How will you add Gadgets to the desktop?

Windows 7 / Getting Started

Open the Gadget Gallery and Add Gadgets to the Desktop

  1. Right-click the desktop and choose Gadgets to open the Gadget Gallery window. Note that the gadgets that are included in your gallery may vary depending on your computer manufacturer.
  2. Click any gadget and drag it to the desktop.
  3. Click the Close button to close the Gadget Gallery.

Tip Gadgets are hot, and people are creating more all the time. Click the Get More Gadgets Online link in the Gadget Gallery to scope out the latest gadgets and then download them.

Tip If you want to send a gadget away, just place your mouse over it and then click the Close button [marked with an X] that appears next to it. The gadget closes. Just follow the steps above to display it on the desktop again at any time.

[Contents] [Next]

In this tutorial:

  1. Using the Windows Gadget Gallery and Gadgets
  2. Open the Gadget Gallery and Add Gadgets to the Desktop
  3. Check the Time
  4. Display a Continuous Slide Show
  5. Use the Windows Calendar
  6. Play with Puzzles
  7. Convert Currency
  8. Use the Feed Headlines Gadget
  9. Get the Latest Stock Quotes
  10. Monitor Your CPU

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