How do you print a polynomial in python?

Python has really powerful iteration that will help you out here.

For starters, don't pass the len of something to range. Iterate over the something directly.

for x in self.coeffs:

This won't completely help you, though, since the index of the iteration is needed for the power. enumerate can be used for that.

for i, x in enumerate[self.coeffs]:

This presents another problem, however. The powers are backwards. For this, you want reversed.

for i, x in enumerate[reversed[self.coeffs]]:

From here you just need to handle your output:

items = []
for i, x in enumerate[reversed[self.coeffs]]:
    if not x:
    items.append['{}x^{}'.format[x if x != 1 else '', i]]
result = ' + '.join[items]
result = result.replace['x^0', '']
result = result.replace['^1 ', ' ']
result = result.replace['+ -', '- ']

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    The following article contains programs to compute a polynomial equation given that the coefficients of the polynomial are stored in a List.


    # Evaluate value of 2x3 - 6x2 + 2x - 1 for x = 3
    Input: poly[] = {2, -6, 2, -1}, x = 3
    Output: 5
    # Evaluate value of 2x3 + 3x + 1 for x = 2
    Input: poly[] = {2, 0, 3, 1}, x = 2
    Output: 23
    # Evaluate value of 2x + 5 for x = 5
    Input: poly[] = {2, 5}, x = 5
    Output: 15

    The equation will be of type:

    We will be provided with the value of variable and we have to compute the value of the polynomial at that point. To do so we have two approaches.


    • Naive Method: Using for loop to compute the value.
    • Optimised Method: Using Horner’s Method for computing the value.

    Naive method:

    In this approach, the following methodology will be followed. This is the most naive approach to do such questions.

    • First coefficient cn will be multiplied with xn
    • Then coefficient cn-1 will be multiplied with xn-1
    • The results produced in the above two steps will be added
    • This will go on till all the coefficient are covered.



    poly = [2, -6, 2, -1]

    x = 3

    n = len[poly]

    result = 0

    for i in range[n]:

        Sum = poly[i]

        for j in range[n - i - 1]:

            Sum = Sum * x

        result = result + Sum




    Time Complexity: O[n2]

    Optimized method:

    Horner’s method can be used to evaluate polynomial in O[n] time. To understand the method, let us consider the example of 2x3 – 6x2 + 2x – 1. The polynomial can be evaluated as [[2x – 6]x + 2]x – 1. The idea is to initialize result as the coefficient of xn which is 2 in this case, repeatedly multiply the result with x and add the next coefficient to result. Finally, return the result. 


    def horner[poly, n, x]:

        result = poly[0]

        for i in range[1, n]:

            result = result*x + poly[i]

        return result

    poly = [2, -6, 2, -1]

    x = 3

    n = len[poly]

    print["Value of polynomial is:", horner[poly, n, x]]


    Value of polynomial is: 5

    Time Complexity: O[n]

    How do you express a polynomial in Python?

    Write a Python function eval_polynomial[p, x] that returns the value of P[x] , where P is the polynomial represented by the list of its coefficients p . For example, eval_polynomial[[1, 0, 3], 2] should return 1*2^2 + 0*2 + 3 = 7. Use a single while loop.

    How do you add polynomials in Python?

    To add polynomials, you group together like-exponents and sum their coefficients. [In fact, if you were to stick with the Counter representation throughout, you could just return p + q ].

    How do you create a polynomial in Numpy?

    polynomial package, introduced in NumPy 1.4. ... How to….

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