Hướng dẫn while mysqli_fetch_array - trong khi mysqli_fetch_array

Hàm mysqli_fetch_array[] sẽ tìm và trả về một dòng kết quả của một truy vấn MySQL nào đó dưới dạng một mảng kết hợp, mảng liên tục hoặc cả hai.

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Cú pháp

Cú pháp: mysqli_fetch_array[ $result, $result_type];mysqli_fetch_array[ $result, $result_type];

Trong đó::

  • $result là kết quả của truy vấn, là kết quả trả về của các hàm: mysqli_query[], mysqli_store_result[] hoặc mysqli_use_result[].
  • $result_type là tham số không bắt buộc, quy định kiểu trả về mang một trong các giá trị sau:

Kết quả trả về

Hàm sẽ trả về mảng kết hợp hoặc liên tục chứa thông tin của hàng kết quả.

Bài viết này được đăng tại [free tuts .net]

Ví dụ

Cách sử dụng hàm mysqli_fetch_array[]:


// Check connection
if [mysqli_connect_errno[]]{
  echo "Failed to connect to MySQL: " . mysqli_connect_error[];

$sql="SELECT Lastname,Age FROM Persons ORDER BY Lastname";

// Numeric array
printf ["%s [%s]\n",$row[0],$row[1]];

// Associative array
printf ["%s [%s]\n",$row["Lastname"],$row["Age"]];

// Free result set


Tham khảo: w3schools.com


[PHP 5, PHP 7, PHP 8]

mysqli_result::fetch_array -- mysqli_fetch_array — Fetch the next row of a result set as an associative, a numeric array, or both -- mysqli_fetch_arrayFetch the next row of a result set as an associative, a numeric array, or both


Object-oriented style


Kabul [AFG]
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0 =
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1]: array|null|false mysqli_result::fetch_array[int
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0 =
Kabul [AFG]
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]: array|null|false

mysqli_fetch_array[mysqli_result $result, int

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0 =
Kabul [AFG]
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1]: array|null|false
[mysqli_result $result, int
Kabul [AFG]
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0 =
Kabul [AFG]
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]: array|null|false

In addition to storing the data in the numeric indices of the result array, this function can also store the data in associative indices by using the field names of the result set as keys.

If two or more columns of the result have the same name, the last column will take precedence and overwrite any previous data. To access multiple columns with the same name, the numerically indexed version of the row must be used.

Note: Field names returned by this function are case-sensitive.: Field names returned by this function are case-sensitive.

Note: This function sets NULL fields to the PHP

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5 value.: This function sets NULL fields to the PHP
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Procedural style only: A mysqli_result object returned by mysqli_query[], mysqli_store_result[], mysqli_use_result[] or mysqli_stmt_get_result[].mysqli_result object returned by mysqli_query[], mysqli_store_result[], mysqli_use_result[] or mysqli_stmt_get_result[].

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This optional parameter is a constant indicating what type of array should be produced from the current row data. The possible values for this parameter are the constants

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9, or
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Kabul [AFG]
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Kabul [AFG]
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, or
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By using the

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8 constant this function will behave identically to the mysqli_fetch_assoc[], while
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9 will behave identically to the mysqli_fetch_row[] function. The final option
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1 will create a single array with the attributes of both.
Kabul [AFG]
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constant this function will behave identically to the mysqli_fetch_assoc[], while
Kabul [AFG]
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will behave identically to the mysqli_fetch_row[] function. The final option
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will create a single array with the attributes of both.

Return Values

Returns an array representing the fetched row,

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5 if there are no more rows in the result set, or mysqli_fetch_array[]5 on failure.
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if there are no more rows in the result set, or mysqli_fetch_array[]5 on failure.


Example #1 mysqli_result::fetch_array[] examplemysqli_result::fetch_array[] example

Object-oriented style





Kabul [AFG]
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0 =
Kabul [AFG]
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1]: array|null|false



mysqli_fetch_array[ $result, $result_type];1

mysqli_fetch_array[mysqli_result $result, int

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0 =
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1]: array|null|false

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In addition to storing the data in the numeric indices of the result array, this function can also store the data in associative indices by using the field names of the result set as keys.

  • If two or more columns of the result have the same name, the last column will take precedence and overwrite any previous data. To access multiple columns with the same name, the numerically indexed version of the row must be used.
  • Note: Field names returned by this function are case-sensitive.
  • Note: This function sets NULL fields to the PHP
    Kabul [AFG]
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    5 value.
  • Parameters
  • Kabul [AFG]
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  • Procedural style only: A mysqli_result object returned by mysqli_query[], mysqli_store_result[], mysqli_use_result[] or mysqli_stmt_get_result[].

Kabul [AFG]
Qandahar [AFG]
Herat [AFG]

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