How do you sum odd numbers in python?

You can use the built-in sum[] function like this:

num = int[input["Insert number: "]]
s = sum[range[1, num+1, 2]]

range[] takes start [inclusive], end [exclusive], and step [In our case: start=1, end=num+1 and step=2]


>>> num = 9
>>> s = sum[range[1, num+1, 2]]
>>> s

If using while is a requirement, then you can achieve the same result with:

>>> s = 0
>>> i = 1
>>> while i < num + 1:
...     if i % 2:  # Or: i % 2 != 0, which means we only consider odd nums
...         s += i
...     i += 1
>>> s

Python program to get input n and calculate the sum of odd numbers till n

Sample Input 1:


Sample Output 1:


Program or Solution

n=int[input["Enter n value:"]]
for i in range[1,n+1,2]:


Program Explanation

For Statement is used to execute the sequence of instruction repeatedly.

Range[] method gives list of elements, here range[] method gives list which has 1,3,5... to n or n-1. for statement executes the instructions iteratively and for takes the elements one by one as value of i in sequential manner.

so it adds odd numbers.

Sum of Odd Numbers using For Loop in Python

Source Code

print["Sum of Odd Number using for loop "]

start = int[input["Enter the starting value : "]]
end   = int[input["Enter the ending value : "]]


for x in range[start,end]:
    if[x % 2 == 1]:
print["Sum of odd number is ",result]

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Sum of Odd Number using for loop
Enter the starting value : 1
Enter the ending value : 10
Sum of odd number is  25

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The following article shows how given an integer list, we can produce the sum of all its odd and even digits.

Input : test_list = [345, 893, 1948, 34, 2346] 
Output : 
Odd digit sum : 36 
Even digit sum : 40 
Explanation : 3 + 5 + 9 + 3 + 1 + 9 + 3 + 3 = 36, odd summation.
Input : test_list = [345, 893] 
Output : 
Odd digit sum : 20 
Even digit sum : 12 
Explanation : 4 + 8 = 12, even summation. 

Method 1 : Using loop, str[] and int[]

In this, we first convert each element to string and then iterate for each of its element, and add to respective summation by conversion to integer.


test_list = [345, 893, 1948, 34, 2346]

print["The original list is : " + str[test_list]]

odd_sum = 0

even_sum = 0

for sub in test_list:

    for ele in str[sub]:

        if int[ele] % 2 == 0:

            even_sum += int[ele]


            odd_sum += int[ele]

print["Odd digit sum : " + str[odd_sum]]

print["Even digit sum : " + str[even_sum]]


The original list is : [345, 893, 1948, 34, 2346]
Odd digit sum : 36
Even digit sum : 40

Method 2: Using loop and sum[]

In this, we perform task of getting summation using sum[], and loop is used to perform the task of iterating through each element.


test_list = [345, 893, 1948, 34, 2346]

print["The original list is : " + str[test_list]]

odd_sum = 0

even_sum = 0

for sub in test_list:

    odd_sum += sum[[int[ele] for ele in str[sub] if int[ele] % 2 == 1]]

    even_sum += sum[[int[ele] for ele in str[sub] if int[ele] % 2 == 0]]

print["Odd digit sum : " + str[odd_sum]]

print["Even digit sum : " + str[even_sum]]


The original list is : [345, 893, 1948, 34, 2346]
Odd digit sum : 36
Even digit sum : 40

Method 3: Using list comprehension 


test_list = [345, 893, 1948, 34, 2346]

odd_sum = 0

even_sum = 0

odd_sum += sum[[int[ele]

                for sub in test_list for ele in str[sub] if int[ele] % 2 == 1]]

even_sum += sum[[int[ele]

                 for sub in test_list for ele in str[sub] if int[ele] % 2 == 0]]

print["Odd digit sum : " + str[odd_sum]]

print["Even digit sum : " + str[even_sum]]


Odd digit sum : 36
Even digit sum : 40

Method 4: Using the enumerate function


test_list = [345, 893, 1948, 34, 2346]

odd_sum = 0

even_sum = 0

odd_sum += sum[[int[ele] for i, sub in enumerate[test_list]

                for ele in str[sub] if int[ele] % 2 == 1]]

even_sum += sum[[int[ele] for i, sub in enumerate[test_list]

                 for ele in str[sub] if int[ele] % 2 == 0]]

print["Odd digit sum : " + str[odd_sum]]

print["Even digit sum : " + str[even_sum]]


Odd digit sum : 36
Even digit sum : 40

How do you find the sum of even and odd numbers in python?

append[int[input[]]] except ValueError: print["\nInvalid Element Input! "] exit[] sum = 0 count = 0 for i in range[tot]: if nums[i]%2 == 0: sum = sum + nums[i] count = count+1 if count==0: print["\nEven number is not found in this list!

What is the formula for sum of odd numbers?

The total of any set of sequential odd numbers beginning with 1 is always equal to the square of the number of digits, added together. If 1,3,5,7,9,11,…, [2n-1] are the odd numbers, then; Sum of first odd number = 1. Sum of first two odd numbers = 1 + 3 = 4 [4 = 2 x 2].

How do you sum numbers in python?

Python provides an inbuilt function sum[] which sums up the numbers in the list. Syntax: sum[iterable, start] iterable : iterable can be anything list , tuples or dictionaries , but most importantly it should be numbers. start : this start is added to the sum of numbers in the iterable.

What is odd function python?

# Python program to check if the input number is odd or even. # A number is even if division by 2 gives a remainder of 0. # If the remainder is 1, it is an odd number. num = int[input["Enter a number: "]] if [num % 2] == 0: print["{0} is Even".format[num]] else: print["{0} is Odd".format[num]] Run Code.

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