Hướng dẫn python vs html5 - python và html5

Phần này cung cấp mã cho máy khách HTML5 được mô tả trong ví dụ Python [máy khách HTML5 và máy chủ Python].

    Text-to-Speech Example Application
         * This sample code requires a web browser with support for both the
         * HTML5 and ECMAScript 5 standards; the following is a non-comprehensive
         * list of compliant browsers and their minimum version:
         * - Chrome 23.0+
         * - Firefox 21.0+
         * - Internet Explorer 9.0+
         * - Edge 12.0+
         * - Opera 15.0+
         * - Safari 6.1+
         * - Android [stock web browser] 4.4+
         * - Chrome for Android 51.0+
         * - Firefox for Android 48.0+
         * - Opera Mobile 37.0+
         * - iOS [Safari Mobile and Chrome] 3.2+
         * - Internet Explorer Mobile 10.0+
         * - Blackberry Browser 10.0+

        // Mapping of the OutputFormat parameter of the SynthesizeSpeech API
        // and the audio format strings understood by the browser
        var AUDIO_FORMATS = {
            'ogg_vorbis': 'audio/ogg',
            'mp3': 'audio/mpeg',
            'pcm': 'audio/wave; codecs=1'

         * Handles fetching JSON over HTTP
        function fetchJSON[method, url, onSuccess, onError] {
            var request = new XMLHttpRequest[];
            request.open[method, url, true];
            request.onload = function [] {
                // If loading is complete
                if [request.readyState === 4] {
                    // if the request was successful
                    if [request.status === 200] {
                        var data;

                        // Parse the JSON in the response
                        try {
                            data = JSON.parse[request.responseText];
                        } catch [error] {
                            onError[request.status, error.toString[]];

                    } else {
                        onError[request.status, request.responseText]


         * Returns a list of audio formats supported by the browser
        function getSupportedAudioFormats[player] {
            return Object.keys[AUDIO_FORMATS]
                .filter[function [format] {
                    var supported = player.canPlayType[AUDIO_FORMATS[format]];
                    return supported === 'probably' || supported === 'maybe';

        // Initialize the application when the DOM is loaded and ready to be
        // manipulated
        document.addEventListener["DOMContentLoaded", function [] {
            var input = document.getElementById['input'],
                voiceMenu = document.getElementById['voice'],
                text = document.getElementById['text'],
                player = document.getElementById['player'],
                submit = document.getElementById['submit'],
                supportedFormats = getSupportedAudioFormats[player];

            // Display a message and don't allow submitting the form if the
            // browser doesn't support any of the available audio formats
            if [supportedFormats.length === 0] {
                submit.disabled = true;
                alert['The web browser in use does not support any of the' +
                      ' available audio formats. Please try with a different' +
                      ' one.'];

            // Play the audio stream when the form is submitted successfully
            input.addEventListener['submit', function [event] {
                // Validate the fields in the form, display a message if
                // unexpected values are encountered
                if [voiceMenu.selectedIndex 

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