How do i convert a yaml file to a dictionary in python?

I am having the following problem of mapping documents within a YAML file to a dict and properly mapping them.

I have the following YAML file, which represents a server [db.yml]:

instanceId: i-aaaaaaaa

I load this YAML file, which I can do without any problems, I think I understand that.

instanceId = getInstanceId[]
stream = file['db.yml', 'r']
dict = yaml.load_all[stream]

for key in dict:
    if key in dict == "instanceId":
        print key, dict[key]

I'd like the logic to work like the following:

  • load yaml, map to dict
  • look in every dict in the document, if the instanceId matches that which was set by getInstanceId[], then print out all of the keys and values for that document.

If I look at the map data structure from the command line, I get:

{'instanceId': 'i-aaaaaaaa environment:us-east serverId:someServer awsHostname:ip-someip serverName:someserver ipAddr: roles:[webserver,php]'}

I think I might be creating the data structure for the YAML file improperly, and on matching the contents on the dict, I am a bit lost.

Side note: I cannot load all of the documents in this file using yaml.load[], I tried yaml.load_all[], which seems to work but my main issue still exists.

In this article, we are going to see how to convert YAML to Dictionary in Python with the help of examples. Most of the time as a developer your requirement is that convert any YAML file to a Python dictionary, Then in that situation, you have an option to convert any YAML document or any YAML file to a Python dictionary. Python provides an external module pyyaml that is capable of converting YAML to Dictionary.


  • 1 Prerequisites
  • 2 What is YAML
  • 3 How to Convert YAML to Dictionary in Python
  • 4 Conclusion


Python provides two types of packages first is built-in packages that come with Python by default and the second is external packages that are installed using the pip command. So, to convert YAML to Dictionary in Python we will use pyyaml packages that come under the external package that means you have to install it by using the pip command.

pip install pyyaml

What is YAML

YAML stands for Yet Another Markup Langauge. It is a human-readable data serialization language that is mainly used for writing configuration files where data is being stored or transmitted.
It is becoming very popular in the last few years because it provides an intuitive serialize manner to make build configuration files.
You can see below the document that is an example of YAML.

YAML Document:

name: "Vishvajit"
age: 23
address: Noida
Occupation: Software Developer
- Python
- Django
- Flask
- FastAPI
- DRF [ Django Rest Framework ]

How to Convert YAML to Dictionary in Python

Here we will convert YAML to Python Dictionary in two ways first it uses a simple YAML string and another is from the YAML file.

Convert YAML to Python Dictionary

In this section, we will see the conversion of the YAML string to a Python dictionary.

Example: Convert YAML to Python Dictionary

import yaml
from pprint import pprint

#yaml document
yaml_document = """
name: "Vishvajit"
age: 23
address: Noida
Occupation: Software Developer
- Python
- Django
- Flask
- FastAPI
- DRF [ Django Rest Framework ]

# convert yaml document to dict
data = yaml.load[yaml_document, Loader=yaml.Loader]


{'Occupation': 'Software Developer',
 'Skills': ['Python', 
            'DRF [ Django Rest Framework ]'],
 'address': 'Noida',
 'age': 23,
 'name': 'Vishvajit'}

Convert YAML file to Python Dictionary

In this section, you will see how to convert the YAML file to Dictionary in Python using Python pyyaml package.


- name: "Vishvajit"
  age: 23
  address: Noida
  Occupation: Software Developer
  - Python
  - Django
  - Flask
  - FastAPI
  - DRF [ Django Rest Framework ]
- name: "John"
  age: 30
  address: UK
  Occupation: front-end Developer
  - HTML
  - JavaScript
  - React
  - Angular
  - Nodejs

Example: Convert YAML file to Python Dictionary

import yaml
from pprint import pprint

with open["students.yaml", "r"] as file:
    data = yaml.load[file, Loader=yaml.FullLoader]


{'data': [{'Occupation': 'Software Developer',
           'Skills': ['Python',
                      'DRF [ Django Rest Framework ]'],
           'address': 'Noida',
           'age': 23,
           'name': 'Vishvajit'},
          {'Occupation': 'front-end Developer',
           'Skills': ['HTML', 'JavaScript', 'React', 'Angular', 'Nodejs'],
           'address': 'UK',
           'age': 30,
           'name': 'John'}]}


So, In this article, we have seen all about how to convert YAML to Dictionary in Python. Most of the time as a developer you have a YAML file and you want to convert it into Python native data type dictionary, Then you can follow the above approach.

I hope this article will help you to convert YAML to Python Dictionary, If you like this article, please share and keep visiting for further Python tutorials.

Related Articles:-

  • How to convert Dictionary to Excel in Python
  • How to convert Excel to Dictionary in Python
  • How to convert string to DateTime in Python
  • How to sort the list of Dictionaries in Python

PyYaml documentation:- Click Here

Thanks for reading. 👏👏

About the Author: Admin

Programming Funda aims to provide the best programming tutorials to all programmers. All tutorials are designed for beginners as well as professionals.
Programming Funda explains any programming article well with easy examples so that you programmer can easily understand what is really going on here.

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How do you convert a file to a dictionary in Python?

Use str..
a_dictionary = {}.
a_file = open["data.txt"].
for line in a_file:.
key, value = line. split[] Split line into a tuple..
a_dictionary[key] = value. Add tuple values to dictionary..

How do I convert a YAML file to Python?

Parse YAML file using load[] function load[] function to parse the contents of the given file. It converts a YAML file to a Python object and prints the content in the form of a Python Dictionary. It is a recommended YAML parser and emitter for Python. The file is passed as an argument to the function.

How do I read a .YML file in Python?

We can read the YAML file using the PyYAML module's yaml. load[] function. This function parse and converts a YAML object to a Python dictionary [ dict object]. This process is known as Deserializing YAML into a Python.

How do you parse and extract data from a YAML file in Python?

How to parse and extract data from a YAML file in Python.
a_yaml_file = open["example.yaml"].
parsed_yaml_file = yaml. load[a_yaml_file, Loader=yaml. FullLoader].
print[parsed_yaml_file. get["a_list"]].

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