Php string to int or float

I'm looking for a function that would cast a numeric-string into either integer or float type depending on the content of the string, e.g. "1.23" -> float 1.23, "123" -> int 123.

I know I can use if-s with is_int, is_float and cast to appropriate types - but maybe there is a function that would do it automatically?


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asked May 17, 2013 at 10:02

No, no function provides the automatic cast. However you can cast with this simple hack [the cast is automatically made by PHP in internal]:

$int = "123"+0;
$float = "1.23"+0;

for generic number:

$yourNumberCasted = $yourStringNumber + 0;

With a function:

function castToNumber[$genericStringNumber] { 
    return $genericStringNumber+0; 
$yourNumberCasted = castToNumber[$yourStringNumber];

answered May 17, 2013 at 10:05


1,28911 silver badges9 bronze badges


You can fulfil your requirement using following line.

 $i = "1.23";       
 echo $c = [double]$i; // will return 1.23

 $i = "123";       
 echo $c = [double]$i; // will return 123

answered May 17, 2013 at 10:23

There is no built in function to do that but you can create your own quickly.

function castNumber[$n]
   if[!is_numeric[$n]] return 0;
   return [is_float[$n]] ? [float] $n : [int] $n;

and use it:

$casted = castNumber[$num_to_cast];

answered May 17, 2013 at 10:11


11k4 gold badges38 silver badges66 bronze badges


None of these worked for me. But here is my solution:

$numString = '1.0'; $intOrFloat = [strpos[$numString, '.'] !==false] ? floatval[$numString] : intval[$numString];

answered May 18, 2018 at 12:49

Jan TlapákJan Tlapák

8357 silver badges9 bronze badges


If your incoming value is dirty [e.g. user-provided] and so not guaranteed to be numeric, as of PHP 8.0 the accepted solution will generate Fatal error: Uncaught TypeError: Unsupported operand types: string + int where previously it was just a warning.

You can drop an is_numeric[] in there and provide an explicit 0 value for non-numerics

function castToNumber[$genericStringNumber] { 
    return is_numeric[$genericStringNumber] ? $genericStringNumber + 0 : 0

Alternatively you could explicitly cast with something like

function castToNumber[$genericStringNumber] { 
    return [[int]$genericStringNumber == [float]$genericStringNumber]
        ? [int]$genericStringNumber
        : [float]$genericStringNumber; 

answered Jul 5 at 8:13

There is a function intval[] which does almost the same thing as type-casting mentioned in other answers, however it can't be used on objects.

Also having same functionality: boolval[] and floatval[].

answered May 17, 2013 at 10:10


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