patriarchys là gì - Nghĩa của từ patriarchys

patriarchys có nghĩa là

A social system in which a father is the head of the family, property ownership and surname are traced through the male line, and men have legal or social authority over women and children. A family, community, or society based on this or a similar system, or governed by men to a degree far out of proportion to their numbers.


Jane Doe: Can you believe patriarchy still exists after all our valiant struggles?

John Doe: What do you mean? Patriarchy doesn't exist! Sure, women make on average a lot less than men for the same work, and sure, there are very few women in positions of power in government and business, but at least now we let you vote and own property!

Jane Doe: But why didn't you take my last name when we married? Why are women still raped [outside of prisons] so much more often than men, and why do men so often inflict rape on others? Why do we still have a sexual division of labor, with some entire industries dominated by men and other industries, typically lower paid, staffed almost entirely by women? Why is it, when someone says "doctor" everyone thinks "man" and when they say "nurse" everyone thinks "woman?" The same is true of "construction worker" vs. "secretary," "engineer" vs. "stripper," "soldier" vs. "maid"... you name it! Why is it a scandal when a middle aged woman like Demi Moore marries a man in his twenties, but it's routine for rich old men in their 60s and up to marry barely legal young 'trophy wives?' It's so common it has it's own term!

John Doe: I guess you're right. Come to think of it, I've been trained to take on all sorts of patriarchal roles that I don't like myself! I've been trained to act like an automaton, to hide my feelings, to be "the provider" in an economy where two parents working is the norm, to go off and die in wars... you know, Jane, a lot of my anti-feminist anger is really unjustified! I've just been resentful of my own role within patriarchy, in such a misdirected way I couldn't even see it existed. I've been defending what I felt were privileges, but in fact were limitations. It's time for us to smash all forms of sexism, patriarchy - hell, even matriarchy if it ever crops up anywhere - together!

Jane Doe: Now you're talking! Let me get my hammer!

John Doe: You know, dear, this means you'll have to face the draft, too...

Jane Doe: True, sweetie, but there should be a lot fewer wars with patriarchy out of the way!

John Doe: Actually, love, capitalism, not patriarchy, is the root of imperialism and resource conflicts, which are the primary cause of modern wars...

patriarchys có nghĩa là

A social organisation that grants power to men and oppresses women through political, social and economic institutions. Harmful side effects include the gender binary, unequal wages and Rush Limbaugh.


Person A: Did you know that women do two thirds of world labour and own less than one percent of world property?
Person B: Damn patriarchy.

patriarchys có nghĩa là

A rule of house hold or of any social institution, such as government. Exclusively by men, for male purposes, in which women are not allowed to participate in leadership. This tradition was dominant in Human history up until the Early 1900's when it began to change. Patriarchy has since been nearly abolished in all First world countries. Though, it still exists in other parts of the world.


Many Feminists continue to claim first world countries are oppressed by a Patriarchy. This is actually not true and used as an excuse to continue blaming their so called 'inequality' on men. They also attribute many things such as war and poverty on the 'Patriarchy' even though this is not true. Radical Feminism's true goal is not gender equality but a society in which men are oppressed. The use of Patriarchy is simply an excuse Misandrists use to justify their man-hate. They will not be satisfied until men are stripped of their power and women are taught to be superior so that men can supposedly 'Feel what it's like to be subjugated' Examples of these women would be Buenaventura Durruti

patriarchys có nghĩa là

A complex system of gender politics which enforces strict and outdated norms and rules on our behavior and the way we interact with one another based on our gender. Patriarchy hurts men and women equally, as men are held to unreasonable standards such as the expectation that they must be strong, unemotional, aggressive, and hyper-heterosexual. Women are assumed to be weak, overly-emotional, maternal, and dependent. Any deviation from these norms causes the individual to be ostracized, but adherence causes adverse effects as well, such as the tendency of courts to see men as poor care takers, causing them to often receive unfair treatment in child custody cases, or the fact that men are less likely to report health issues and therefore have a shorter average lifespan than women, and are much more likely to commit suicide.


Marco: Man, why do you think Jim killed himself?
Shawn: He probably felt like he couldn't reach out for help with his depression because the patriarchal ideals that our society holds dictate that men must not show weakness or ask for help. Marco: ...but I thought patriarchy just hurt women?
Shawn: Patriarchy hurts us all friend.

patriarchys có nghĩa là

A worldwide societal conspiracy where men keep women downtrodden and subjugated which exists exclusively in the minds of female Liberal Arts majors who were abused as children by a male authority figure.


Female Liberal Arts Major: "It's because of the Patriarchy that so many women are sold into sex slavery"
Friend: "Wow, your stepdad sounds like a real scumbag"

patriarchys có nghĩa là

A concept that inadequate females use to blame their poor performance.


I'm doing badly in my job because of the patriarchy, not because I'm useless at the job.

patriarchys có nghĩa là

A made up social construct that feminists use to blame all their problem on men.


Example 1: Feminist: I didn't get that job that i wasn't qualified for, it's all the patriarchy's fault! Example 2: Shoe0nHead: Omg, is that- is that the patriarchy? Patriarchy: REEEEEEEEEEEEEEE

patriarchys có nghĩa là

A reactionary social system in which men are responsible in both the household and society for decision making and leadership, and also responsible for the protection and wellbeing of women and children. Essentially a division of tasks assigned according to the biological hardwiring of both sexes. Postmodernism has highlighted and demonized patriarchy’s hierarchal elementals, and made it to seem as though it is a system of oppressive dominance rather than a system of love and sacrifice. Postmodernism has erased patriarchy’s inherently good elements, such as the role it plays in ennobling men and ensuring that they have a strong sense of moral obligation. Another benefit of patriarchy is that it is rooted in the notion that duty is the essence of manhood, and so women are treated with higher respect and are safer in the company of men than they are in egalitarian societies where they are seen as a man’s equal and men have no feeling of duty or social expectations for them to serve women or make sacrifices for them, seeing as women today are supposed to be perfectly capable of managing on their own.


“Smash the patriarchy!” “What? You realize that it is a system created to protect you and your offspring, right?” “...” “Patriarchy is simply men taking the lead, making sacrifices and exercising their God-given leadership skills in the best interest of women and children.” “...” “When a man takes off his jacket and gives it to his woman because she’s cold, that’s patriarchy.” “...” “When a man works long hours to make sure his family is fed, that’s patriarchy.” “...” “When a man walks a woman to her door at night, that’s patriarchy.” “Wait, so you’re telling me that patriarchy is not men using their power to oppress women, but men using their power to serve women, the way God has commanded them to?” “See? Now you get it.”

patriarchys có nghĩa là

A term used by misandrists and some feminists to look smarter and more complex when in reality they are numbskulls.


Person A: "The wage gap exists because of the patriarchy."
Person B: "The wage gap doesn't exist cunt"

patriarchys có nghĩa là

System of society or government in which the father or eldest male is head of the family and descent is traced through the male line. In these societies, men hold power and women are excluded from it, and masculinity is valued over femininity. It posits a "natural" state of gender relations as a dynamic of dominance and submission, and perpetuates gender roles to enforce these ideals.


The influence of the patriarchy can be seen in the disproportionately high number of men in positions of power, as well as the presence of rape culture and a gender binary.

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