaller / 2] to 1 check whether the current element divides both the numbers . If yes, then it is the required HCF.

    Below is the implementation of the above approach:  



    using namespace std;

    int getHCF[int x, int y]


        int minimum = min[x, y];

        if [x % minimum == 0 && y % minimum == 0]

            return minimum;

        for [int i = minimum / 2; i >= 2; i--] {

            if [x % i == 0 && y % i == 0]

                return i;


        return 1;


    int main[]


        int x = 16, y = 32;

        cout = 2; i--]


            if [x % i == 0 && y % i == 0]

                return i;


        return 1;


    public static void main[String[] args]


        int x = 16, y = 32;

        System.out.println[getHCF[x, y]];




    def getHCF[x, y]:

        minimum = min[x, y]

        if [x % minimum == 0 and y % minimum == 0]:

            return minimum

        for i in range[minimum // 2, 1, -1]:

            if [x % i == 0 and y % i == 0]:

                return i

        return 1

    x, y = 16, 32

    print[getHCF[x, y]]


    using System;

    class GFG


    static int getHCF[int x, int y]


        int minimum = Math.Min[x, y];

        if [x % minimum == 0 && y % minimum == 0]

            return minimum;

        for [int i = minimum / 2; i >= 2; i--]


            if [x % i == 0 && y % i == 0]

                return i;


        return 1;


    static void Main[]


        int x = 16, y = 32;

        Console.WriteLine[getHCF[x, y]];





    function getHCF[x, y]


        var minimum = Math.min[x, y];

        if [x % minimum == 0 && y % minimum == 0]

            return minimum;

        for[var i = minimum / 2; i >= 2; i--]


            if [x % i == 0 && y % i == 0]

                return i;


        return 1;


    var x = 16, y = 32;

    document.write[getHCF[x, y]];

    Time Complexity: O[min[x, y]], here x and y are two input parameters.
    Auxiliary Space: O[1], since no extra space has been taken.

    How do you get the gcd of two numbers in Python?

    Using Euclidean Algorithm :.
    Let a, b be the two numbers..
    a mod b = R..
    Let a = b and b = R..
    Repeat Steps 2 and 3 until a mod b is greater than 0..
    GCD = b..

    How do you find the gcd of two numbers in Python using loops?

    Let's create program to find the GCD of two number in python using the loops..
    def GCD_Loop[ a, b]:.
    if a > b: # define the if condition..
    temp = b..
    temp = a..
    for i in range[1, temp + 1]:.
    if [[ a % i == 0] and [b % i == 0 ]]:.
    gcd = i..

    How do you find gcd without loop?

    gcd[x,y] //assuming x is the largest value //do r = x%y; x = y; y = r; //while r !=

    How does gcd work in Python?

    gcd[] method returns the greatest common divisor of the two integers int1 and int2. GCD is the largest common divisor that divides the numbers without a remainder. GCD is also known as the highest common factor [HCF]. Tip: gcd[0,0] returns 0.

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