Php get current time by country

How can I find country name -> GMT date/time to that I can do like following:


$datetime = new GMT_search['America'];  //output: 2010-01-01 00:00:00    
$datetime = new GMT_search['India'];  //output: 2010-01-01 ??:??:??    
$datetime = new GMT_search['China'];  //output: 2010-01-01 ??:??:??

I tried gmdate[], date_default_timezone_set['Asia/....'];, and ini_set['date.timezone','China']; but it’s not exactly helping me to find easily country name to GMT date/time.

Can anyone please kindly show me a PHP example, which really works?

Thank you


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asked Aug 14, 2010 at 13:32


You can search the timezones by country with DateTimeZone::listIdentifiers.

Example, to get the timezones in Portugal:

print_r[DateTimeZone::listIdentifiers[DateTimeZone::PER_COUNTRY, "PT"]];


    [0] => Atlantic/Azores
    [1] => Atlantic/Madeira
    [2] => Europe/Lisbon

You can then do:

$d = new DateTime["now", new DateTimeZone["Atlantic/Azores"]];
echo $d->format[DateTime::W3C]; //2010-08-14T15:22:22+00:00

As has been repeated over and over again in this thread, you can't get one single time zone per country. Countries have several timezones, and you'll notice that even this page doesn't even select one arbitrarily for some countries like the U.S.A.

answered Aug 14, 2010 at 15:28


94.3k16 gold badges194 silver badges221 bronze badges


Here you'll find the complete list of timezones supported by PHP, which are meant to be used with e.g. date_default_timezone_set[]. Support for countries with multiple timezones is also convenient to look up. Take the example of the American region.

The list is a complete timezones supported by PHP, which are meant to be used with e.g. date_default_timezone_set[].

answered Aug 14, 2010 at 13:38

Jungle HunterJungle Hunter

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You can't do it quite like that, since a lot of countries have multiple timezones. You could store the timezone by the name of a city instead, but I'd use an integer with the timezone offset in seconds.

You can get a list of timezones by continent/city from this function: [][1]

You can get the respective offset from this function: [][2]

When you have a valid offset, you can use gmdate[] instead of date[] to get a date in your format without the timezone/dst adjustment. Just pass the time[] + the ajustment you have stored: [][3]

answered Aug 14, 2010 at 14:14


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[PHP 5 >= 5.1.0, PHP 7, PHP 8]

date_default_timezone_get Gets the default timezone used by all date/time functions in a script


date_default_timezone_get[]: string

  • Reading the timezone set using the date_default_timezone_set[] function [if any]

  • Reading the value of the date.timezone ini option [if set]

If none of the above succeed, date_default_timezone_get[] will return a default timezone of UTC.


This function has no parameters.

Return Values

Returns a string.


Example #1 Getting the default timezone

The above example will output something similar to:

date_default_timezone_set: Europe/London
date.timezone: Europe/London

Example #2 Getting the abbreviation of a timezone

The above example will output:

America/Los_Angeles => America/Los_Angeles => PST

See Also

  • date_default_timezone_set[] - Sets the default timezone used by all date/time functions in a script
  • List of Supported Timezones

There are no user contributed notes for this page.

How to get country timezone in PHP?

PHP has a function for it using GeoIP. The geoip_time_zone_by_country_and_region[] function will return the time zone corresponding to a country and region code combo.

What is timezone PHP?

date_default_timezone_get — Gets the default timezone used by all date/time functions in a script.

How do I find my server time zone?

The currently configured timezone is set in the /etc/timezone file. To view your current timezone you can cat the file's contents. Another method is to use the date command. By giving it the argument +%Z , you can output your system's current time zone name.

How do I get server time zone in laravel?

Laravel has a default timezone which is set to UTC..
Changing the timezone. There are two main ways to change the timezone..
Option 1. From your project root directory, open the config directory. Edit the app. ... .
Option 2. Make a modification in the .env file to specify the timezone as follows: APP_TIMEZONE='Asia/Singapore'.

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