Laptop battery shutdown without warning

This same thing happens to me! It's so freaking frustrating, because I specifically bought A Dell OEM battery in order to prevent issues like this.

When I plug in the battery, Dell's inhouse software recognises it as a certified part, healthy, et cetera.

However, occasionally the laptop will randomly shut down while in use, and I've also noticed that small notification about the critical level.

I'm not sure who to complain to - Dell, for not supporting their own OEM parts or pulling an Apple by forcing you to buy directly from them, or the OEM manufacturer for making a part that's faulty [the battery level being misread].

Windows 10: Laptop shuts off unexpectedly without low battery warning

Discus and support Laptop shuts off unexpectedly without low battery warning in Windows 10 BSOD Crashes and Debugging to solve the problem; Hi Recently I have upgraded to windows 10 20H2. After that my ASUS P2530UJ laptop is shutting down unexpectedly without battery warning. I have... Discussion in 'Windows 10 BSOD Crashes and Debugging' started by TanjibRubyat, Apr 18, 2021.

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