Get string between double quotes python

I'm reading a response from a source which is an journal or an essay and I have the html response as a string like:

According to some, dreams express "profound aspects of personality" [Foulkes 184], though others disagree.

My goal is just to extract all of the quotes out of the given string and save each of them into a list. My approach was:

[match.start[] for m in re.Matches[inputString, "\"[[^\"]*]\""]]]

Somehow it didn't work for me. Any helps on my regex here? Thanks a lot.


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asked Mar 29, 2014 at 18:56


Provided there are no nested quotes:

re.findall[r'"[[^"]*]"', inputString]


>>> import re
>>> inputString = 'According to some, dreams express "profound aspects of personality" [Foulkes 184], though others disagree.'
>>> re.findall[r'"[[^"]*]"', inputString]
['profound aspects of personality']

answered Mar 29, 2014 at 18:57

Martijn PietersMartijn Pieters

986k274 gold badges3877 silver badges3236 bronze badges


Use this one if your input can have something like this: some "text \" and text" more

s = '''According to some, dreams express "profound aspects of personality" [Foulkes 184], though others disagree.'''
lst = re.findall[r'"[.*?][?

answered Mar 29, 2014 at 18:59

Sabuj HassanSabuj Hassan

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    In this article, we will learn to extract strings in between the quotations using Python.

    Method 1:

    To extract strings in between the quotations we can use findall[] method from re library.


    import re

    inputstring = ' some strings are present in between "geeks" "for" "geeks" '

    print[re.findall['"[[^"]*]"', inputstring]]


    ['geeks', 'for', 'geeks']

    Method 2:

    We can extract strings in between the quotations using split[] method and slicing.


    inputstring = 'some strings are present in between "geeks" "for" "geeks" '

    result = inputstring.split['"'][1::2]



    ['geeks', 'for', 'geeks']

    Here you can learn more about Regular Expressions and list slicing in python.

    Method 3: Using startswith[],endswith[] and replace[] methods


    inputstring = 'some strings are present in between "geeks" "for" "geeks" '

    result = inputstring.split[]


    for i in result:






    ['geeks', 'for', 'geeks']

    How do you find the string between two double quotes in Python?

    Use the re. findall[] method to extract strings between quotes, e.g. my_list = re. findall[r'"[[^"]*]"', my_str] .

    How do I extract a substring between two markers in Python?

    Use indexing to get substring between two markers.
    s = "abcacbAUG|GAC|UGAfjdalfd".
    start = s. find["AUG|"] + len["AUG|"].
    end = s. find["|UGA"].
    substring = s[start:end].

    How do you extract a string inside a single quote Python script?

    To extract strings in between the quotations we can use findall[] method from re library.

    How do you find the index of a double quote in a string in Python?

    index[] to find where the quotes[""] begin and end? temp. index['"'] , or temp. index["\""] .

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