How to find power of a number in python without using pow function

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    Method 1 [Using Nested Loops]: We can calculate power by using repeated addition. For example to calculate 5^6. 

    1] First 5 times add 5, we get 25. [5^2] 
    2] Then 5 times add 25, we get 125. [5^3] 
    3] Then 5 times add 125, we get 625 [5^4] 
    4] Then 5 times add 625, we get 3125 [5^5] 
    5] Then 5 times add 3125, we get 15625 [5^6] 



    using namespace std;

    int pow[int a, int b]


        if [b == 0]

            return 1;

        int answer = a;

        int increment = a;

        int i, j;

        for[i = 1; i < b; i++]


            for[j = 1; j < a; j++]


                answer += increment;


            increment = answer;


        return answer;


    int main[]




    function pow[a , b]


        if [b == 0]

            return 1;

        var answer = a;

        var increment = a;

        var i, j;

        for [i = 1; i < b; i++]


            for [j = 1; j < a; j++]


                answer += increment;


            increment = answer;


        return answer;


    document.write[pow[5, 3]];

    Output : 


    Time Complexity: O[a * b]

    Auxiliary Space:O[1]

    Method 2 [Using Recursion]: Recursively add a to get the multiplication of two numbers. And recursively multiply to get a raise to the power b.



    using namespace std;

    int multiply[int x, int y]



            return [x + multiply[x, y - 1]];


            return 0;


    int pow[int a, int b]



            return multiply[a, pow[a, b - 1]];


            return 1;


    int main[]


        cout 0]

                return multiply[a, pow[a, b - 1]];


                return 1;


        static int multiply[int x, int y]


            if [y > 0]

                return [x + multiply[x, y - 1]];


                return 0;


        public static void main[String[] args]


            System.out.println[pow[5, 3]];




    def pow[a,b]:


            return multiply[a, pow[a, b-1]];


            return 1;

    def multiply[x, y]:

        if [y]:

            return [x + multiply[x, y-1]];


            return 0;

    print[pow[5, 3]];


    using System;

    class GFG


        static int pow[int a, int b]


            if [b > 0]

                return multiply[a, pow[a, b - 1]];


                return 1;


        static int multiply[int x, int y]


            if [y > 0]

                return [x + multiply[x, y - 1]];


                return 0;


        public static void Main[]


            Console.Write[pow[5, 3]];





    function pow[a, b]


        if [b > 0]

            return multiply[a, pow[a, b - 1]];


            return 1;


    function multiply[x, y]


        if [y > 0]

            return [x + multiply[x, y - 1]];


            return 0;


    document.write[pow[5, 3]];

    Output : 


    Time Complexity: O[b]

    Auxiliary Space: O[b]

    Method 3 [Using bit masking] 

    Approach: We can a^n [let’s say 3^5] as 3^4 * 3^0 * 3^1 = 3^5, so we can represent 5 as its binary i.e. 101



    using namespace std;

    long long pow[int a, int n]{

        int ans=1;


            int last_bit = n&1;


                ans = ans*a;


          a = a*a;

          n = n >> 1;


          return ans;


    int main[] {

        cout> 1;


      return ans;


    int main[]



      return 0;




    import java.util.*;

    class GFG


    static int pow[int a, int n]{

        int ans = 1;

          while[n > 0]


            int last_bit = n&1;

              if[last_bit != 0]{

                ans = ans*a;


          a = a*a;

          n = n >> 1;


          return ans;


    public static void main[String[] args]






    def pow[a, n]:

        ans = 1

        while[n > 0]:

            last_bit = n&1


                ans = ans*a

            a = a*a

            n = n >> 1

        return ans

    print[pow[3, 5]]


    using System;

    using System.Numerics;

    using System.Collections.Generic;

    public class GFG {

    static int pow[int a, int n]{

        int ans = 1;

          while[n > 0]


            int last_bit = n&1;

              if[last_bit != 0]{

                ans = ans*a;


          a = a*a;

          n = n >> 1;


          return ans;


    public static void Main[string[] args]






    function pow[a, n]{

        let ans = 1;

        while[n > 0]


            let last_bit = n&1;



                ans = ans*a;


            a = a*a;

            n = n >> 1;


        return ans;




    Time Complexity: O[log n]

    Auxiliary Space: O[1]

    Please write comments if you find any bug in the above code/algorithm, or find other ways to solve the same problem.

    How do you find power without pow function?

    Find out Power without Using POW Function in C.
    Let a ^ b be the input. The base is a, while the exponent is b..
    Start with a power of 1..
    Using a loop, execute the following instructions b times..
    power = power * a..
    The power system has the final solution, a ^ b..

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    import math. print[math. pow[4,2]] Run. Importing math module in Python..
    def power[n,e]: res=0. for i in range[e]: res *= n. return res. print[pow[4,2]] Run. ... .
    def power[n, e]: if e == 0: return 1. elif e == 1: return n. else: return [n*power[n, e-1]].

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    Python Power: ** Operator The Python ** operator is used to raise a number in Python to the power of an exponent. In other words, ** is the power operator in Python. Our program returns the following result: 25 .

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