How do you separate characters numbers and special characters from given string in python?

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    Given string str, divide the string into three parts one containing a numeric part, one containing alphabetic, and one containing special characters. 


    Input : geeks01for02geeks03!!!
    Output :geeksforgeeks
    Here str = "Geeks01for02Geeks03!!!", we scan every character and 
    append in res1, res2 and res3 string accordingly.
    Input : **Docoding123456789everyday##
    Output :Docodingeveryday

    Steps : 

    1. Calculate the length of the string.
    2. Scan every character[ch] of a string one by one
      • if [ch is a digit] then append it in res1 string.
      • else if [ch is alphabet] append in string res2.
      • else append in string res3.
    3. Print all the strings, we will have one string containing a numeric part, other non-numeric part, and the last one contains special characters.




    using namespace std;

    void splitString[string str]


        string alpha, num, special;

        for [int i=0; i= 'A' && str[i] = 'a' && str[i]

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