Hướng dẫn pep8 cheat sheet pdf

Naming conven­tions

Never use l, O, or I single letter names as these can be mistaken for 1 and 0, depending on typeface

O = 2 # This may look like you're trying to reassign 2 to zero


function, my_fun­ction


x, var, my_var­iable


Model, MyClass


class_­method, method




module.py, my_mod­ule.py


package, mypackage

Maximum Line Length and Line Breaking

PEP 8 suggests lines should be limited to 79 characters. This is because it allows you to have multiple files open next to one another, while also avoiding line wrapping.

Python will assume line continuation if code is contained within parentheses, brackets, or braces:
def function[arg_one, arg_two,
             arg_three, arg_four]:
    return arg_one

If it is impossible to use implied continuation, then you can use backslashes to break lines instead:
from mypkg import example1, \
    example2, example3

# Recommended
total = [first_variable
         + second_variable
         - third_variable]

# Not Recommended
total = [first_variable +
         second_variable -


Use 4 consec­utive spaces to indicate indent­ation.

Prefer spaces over tabs.


Limit the line length of comments and docstrings to 72 charac­ters.

Use complete sentences, starting with a capital letter.

Make sure to update comments if you change your code.

Block Comments

Indent block comments to the same level as the code they describe.

Start each line with a # followed by a single space.

Separate paragraphs by a line containing a single #.

Inline Comments

Use inline comments sparingly.

Write inline comments on the same line as the statement they refer to.

Separate inline comments by two or more spaces from the statement.

Start inline comments with a # and a single space, like block comments.

Don’t use them to explain the obvious.

When to Avoid Adding Whitespace

The most important place to avoid adding whitespace is at the end of a line. This is known as trailing whitespace

Immedi­ately inside parent­heses, brackets, or braces:

Before a comma, semicolon, or colon:

Before the open parent­hesis that starts the argument list of a function call:

Before the open bracket that starts an index or slice:

Between a trailing comma and a closing parent­hesis:

To align assignment operators:

immedi­ately inside brackets, as well as before commas and colons.

Progra­mming Recomm­end­ations

Don’t compare boolean values to True or False using the equiva­lence operator.

Use the fact that empty sequences are falsy in if statem­ents.

Use is not rather than not ... is in if statem­ents.

Don’t use if x: when you mean if x is not None:

Use .start­swith[] and .endsw­ith[] instead of slicing.


Code Layout

Surround top-level functions and classes with two blank lines

Surround method defini­tions inside classes with a single blank line.

Use blank lines sparingly inside functions to show clear steps.

Indent­ation Following Line Breaks

There are two styles of indent­ation you can use.

The first of these is to align the indented block with the opening delimiter:

An altern­ative style of indent­ation following a line break is a hanging indent. This is a typogr­aphical term meaning that every line but the first in a paragraph or statement is indented.

Indent­ation Following Line Breaks 2

def function[arg_one, arg_two,
             arg_three, arg_four]:
    return arg_one

x = 5
if [x > 3 and
    x < 10]:

x = 5
if [x > 3 and
    x < 10]:
    # Both conditions satisfied

x = 5
if [x > 3 and
        x < 10]:

# hanging indent
var = function[
    arg_one, arg_two,
    arg_three, arg_four]

Where to Put the Closing Brace

PEP 8 provides two options for the position of the closing brace in implied line continuations:

1 - Line up the closing brace with the first non-whitespace character of the previous line:

list_of_numbers = [
    1, 2, 3,
    4, 5, 6,
    7, 8, 9

2 - Line up the closing brace with the first character of the line that starts the construct:
list_of_numbers = [
    1, 2, 3,
    4, 5, 6,
    7, 8, 9

Docume­ntation Strings

Surround docstrings with three double quotes on either side, as in "­"­"This is a docstr­ing­"­"­".

Write them for all public modules, functions, classes, and methods.

Put the "­"­" that ends a multiline docstring on a line by itself:

For one-line docstr­ings, keep the "­"­" on the same line:

Whitespace Around Binary Operators

Surround the following binary operators with a single space on either side:

Assignment operators [=, +=, -=, and so forth]

Compar­isons [==, !=, >, =, 5 and x%2==0:

# Treat the colon as the operator with lowest priority

list[x+1 : x+2]

In an extended slice, both colons must be surrounded by the same amount of whitespace


list[x+1 : x+2 : x+3]

The space is omitted if a slice parameter is omitted

list[x+1 : x+2 :]

When to Ignore PEP 8

If complying with PEP 8 would break compat­ibility with existing software

If code surrou­nding what you’re working on is incons­istent with PEP 8

If code needs to remain compatible with older versions of Python

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