How do you load an html file?

Learn how to include HTML snippets in HTML.


Save the HTML you want to include in an .html file:


Google Maps

Animated Buttons

Modal Boxes


Progress Bars

Hover Dropdowns

Click Dropdowns

Responsive Tables

Include the HTML

Including HTML is done by using a w3-include-html attribute:


Add the JavaScript

HTML includes are done by JavaScript.


function includeHTML[] {
  var z, i, elmnt, file, xhttp;
  /* Loop through a collection of all HTML elements: */
  z = document.getElementsByTagName["*"];
  for [i = 0; i < z.length; i++] {
    elmnt = z[i];
    /*search for elements with a certain atrribute:*/
    file = elmnt.getAttribute["w3-include-html"];
    if [file] {
      /* Make an HTTP request using the attribute value as the file name: */
      xhttp = new XMLHttpRequest[];
      xhttp.onreadystatechange = function[] {
        if [this.readyState == 4] {
          if [this.status == 200] {elmnt.innerHTML = this.responseText;}
          if [this.status == 404] {elmnt.innerHTML = "Page not found.";}
          /* Remove the attribute, and call this function once more: */
      }["GET", file, true];
      /* Exit the function: */

Call includeHTML[] at the bottom of the page:

Include Many HTML Snippets

You can include any number of HTML snippets:


Try it Yourself »

w3.js is pretty cool.


and we are focus


but consider the below case

- 🧾 popup.html
- 🧾 popup.js
- 🧾 include.js
- 📂 partials 
   - 📂 head
         - 🧾 bootstrap-css.html
         - 🧾 fontawesome-css.html
         - 🧾 all-css.html
   - 🧾 hello-world.html

Hello World


// include.js

const INCLUDE_TAG_NAME = `data-include-html`

 * @param {Element} node
 * @param {Function} cb callback
 * */
export async function includeHTML[node, {
  cb = undefined
}] {
  const nodeArray = node === undefined ?
    document.querySelectorAll[`[${INCLUDE_TAG_NAME}]`] :

  if [nodeArray === null] {

  for [const node of nodeArray] {
    const filePath = node.getAttribute[`${INCLUDE_TAG_NAME}`]
    if [filePath === undefined] {

    await new Promise[resolve => {
      ].then[async response => {
          const text = await response.text[]
          if [!response.ok] {
            throw Error[`${response.statusText} [${response.status}] | ${text} `]
          node.innerHTML = text
          const rootPath = filePath.split["/"].slice[0, -1]
            const relativePath = elem.getAttribute[`${INCLUDE_TAG_NAME}`] // not support ".."
            if[relativePath.startsWith['/']] { // begin with site root.
            elem.setAttribute[`${INCLUDE_TAG_NAME}`, [...rootPath, relativePath].join["/"]]
          await includeHTML[node, {cb}]
          node.replaceWith[...node.childNodes] // //
      ].catch[err => {
        node.innerHTML = `${err.message}`

  if [cb] {
// popup.js

import * as include from "include.js"

window.onload = async [] => {
  await include.includeHTML[undefined, {}]
  // ...


Hello World

How do I load an HTML file in Chrome?

Open a new tab in Chrome, then press Ctrl [Windows] or Cmd [Mac] + O. It will bring up the same Open File menu. Find your HTML file and open it..
Choose File from the Chrome ribbon menu. ... .
Navigate to your HTML file location, highlight the document and click Open..

What is a HTML file and how do I open it?

An HTML file contains Hypertext Markup Language [HTML] that formats the structure of a webpage. It is stored in a standard text format and contains tags that define the page layout and content of the webpage, including the text, tables, images, and hyperlinks displayed on the webpage.

How do I import an HTML file into my website?

How TO - Include HTML.
The HTML. Save the HTML you want to include in an .html file: content.html. ... .
Include the HTML. Including HTML is done by using a w3-include-html attribute: Example. ... .
Add the JavaScript. HTML includes are done by JavaScript. Example. ... .
Include Many HTML Snippets. You can include any number of HTML snippets:.

How do I open an HTML file on a PC?

Most computers will associate your default browser with the . html file extension. That means that normally, you don't need to find a browser to open the file—you can just double-click on it, and the computer will open it in your default web browser.

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