Linear probing hash table python

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class HashTable[object]:
def __init__[self]:
self.max_length = 8
self.max_load_factor = 0.75
self.length = 0
self.table = [None] * self.max_length
def __len__[self]:
return self.length
def __setitem__[self, key, value]:
self.length += 1
hashed_key = self._hash[key]
while self.table[hashed_key] is not None:
if self.table[hashed_key][0] == key:
self.length -= 1
hashed_key = self._increment_key[hashed_key]
tuple = [key, value]
self.table[hashed_key] = tuple
if self.length / float[self.max_length] >= self.max_load_factor:
def __getitem__[self, key]:
index = self._find_item[key]
return self.table[index][1]
def __delitem__[self, key]:
index = self._find_item[key]
self.table[index] = None
def _hash[self, key]:
# TODO more robust
return hash[key] % self.max_length
def _increment_key[self, key]:
return [key + 1] % self.max_length
def _find_item[self, key]:
hashed_key = self._hash[key]
if self.table[hashed_key] is None:
raise KeyError
if self.table[hashed_key][0] != key:
original_key = hashed_key
while self.table[hashed_key][0] != key:
hashed_key = self._increment_key[hashed_key]
if self.table[hashed_key] is None:
raise KeyError
if hashed_key == original_key:
raise KeyError
return hashed_key
def _resize[self]:
self.max_length *= 2
self.length = 0
old_table = self.table
self.table = [None] * self.max_length
for tuple in old_table:
if tuple is not None:
self[tuple[0]] = tuple[1]

What is linear probing in hash table?

Linear probing is a scheme in computer programming for resolving collisions in hash tables, data structures for maintaining a collection of key–value pairs and looking up the value associated with a given key. It was invented in 1954 by Gene Amdahl, Elaine M.

How do you create a hash table in Python?

Build a Hash Table in Python With TDD.
Take a Crash Course in Test-Driven Development..
Define a Custom HashTable Class..
Insert a Key-Value Pair..
Find a Value by Key..
Delete a Key-Value Pair..
Update the Value of an Existing Pair..
Get the Key-Value Pairs..
Use Defensive Copying..

What does __ hash __ do in Python?

The hash[] method returns the hash value of an object if it has one. Hash values are just integers that are used to compare dictionary keys during a dictionary look quickly.

How do you handle collisions in a hash table in Python?

In open addressing, hash collisions are resolved by probing [explained below] . The hash table is just a contiguous block of memory [like an array, so you can do O[1] lookup by index]. Each slot in the hash table can store one and only one entry. This is important.

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