Giáo an Tiếng Anh lớp 8 chương trình thí điểm

Giáo án Tiếng Anh lớp 8 chương trình mới, chuẩn nhất

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Với mục đích giúp các Thầy / Cô giảng dạy môn Tiếng Anh dễ dàng biên soạn Giáo án Tiếng Anh lớp 8 chương trình thí điểm, Tôi biên soạn Bộ Giáo án Tiếng Anh 8 đầy đủ Học kì 1 & Học kì 2 phương pháp mới theo hướng phát triển năng lực bám sát mẫu Giáo án môn Tiếng Anh chuẩn của Bộ Giáo dục. Hi vọng tài liệu Giáo án Tiếng Anh 8 này sẽ được Thầy/Cô đón nhận và đóng góp những ý kiến quí báu.

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Lesson 1: Getting started


1. Knowledge:

By the end of the lesson, students will be able to:

-understand new words and structures in the dialogue

-answer the questions after reading the dialogue.

2. Skills:

Drill listening, speaking and reading mainly.

3. . Education:

Educate ss to use: Verbs of liking + gerunds

II.  Main languages

1. Vocabulary:

+ leisure                          +wool

+trick                               +melody

+ craft kit                         +DIY


+Its right up my street

+Vietnamese folk songs

2. Structure:  

+I like reading comics

+Stop reading comics

3. Grammar:  

Verbs of liking

III. Teaching aids:

1. Teachers preparation :

-    Teachers plan of lesson 1

- Use of teacher and students books

- Use :

+cassette and tape


2. Students preparation :

-    Textbook

-    Ss book

IV. Teaching procedures:

-Management: From beginning to the last of teaching time

-New lesson:

Teachers activities

The content

1.Warm up :

-Ask Ss prepare photos or magazine cut-outs about some popular leisure

activities including those you often do in their spare time

-Ask Ss to describe them in English .Then ask them to guess which activities you may enjoy doing .

Encourage Ss to do the same in pairs .One S writes a short list of activities and the other guesses

2.Presentation :

-Ask Ss open their books to the picture .Introduce Mai, Phuc and Nick

-Ask Ss to guess where they are and what they are doing .For more able classes ,

brainstorm questions with Ss and wire them on the board .Questions may include :

+What can you see in the picture ?

+Why do you think Mai ,Phuc and Nick are there ?

+What are they holding in their hands ?

+What are they talking about ?

-Ask Ss read the dialogue in silence to find out new words and structures

-Explain new words and structures by asking Ss

-Let Ss give examples

-Ask Ss repeat new words and structures after the teacher

-Have some Ss read aloud before the class

-Let Ss read the dialogue in front of the class

-Ask Ss do part a individually

-Call Ss read their keys before the class

-Ask Ss read the dialogue again to do part b in groups

-Let Ss answer before the class

-Call Ss tick the board

-Ask Ss look at the board and correct

-Let Ss practice part c in pairs

-Have Ss to practice before the class in pairs

3.Practice :

-Ask Ss work in pairs to match the words / phrases in the box to the photos , then they listen together to check their answers

-It s time aloud ,ask Ss to use adjectives to say what they think of these activities eg exciting , interesting ....

-Ask Ss work individually to do the task then compare their answers with a partner

Tell Ss they need to look for the surrounding key words in order to complete the task .

Note that good and satisfied fit both items 1 and 5 .

Acknowledge the point with Ss who have them the other way round

4.Consolidation :

-Let Ss play a game in pairs talk about a leisure activity .

Try to keep going for one minute each .

When the time is up ,find a new partner and talk about another activity

5.Homework :

-Ask Ss learn by heart new words and structures

-Write about the leisure activity

1.Listen and read :

*New words :

-trick [n]

-craft [n]

-craft kit [n]


-leisure [adj]

-folk songs [n]

-melody [n]

-Its right up street

*New structure:

-> Verbs of liking +gerunds

-I like reading comics

-Ill enjoy listening to the melodies

a. Circle the correct answer:

->Keys :


4.craft kit

5.folk music


b. Which leisure activities do you thinkPhuc, Mai and Nick have ?Tick [V] the boxes .

