How to store javascript value in php variable

You have to remember that if JS and PHP live in the same document, the PHP will be executed first [at the server] and the JS will be executed second [at the browser]--and the two will NEVER interact [excepting where you output JS with PHP, which is not really an interaction between the two engines].

With that in mind, the closest you could come is to use a PHP variable in your JS:

    var a = ''; //outputting string foo in context of JS
                                 //must wrap in quotes so that it is still string foo when JS does execute
                                 //when this DOES execute in the browser, PHP will have already completed all processing and exited


Method 2: Using Cookies to store information:
Client Side: Use Cookie to store the information, which is then requested in the PHP page. A cookie named gfg is created in the code below and the value GeeksforGeeks is stored. While creating a cookie, an expire time should also be specified, which is 10 days for this case.

// Creating a cookie after the document is ready

$[document].ready[function [] {

    createCookie["gfg", "GeeksforGeeks", "10"];


// Function to create the cookie

function createCookie[name, value, days] {

    var expires;

    if [days] {

        var date = new Date[];

        date.setTime[date.getTime[] + [days * 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000]];

        expires = "; expires=" + date.toGMTString[];


    else {

        expires = "";


    document.cookie = escape[name] + "=" + 

        escape[value] + expires + "; path=/";


Server Side[PHP]: On the server side, we request for the cookie by specifying the name gfg and extract the data to display it on the screen.


JavaScript is best known for web page development but it is also used in a variety of non-browser environments. You can learn JavaScript from the ground up by following this JavaScript Tutorial and JavaScript Examples.

PHP is a server-side scripting language designed specifically for web development. You can learn PHP from the ground up by following this PHP Tutorial and PHP Examples.

How can we store JavaScript variable data in PHP variable?

After the execution of the javascript code and after assigning the relevant value to the relevant javascript variable, you can use form submission or ajax to send that javascript variable value to use by another php page [or a request to process and get the same php page].

Can I use JavaScript variable in PHP?

The way to pass a JavaScript variable to PHP is through a request. This type of URL is only visible if we use the GET action, the POST action hides the information in the URL. Server Side[PHP]: On the server side PHP page, we request for the data submitted by the form and display the result. $result = $_GET [ 'data' ];

How use JavaScript variable in PHP SQL query?

php $var1 = $_POST['var1']; $var2 = $_POST['var2']; $getvalue="SELECT id,name from table1 WHERE column1='$var1' and column2='$var2'"; $result=mysql_query[$getvalue] or die[mysql_error[]]; while[$row=mysql_fetch_array[$result]]{ extract[$row]; echo $name; } ?>

How can we store post value in PHP variable?

To preserve your post values, store them in $_SESSION, then they'll be available for all subsequent page loads. since you are hardcoding the value of page, you will always be on page 0 [or First according to your logic]. You need to use sessions to retain data!

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