How to add 1 hour in php time?

I have a time to which I want to add an hour:

$time = '10:09';

I've tried:

$time = strtotime['+1 hour'];

strtotime['+1 hour', $time];

$time = date['H:i', strtotime['+1 hour']];

But none of the above work.


28k21 gold badges75 silver badges127 bronze badges

asked Dec 18, 2011 at 13:43


Worked for me..

$timestamp = strtotime['10:09'] + 60*60;

$time = date['H:i', $timestamp];

echo $time;//11:09


strtotime['10:09'] creates a numerical timestamp in seconds, something like 1510450372. Simply add or remove the amount of seconds you need and use date[] to convert it back into a human readable format.

$timestamp = strtotime['10:09'] + 60*60; // 10:09 + 1 hour
$timestamp = strtotime['10:09'] + 60*60*2; // 10:09 + 2 hours
$timestamp = strtotime['10:09'] - 60*60; // 10:09 - 1 hour

time[] also creates a numerical timestamp but for right now. You can use it in the same way.

$timestamp = time[] + 60*60; // now + 1 hour

answered Dec 18, 2011 at 13:46


2,7211 gold badge20 silver badges18 bronze badges


You can do like this

    echo date['Y-m-d H:i:s', strtotime['4 minute']];
    echo date['Y-m-d H:i:s', strtotime['6 hour']];
    echo date['Y-m-d H:i:s', strtotime['2 day']];

answered Jul 2, 2014 at 9:21

Azam AlviAzam Alvi

6,6087 gold badges60 silver badges84 bronze badges


$time = '10:09';
$timestamp = strtotime[$time];
$timestamp_one_hour_later = $timestamp + 3600; // 3600 sec. = 1 hour

// Formats the timestamp to HH:MM => outputs 11:09.
echo strftime['%H:%M', $timestamp_one_hour_later];
// As crolpa suggested, you can also do
// echo date['H:i', $timestamp_one_hour_later];

Check PHP manual for strtotime[], strftime[] and date[] for details.

BTW, in your initial code, you need to add some quotes otherwise you will get PHP syntax errors:

$time = 10:09; // wrong syntax
$time = '10:09'; // syntax OK

$time = date[H:i, strtotime['+1 hour']]; // wrong syntax
$time = date['H:i', strtotime['+1 hour']]; // syntax OK

answered Dec 18, 2011 at 13:49

Frosty ZFrosty Z

21.6k11 gold badges81 silver badges110 bronze badges

try this it is worked for me.

$time = date['H:i', strtotime[$time.'+1 hour']];
echo $time;

answered Mar 25, 2016 at 6:53

Mayank VadiyaMayank Vadiya

1,4172 gold badges20 silver badges31 bronze badges


2020 Update

It is weird that no one has suggested the OOP way:

$date = new \DateTime[]; //now
$date->add[new \DateInterval['PT3600S']];//add 3600s / 1 hour


$date = new \DateTime[]; //now
$date->add[new \DateInterval['PT60M']];//add 60 min / 1 hour


$date = new \DateTime[]; //now
$date->add[new \DateInterval['PT1H']];//add 1 hour

Extract it in string with format:

var_dump[$date->format['Y-m-d H:i:s']];


28k21 gold badges75 silver badges127 bronze badges

answered Dec 16, 2019 at 10:38

Abhay MauryaAbhay Maurya

11k6 gold badges44 silver badges59 bronze badges

Simple and smart solution:

date["H:i:s", time[]+3600];

answered Dec 1, 2015 at 21:50

You can try this code:

$time = '10:09';

echo date[ 'H:i', strtotime[ '+1 hour' , strtotime[$time] ] ];

Hamed B

1391 silver badge11 bronze badges

answered Apr 6, 2016 at 9:12

I had a similar problem and the fix was to say “hours” instead of “hour”.

answered May 26 at 16:27

Beware of adding 3600!! may be a problem on day change because of unix timestamp format uses moth before day.

e.g. 2012-03-02 23:33:33 would become 2014-01-13 13:00:00 by adding 3600 better use mktime and date functions they can handle this and things like adding 25 hours etc.

answered Feb 11, 2014 at 16:17

2021 Update

Worked for me..

$text = str_replace[':PM', '', '19:00:PM'];   //19:00:PM  //Removes :PM
$text = str_replace[':AM', '', $text];   //Removes :AM
$time = strtotime[$text];   //19:00
$startTime = date["H:i:A", strtotime['- 1 hours', $time]];
$endTime = date["H:i:A", strtotime['+ 1 hours', $time]];


echo $startTime; //18:00:PM
echo $endTime;  //20:00:PM

answered Mar 20, 2021 at 6:13

How to add hours in php time?

In your case to increase the current time by 10 hours: $date = date['h:i:s A', strtotime['+10 hours']];

How to add time with another time in php?

Example 1: PHP Add Minutes to Time $newDate = date['H:i:s', strtotime[$date. ' +10 minutes']]; echo $newDate; ?>

How to add hours and minutes to time in php?

PHP | DateTime add[] Function The DateTime::add[] function is an inbuilt function in PHP which is used to add an amount of time [days, months, years, hours, minutes and seconds] to the given DateTime object.

What does time [] do in PHP?

The time[] function returns the current time in the number of seconds since the Unix Epoch [January 1 1970 00:00:00 GMT].

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