Then find the information from the conversation to explain your choice

Phuc Mai Nick training

2.making crafts


4.listening to music

5.learning languages

6.playing sports

7.helping parents with DIY

*c. Answer the questions

-to check out something means to examine something to get more information about it

order to be certain that is suitable [on true or safe]

-Its right up your street ,it is the type of thing that you are interested in or that you enjoy doing

2. Find words / phrases in the box to describe the photos .Then listen to check your answers :

1. playing computer games

2. playing beach games

3.Doing DIY


5.visiting museums

6.making crafts

3.Complete the following sentences with words in the bo


2. exciting , relaxing

4. boring


*Game : Changing partners

Can use :

-describe the leisure activity

-say if you have done this activity or not

-share you feeling about the activity



Lesson 1 : Getting started :Its harvest time


1. Knowledge:

By the end of the lesson ,students will be able to :

-understand new words and structures in the dialogue

-answer the questions after reading the dialogue .

2. Skills:

Drill listening and speaking   mainly.

3. . Education:

Educate ss to use new words and grammar

II.  Main languages

1. Vocabulary:

+ expect


+ load the rice

+buffalo-drawn carts

+Its right up mi street

2. Structure:  

+How s your stay in the countryside ?

+I would like to visit the countryside at harvest time

3. Grammar:  

III. Teaching aids:

1. Teachers preparation :

-    Teachers plan of lesson 2

- Use of teacher and students books

- Use :

+cassette and tape


2. Students preparation :

-    Textbook

-    Ss book

IV. Teaching procedures:

-Management: From beginning to the last of teaching time

-New lesson:

Teachers activities


1.Warm up :

-Review the previous unit by calling on some Ss to act out some leisure activities .The class makes a guess .

-Then ask Ss to decide which leisure activities are more common in the countryside and why

-Write the word : countryside on the board .Brainstorm words and phrases describing activities

which take place in the countryside .For more advanced classes ,some comparisons of the countryside

and the city can be encouraged here

2.Presentation :

-Ask Ss to look at the title of the conversation and the picture and ask them some prediction questions

about what they are going to read

+What is the conversation about ?

+Which season is harvest time in ?

+What do you think the countryside is like at harvest time ?

+What do farmers do ?

+What do the children do ?

-Encourage Ss to answer the questions .Their answers can be as simple as one word or phrase

-Explain new words :

-Play the recording ,Ss listen and read

-Ask Ss if their predictions are correct

-Ask Ss work independently

-Ask Ss to read the sentences and decide if they are true or false

-Let Ss compare answers with a partner

-Have Ss correct the false sentences ,T write the correct answers on the board

3.Practice :

-Ask Ss to try to answer the questions without refering to the conversation first

-Then ask Ss refer to the conversation again for the correct answers

-Correct the answers as a class

-Ask Ss to look at the words and make sure they understand their meaning .

If they do not ,ask them to refer to the conversation and have a guess

-Then ask them to do the exercise .When they finish , ask them to check their answers with their partner

-Have Ss work in small groups to discuss and tick the correct box and look for expressions to support their answer

-Ask Ss work independently to label the pictures

-Have them compare their answers with a partner

-Write the correct answers on the board

-Ask Ss work in pairs to brainstorm some more countryside activities .Give them a time limit .

For examples ,two minutes to make their lists

-Call on each pair to share their list with the class .

-Write the combined list of activities on the board and leaves it there to be based in the next activity .

Before moving on ,T makes sure everybody understands all the vocabulary on the board

4.Consolidation :

-Divides the class into two teams for this game .

They can give themselves a relevant team name such as the horses and the buffalloes .

They charades with the countryside activity vocabulary from Activity 2 and the Ss list on the board .

To increase the fun element , give the teams a time of 10 seconds to guess the activity before it moves to the other team .

T keeps score on the board and announces the winning team at the end

5.Homework :

-Ask Ss learn new words and grammar by heart

-Make a list Countryside charades

Activities which take place in the countryside :

+load the rice onto buffalo-drawn carts

+fly a kite

+go herding the buffalo

1.Listen and read :

*New words :

-expect [v]

-buffalo-drawn carts [n]

-herd [v]

-envious [adj]

a. Are these sentences true[T] or false [F]


2.F :Nguyen joins the boys in herding the buffaloes

3.F :rice is transported home on buffalo-drawn carts



b. Answer the following questions

1.He s in the countryside

2.Right on his first day there

3.its big and colorful

4.His grandfather

5.He means that he wishes he were in the countryside too

c. Complete the sentences with the words in the box


2.move slowly

3.harvest time

4.paddy field


6.buffallo-drawn cart

c. In groups , discuss and find how Nguyen feels about his stay in the countryside .Tick[v] the appropriate box .Look for expressions from the conversation to support your ideas :

He likes it :

+Its more exciting than I expected

+It looks great up there in the sky

+I live more happily and there s still a lot more to explore

2.Match the activities with the pictures

1-e 4-c:

2-f 5-d:

3-a 6-b:

3.Can you think of some more things that children do in the countryside ?Make a list

4.Game : Countryside charades



Lesson 1: Getting started


By the end of the lesson , Ss will be able to get acquainted with the topic about ethnic groups of Viet Nam.

