Pandas to excel bold text

Thanks to @NoobVB I was pointed in the right direction: write_rich_string. Found this great article describing it as a cookbook and turned it into a working solution:

import pandas as pd
from import XlsxWriter

class RichExcelWriter[XlsxWriter]:
    def __init__[self, *args, **kwargs]:
        super[RichExcelWriter, self].__init__[*args, **kwargs]

    def _value_with_fmt[self, val]:
        if type[val] == list:
            return val, None
        return super[RichExcelWriter, self]._value_with_fmt[val]

    def write_cells[self, cells, sheet_name=None, startrow=0, startcol=0, freeze_panes=None]:
        sheet_name = self._get_sheet_name[sheet_name]
        if sheet_name in self.sheets:
            wks = self.sheets[sheet_name]
            wks =[sheet_name]
            #add handler to the worksheet when it's created
            wks.add_write_handler[list, lambda worksheet, row, col, list, style: worksheet._write_rich_string[row, col, *list]]
            self.sheets[sheet_name] = wks
        super[RichExcelWriter, self].write_cells[cells, sheet_name, startrow, startcol, freeze_panes]

writer = RichExcelWriter['sample.xlsx']
workbook =
bold = workbook.add_format[{'bold': True}]

df = pd.DataFrame[[["Hello world."], [["Hello", bold, "bold", "world."]], columns = ["example"]]

df.to_excel[writer, sheet_name='Sample', index=False][]

This is the easiest way I figured out so far.

An example of converting a Pandas dataframe to an Excel file with a user defined header format using Pandas and XlsxWriter.

# An example of converting a Pandas dataframe to an xlsx file
# with a user defined header format.
# SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause
# Copyright 2013-2022, John McNamara, 

import pandas as pd

# Create a Pandas dataframe from some data.
data = [10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60]
df = pd.DataFrame[{'Heading': data,
                   'Longer heading that should be wrapped' : data}]

# Create a Pandas Excel writer using XlsxWriter as the engine.
writer = pd.ExcelWriter["pandas_header_format.xlsx", engine='xlsxwriter']

# Convert the dataframe to an XlsxWriter Excel object. Note that we turn off
# the default header and skip one row to allow us to insert a user defined
# header.
df.to_excel[writer, sheet_name='Sheet1', startrow=1, header=False]

# Get the xlsxwriter workbook and worksheet objects.
workbook  =
worksheet = writer.sheets['Sheet1']

# Add a header format.
header_format = workbook.add_format[{
    'bold': True,
    'text_wrap': True,
    'valign': 'top',
    'fg_color': '#D7E4BC',
    'border': 1}]

# Write the column headers with the defined format.
for col_num, value in enumerate[df.columns.values]:
    worksheet.write[0, col_num + 1, value, header_format]

# Close the Pandas Excel writer and output the Excel file.[]

How do I bold text in Excel using Python?

How to set font bold for the Excel cells.
from openpyxl import Workbook from openpyxl.styles import Font..
wb = Workbook[].
ws = wb. active..
ws['A1'] = 'Tori Code' ws['A2'] = 'Tori Code'.
font = Font[bold=True].
ws['A1']. font = font..
wb. ... .
from openpyxl import Workbook from openpyxl.styles import Font wb = Workbook[] ws = wb..

How do I convert a panda to Excel?

Use pandas to_excel[] function to write a DataFrame to an excel sheet with extension . xlsx. By default it writes a single DataFrame to an excel file, you can also write multiple sheets by using an ExcelWriter object with a target file name, and sheet name to write to.

Can I format Excel with Python?

xlwings is an open-source Python library which allows easy manipulation and automation of Excel using Python code. xlwings is able to leverage Python's scientific packages [NumPy, Pandas, SciPy, scikit-learn ,etc.], write tools with Python instead of VBA, and create User Defined Functions in Python to use in Excel.

Why is Panda preferred over Excel?

Speed - Pandas is much faster than Excel, which is especially noticeable when working with larger quantities of data. Automation - A lot of the tasks that can be achieved with Pandas are extremely easy to automate, reducing the amount of tedious and repetitive tasks that need to be performed daily.

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