Is string an integer javascript?

Two answers for you:

  • Based on parsing

  • Regular expression

Note that in both cases, I've interpreted "positive integer" to include 0, even though 0 is not positive. I include notes if you want to disallow 0.

Based on Parsing

If you want it to be a normalized decimal integer string over a reasonable range of values, you can do this:

function isInDesiredForm[str] {
    var n = Math.floor[Number[str]];
    return n !== Infinity && String[n] === str && n >= 0;

or if you want to allow whitespace and leading zeros:

function isInDesiredForm[str] {
    str = str.trim[];
    if [!str] {
        return false;
    str = str.replace[/^0+/, ""] || "0";
    var n = Math.floor[Number[str]];
    return n !== Infinity && String[n] === str && n >= 0;

Live testbed [without handling leading zeros or whitespace]:

Live testbed [with handling for leading zeros and whitespace]:

If you want to disallow 0, just change >= 0 to > 0. [Or, in the version that allows leading zeros, remove the || "0" on the replace line.]

How that works:

  1. In the version allowing whitespace and leading zeros:
  • str = str.trim[]; removes any leading and trailing whitepace.
  • if [!str] catches a blank string and returns, no point in doing the rest of the work.
  • str = str.replace[/^0+/, ""] || "0"; removes all leading 0s from the string — but if that results in a blank string, restores a single 0.
  1. Number[str]: Convert str to a number; the number may well have a fractional portion, or may be NaN.

  2. Math.floor: Truncate the number [chops off any fractional portion].

  3. String[...]: Converts the result back into a normal decimal string. For really big numbers, this will go to scientific notation, which may break this approach. [I don't quite know where the split is, the details are in the spec, but for whole numbers I believe it's at the point you've exceeded 21 digits [by which time the number has become very imprecise, as IEEE-754 double-precision numbers only have roughtly 15 digits of precision..]

  4. ... === str: Compares that to the original string.

  5. n >= 0: Check that it's positive.

Note that this fails for the input "+1", any input in scientific notation that doesn't turn back into the same scientific notation at the String[...] stage, and for any value that the kind of number JavaScript uses [IEEE-754 double-precision binary floating point] can't accurately represent which parses as closer to a different value than the given one [which includes many integers over 9,007,199,254,740,992; for instance, 1234567890123456789 will fail]. The former is an easy fix, the latter two not so much.

Regular Expression

The other approach is to test the characters of the string via a regular expression, if your goal is to just allow [say] an optional + followed by either 0 or a string in normal decimal format:

function isInDesiredForm[str] {
    return /^\+?[0|[1-9]\d*]$/.test[str];

Live testbed:

How that works:

  1. ^: Match start of string

  2. \+?: Allow a single, optional + [remove this if you don't want to]

  3. [?:...|...]: Allow one of these two options [without creating a capture group]:

  4. [0|...]: Allow 0 on its own...

  5. [...|[1-9]\d*]: ...or a number starting with something other than 0 and followed by any number of decimal digits.

  6. $: Match end of string.

If you want to disallow 0 [because it's not positive], the regular expression becomes just /^\+?[1-9]\d*$/ [e.g., we can lose the alternation that we needed to allow 0].

If you want to allow leading zeroes [0123, 00524], then just replace the alternation [?:0|[1-9]\d*] with \d+

function isInDesiredForm[str] {
    return /^\+?\d+$/.test[str];

If you want to allow whitespace, add \s* just after ^ and \s* just before $.

Note for when you convert that to a number: On modern engines it would probably be fine to use +str or Number[str] to do it, but older ones might extend those in a non-standard [but formerly-allowed] way that says a leading zero means octal [base 8], e.g "010" => 8. Once you've validated the number, you can safely use parseInt[str, 10] to ensure that it's parsed as decimal [base 10]. parseInt would ignore garbage at the end of the string, but we've ensured there isn't any with the regex.

Is string an INT JS?

To check if a string is a positive integer: Convert the string to a number and pass it to the Number. isInteger[] method. The method returns true if the provided value is an integer and false otherwise.

Is string an integer?

Integer is a numeric value, while String is a character value represented in quotes.

Does string contain number JavaScript?

To check if a string contains numbers in JavaScript, call the test[] method on this regex: /\d/ . test[] will return true if the string contains numbers. Otherwise, it will return false .

How do you know if its a string or integer?

The most efficient way to check if a string is an integer in Python is to use the str. isdigit[] method, as it takes the least time to execute. The str. isdigit[] method returns True if the string represents an integer, otherwise False .

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