* Language content:

1. Vocabulary: Different cultural groups of Viet Nam.

2. Grammar:

+ Questions with question words.

+ Articles: a, an, the.

II/ Teaching aids :

Text books , cassette , chalk , pictures  and some boards.

III/ Procedure :

Steps and time

Learning activities

Language focus


A. Warm up.[ 5]

T: Ask Ss to do in two teams to solve the cross word puzzle. The team with the more points wins the game

1. Id like to buffaloes in the fields

2. The farmers are very busy during harvest time

3. Have you ever ridden a .?

4. People in the country are often open and ..

5. There are many . paddies in my hometown

6. I think . life is more interesting than . city life

Review vocabulary]

+ herd]

+ friendly]

Present vocabulary]

+ ethnic[a]

+whole class, team work.

B. Getting started[ 5]

Activity 1: Listen and read

Ask Ss to look at the picture in Getting started and Ask Ss some questions:

1. Can you guess who are they?

2. Where are they?

3. What are they talking about?

Ss: Answer the questions

T: Quickly write Ss answers on the board

- Play the recording

Ss: Listen and read the dialogue

T: Ask Ss if their guesses on the board are correct

Questions with question words.


Whole class

C. Doing [ 27]

Ex a: Find the opposite of these words

T: Ask Ss to do Ex individually

T: Ask them to share the answers with their partner

T: Ask one to write the answers on the board

S: Write the answers on the board, others correct then give the right answers.

1. interesting

2. largest

3. minority

4. southern

EX b: Answer

T: Ask ss to answer the questions orally without reading the dialogue

Ss: Ask and answer in pairs

T: Call two Ss write on the board

Ss: Write the answers on the board

T: Ask them to read the conversation and check the answers

Ss: Read then check the answers

T: Call Ss to correct

1.They are in the Museum of Ethnology

2.They want to know about the ethnic groups of VN

3. They are 54

4. The Viet [ Kinh] have the largest population

5. Yes, they do.


Ethnic [a]


ethnic group [n]


+ boring[a]

+ interesting

+ majority

+ minority

+ southern


Pair work

Ex c: Find the expressions

Ask Ss to read the conversation again then find the expressions

T: Ask Ss to do Ex a individually

T: Ask them to share the answers with their partner

T: Ask one to write the answers on the board

S: Write the answers on the board, others correct then give the right answers

Questions with: where, what, how, which.


Pair work

Ex d: Work in pairs

Ask Ss to role- play the example conversation in pairs

Encourage Ss to use How + adj !

Role - play

Pair work

Activity 2: Label the picture

T: Ask Ss to look through the pictures ten read the words and phrases then work in pairs and label each picture

Ss: Work in pairs

T: Help Ss to read the words correctly

T: Ask Ss to give their matching

S: Give their answers

T: Ask Ss to give their explanation for their matching and give the meaning of the words and phrases

T: Help them if necessary

Pair work

Activity 3: Complete the sentences

T: Ask Ss work individually to fill the words or phrases from the box in to each gap

Ss: Work individually

T: Have them compare the answers with their partners

Ss: Compare

T: Ask for Ss answers then give correction

1. ethnic

2. heritage site

3. stilt houses

4. festivals

5. member

6. terraced fields


+ Exactly

+ How interesting!

+ I see

+ Thats awesome!


Pair work

D.Perfoming [5]

Activity 4: Complete the table

Ask Ss to work in pairs and complete the table

Ask them to write answers on the board

Ask ss to add more words to the table

Ss: Add more words to the table.

T: Ask Ss to play the game : Quick quiz

T: Guide how to play the game

Divide the class into two teams, the monitor controls the game.

The team which is faster and has more correct answers wins the game

Quick quiz game:

1-Which ethnic group has the smallest population? The Odu group

2- Do the Hmong have their own language? Yes

3- Where do the Coho live?- Lam Dong

4- What color is the Nung s clothing?

Dark indigo

5- Which group has the largest population, the Tay or the Thai? The Tay

6- Whose arts are displayed at the museum in Da Nang? The Chams

Ask students to complete all the exercises


1.five- colored sticky rice

2.terraced fields


4.folk dance air market

6.musical instrument


8.stilt house

Pair work


Ask students to complete all the exercises

Question words: What, where, which, whose

Team work



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