Hướng dẫn dùng practice python python

Whether you’re just starting your learning journey or looking to brush up before a job interview, getting the right Python practice can make a big difference.

Studies on learning have repeatedly shown that people learn best by doing. So here are 74 ways to practice Python online by writing actual code.

Practice with Free Python Coding Exercises

Click on any of these links to sign up for a free account and dive into interactive online practice exercises where you’ll write real code! These exercises are great for beginniners.

  • The absolute basics of Python

  • Variables and data types

  • Lists and for loops

  • Conditional statements [if-else]

  • Dictionaries

  • Python functions

  • Lists

  • Cleaning data in Python

  • Data analysis practice

  • Object-oriented programming

  • Dates and times

  • NumPy basics

  • NumPy index selection

  • Boolean Indexing with NumPy

  • Creating ndarrays

  • Ndarray methods

  • Pandas basics

  • Pandas series practice

  • Loading and exploring data in pandas

  • Selecting data in a dataframe

  • Boolean masks in pandas

  • Pandas data cleaning practice

  • Line graphs with Matplotlib

  • Aggregating data in Python

  • Regular expressions

These are just the tip of the iceberg. We have many more free Python practice problems.

Practice with Online Python Courses

If you’re looking for more structure, then practicing with Python courses online may be your cup of tea. See below for some recommended courses.

Python Introduction

  • Variables, Data Types, and Lists in Python

  • For Loops and Conditional Statements in Python

  • Dictionaries, Frequency Tables, and Functions in Python

  • Python Functions and Learn Jupyter Notebook

  • Python for Data Science: Intermediate

Data Analysis and Visualization

  • Pandas and NumPy Fundamentals

  • Data Visualization Fundamentals

  • Storytelling Data Visualization and Information Design

Data Cleaning

  • Data Cleaning and Analysis

  • Data Cleaning in Python: Advanced

  • Data Cleaning Project Walkthrough

Machine Learning

  • Intro to Supervised Machine Learning

  • Intro to Unsupervised Machine Learning

  • Linear Regression Modeling

  • Gradient Descent Modeling

  • Logistic Regression Modeling

  • Decision Tree and Random Forest Modeling

  • Optimizing Machine Learning Models

Throughout these courses, you’ll be given questions and assignments to test your skills. Additionally, some of these courses contain a guided project that allows you to apply everything you’ve learned.

Practice with Python Projects

One of the most effective ways to practice Python online is with projects. Here are a few projects you can use to start practicing right now. The links below will take you to a course that contains the project you’re looking for.

  • Prison Break — Have some fun, and analyze a dataset of helicopter prison escapes using Python and Jupyter Notebook.

  • Profitable App Profiles for the App Store and Google Play Markets — In this guided project, you’ll work as a data analyst for a company that builds mobile apps. You’ll use Python to provide value through practical data analysis.

  • Exploring Hacker News Posts — Work with a dataset of submissions to Hacker News, a popular technology site.

  • Exploring eBay Car Sales Data — Use Python to work with a scraped dataset of used cars from eBay Kleinanzeigen, a classifieds section of the German eBay website.

  • Finding Heavy Traffic Indicators on I-94 — Explore how using the pandas plotting functionality along with the Jupyter Notebook interface allows us to explore data quickly using visualizations.

  • Storytelling Data Visualization on Exchange Rates — Quickly create multiple subsetted plots using one or more conditions.

  • Clean and Analyze Employee Exit Surveys — Work with exit surveys from employees of the Department of Education in Queensland, Australia. Play the role of a data analyst and pretend the stakeholders want answers to important data questions.

  • Star Wars Survey — In this project, you’ll work with Jupyter Notebook to analyze data on the Star Wars movies.

  • Analyzing NYC High School Data — Discover the SAT performance of different demographics using scatter plots and maps.

If these didn’t spark your interest, here are plenty of other online Python projects you can try.

Practice with Online Python Tutorials

If online practice exercises, courses, and projects don’t appeal to you, here are a few blog-style tutorials that will help you learn Python.

  • Plot a bar graph

  • Web scraping

  • Python datetime

  • Python math module

  • Python strings

  • Read files in Python

  • Python dictionaries

  • Python data structures

  • Python subprocess

  • Python ternary

  • Python tuples

  • Python sets

  • Python classes

  • Python lists

  • Lambda functions

  • If statements

  • Reset index in pandas

  • GroupBy in pandas

The web is full of thousands of other beginner Python tutorials, too. As long as you’ve got a solid foundation in the Python basics, you can find great practice through many of them.

Frequently Asked Questions

Where can I practice Python programming?

  1. Dataquest.io has dozens of free interactive practice questions, as well as free interactive lessons, project ideas, tutorials, and more.

  2. HackerRank is a great site for practice that’s also interactive.

  3. CodingGame is a fun platform for practice that supports Python.

  4. Edabit has Python challenges that can be good for practicing or self-testing.

You can also practice Python using all of the interactive lessons listed above

How can I practice Python at home?

  1. Install Python on your machine. You can download it directly here, or download a program like Anaconda Individual Edition that makes the process easier. Or you can find an interactive online platform like Dataquest and write code in your browser without installing anything.

  2. Find a good Python project or some practice problems to work on.

  3. Make detailed plans. Scheduling your practice sessions will make you more likely to follow through.

  4. Join an online community. It’s always great to get help from a real person. Reddit has great Python communities, and Dataquest’s community is great if you’re learning Python data skills.

Can I learn Python in 30 days?

In 30 days, you can definitely learn enough Python to be able to build some cool things. You won’t be able to master Python that quickly, but you could learn to complete a specific project or do things like automate some aspects of your job.

Read more about how long it takes to learn Python.

Can I practice Python on mobile?

Yes, there are many apps that allow you to practice Python on both iOS and Android. However, this shouldn’t be your primary form of practice if you aspire to use Python in your career— it’s good to practice installing and working with Python on desktops and laptops since that’s how most professional programming work is done.

How quickly can you learn Python?

You can learn the fundamentals of Python in a weekend. If you’re diligent, you can learn enough to complete small projects and genuinely impact your work within a month or so. Mastering Python takes much longer, but you don’t need to become a master to get things done!

Read more about how long it takes to learn Python.


About the author

Charlie Custer

Charlie is a student of data science, and also a content marketer at Dataquest. In his free time, he's learning to mountain bike and making videos about it.

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