Javascript find and replace link

Keep it simple! Say what you cannot have, rather than what you can have :]

As mentioned above, URLs can be quite complex, especially after the '?', and not all of them start with a 'www.' e.g.!"£$%^*[]&lat=65&lon&lon=20

So, rather than have a complex regex that wont meet all edge cases, and will be hard to maintain, how about this much simpler one, which works well for me in practise.


http[s]:// [anything but a space]+

www. [anything but a space]+

Where 'anything' is [^'"\s] ... basically a greedy match, carrying on to you meet a space, quote, angle bracket, or end of line


Remember to check that it is not already in URL format, e.g. the text contains href="..." or src="..."

Add ref=nofollow [if appropriate]

This solution isn't as "good" as the libraries mentioned above, but is much simpler, and works well in practise.

if html.match[ /[href]|[src]/i ]] {
    return html; // text already has a hyper link in it

html = html.replace[ 

html = html.replace[ 

html = html.replace[ 

return html;

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    Given an plane URL and the task is to replace the plain URLs into the links. This problem can be solve with the help of Regular Expressions.
    Approach 1: 

    Example 1: This example implements the above approach. 



            How to replace plain URL with

            link using JavaScript ?








            click here





            var up = document.getElementById['GFG_UP'];

            var down = document.getElementById['GFG_DOWN'];

            up.innerHTML = "Click on the button to replace "

                    + "plain URLs with links." + text;

            function rep[text] {

                // Put the URL to variable $1 after visiting the URL

                var Rexp =


                 // Replace the RegExp content by HTML element

                return text.replace[Rexp,

                        "Link to URL"];


            function GFG_Fun[] {

                down.innerHTML = rep[text];




    • Before clicking on the button: 

    • After clicking on the button: 

    Approach 2: 

    Example 2: This example implements the above approach. 



            How to replace plain URL with

            link using JavaScript ?








            click here





            var up = document.getElementById['GFG_UP'];

            var down = document.getElementById['GFG_DOWN'];

            up.innerHTML = "Click on the button to replace "

                    + "plain URLs with links." + text;

            function rep[text] {

                // Put the URL to variable $1 and Domain name

                // to $3 after visiting the URL

                var Rexp =


                // Replacing the RegExp content by HTML element

                return text.replace[Rexp,



            function GFG_Fun[] {

                down.innerHTML = rep[text];




    • Before clicking on the button: 

    • After clicking on the button: 

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