How to check if a number is 2 digit in python

I have created a function which checks if the number has any other digit other than 3 or 5, return false.

def isDecent[n]:
    digits = list[map[int, str[n]]]
    for digit in digits:
        if digit != 3 or digit != 5: return False
    return True


But unfortunately it's not working! Can I know the problem?

asked Mar 7, 2014 at 13:40


It's always true that digit != 3 OR digit != 5. So it will always return False.

Change the or to and.

Alternatively, check it as

if digit not in [3, 5]:

In fact, we don't need to convert the characters to ints just to check equality, and you could just do:

def isDecent[n]:
    digits = str[n]
    return all[digit in ["3", "5"] for digit in digits]

Or even digit in "35"... but I think that's less readable.

Another option is to use sets:

def isDecent[n]:
    return set[str[n]].issubset['35']

answered Mar 7, 2014 at 13:43


29.6k5 gold badges63 silver badges78 bronze badges


Since the why part has been already answered, let me show you how to do this efficiently

def isDecent[n]:
    return all[char in '35' for char in str[n]]

The sister version of the same

def isDecent[n]:
    return not any[char not in '35' for char in str[n]]

answered Mar 7, 2014 at 13:48


225k52 gold badges441 silver badges485 bronze badges


Your issue is that you are using an or instead of an and.

Just change your code to this :

def isDecent[n]:
    digits = list[map[int, str[n]]]
    for digit in digits:
        if digit != 3 and digit != 5: return False
    return True


And then everything works !

answered Mar 7, 2014 at 13:43

I suggest avoiding the conversion to a string:

def isDecent[n]:
    if n == 0:
        return False

    while n: 
        if n % 10 not in [3, 5, ]: 
            return False 
        n //= 10

    return True 

answered Mar 7, 2014 at 13:48


1,16115 silver badges22 bronze badges


You can use set:

if r in '353':
    print "Number contains 3 or 5"

answered Mar 7, 2014 at 13:50


4,14819 silver badges23 bronze badges


Other's have shown the problem in your code, here's an alternative.

def isDecent[n]:
     if not set[str[n]] - {'3','5','.'}:
             return False
     return True

It returns False on if str[n] contains anything other than '3' , '5' or '.'

answered Mar 7, 2014 at 13:48


6055 silver badges21 bronze badges

Another solution:

def isDecent[n]:
    s = set[[ x for x in str[n]]]
    if len[s] > 2:
        return False
    return [False,True]['3' in s and '5' in s]

for i in [5553334, 5553133, 111115, 33333555]:
    print i, isDecent[i]


5553334 False
5553133 False
111115 False
5553335 True

answered Mar 7, 2014 at 13:50

James SapamJames Sapam

15.2k11 gold badges47 silver badges68 bronze badges


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