PTE 58 tương đương IELTS bao nhiêu?

Pearson, đơn vị chủ quản kỳ thi PTE Academic đã cập nhật thang điểm quy đổi giữa PTE và IELTS. Kết quả PTE hoặc IELTS thường được sử dụng để tính điểm ngôn ngữ trong thang điểm di trú. Các thay đổi về quy đổi điểm giữa IELTS và PTE sẽ có ảnh hưởng tới kết quả hồ sơ xin định cư Úc.

Chứng chỉ PTE là gì?

PTE là viết tắt của “Pearson Test of English”. Đây là bài kiểm tra tiếng Anh được tổ chức bởi Pearson Education. Chứng chỉ PTE được công nhận bởi hơn 3.000 trường cao đẳng, đại học khắp nơi trên thế giới. PTE cũng đã được chấp nhận khi nộp đơn xin thị thực ở các quốc gia như Úc, New Zealand, Vương quốc Anh.

* Saville, N., O’Sullivan, B, & Clark. T. [Eds.] [2021]. Investigating the relationship between IELTS and PTE-Academic. IELTS Partnership Research Papers: Studies in Test Comparability Series, No. 2. IELTS Partners: British Council, Cambridge Assessment English and IDP: IELTS Australia.

Official Concordance Table between IELTS and PTE - Updated in 2021

IELTSPTE-A [overall]PTE-A [listening]PTE-A [reading]PTE-A [speaking]PTE-A [writing]540.840.

See the alignment of IELTS band scores and Pearson PTE scores [Equipercentile Equating]

Equipercentile linking with presmoothing, as described in Kolen & Brennan [2014], was chosen as the analytic method for further analysis of the data. This approach to smoothing is advantageous in that indices are available for evaluating the goodness of fit and therefore of the linking. The linking was carried out using the RAGE-RGEQUATE software [Zeng, Kolen, Hanson, Cui, & Chien, 2004]. The output may be found in the appendices of the technical report.

How should your organisation use the 2021 IELTS vs PTE score equivalencies?

IELTS 7.0 [no sub-band less than 7.0]

To ensure your applicants meet your English language requirements, your PTE-A equivalent score should be:

  • A minimum PTE-A overall score of 66, and

  • Minimum of 66 in Listening; 67 in Reading; 65 in Speaking; and 82 in Writing

IELTS 6.5 [no sub-band less than 6.0]

To ensure your applicants meet your English language requirements, your PTE-A equivalent score should be:

  • A minimum PTE-A overall score of 58, and

  • Minimum of 48 in Listening; 53 in Reading; 46 in Speaking; and 62 in Writing

IELTS scoring: Fair and trusted for more than 30 years

to the continued development and improvement of IELTS. This is to ensure a fair assessmentfor all test takers. And, it is to ensure a reliable result for the organisations that depend on IELTS as a measure of English language skill.

Security and integrity

IELTS takes a multi-layered approach to test security, including a variety of measures taken before test day, on test day and after test day. We give recognised organisations access to a secure, online platform to verify IELTS results.

Setting the score

Understanding what’s at stake when organisations lower the bar in English language testing

New research by the IELTS partners has shone a light on the importance of education institutions and organisations setting the right English language scores for their candidates. The research, conducted with over 500 test takers who had sat both IELTS and Pearson Test of English [PTE], showed there was significant and concerning variability between the commonly accepted PTE benchmarks and our 2020 study findings.

New research

The timely research comes as many organisations begin to review the stopgaps put in place when language testing was interrupted during the peak of the pandemic restrictions. The results showed the were relatively comparable with the established PTE benchmarks, with only minor variations at the high band scores of IELTS 8 and above. However, when looking at the individual sub-scores [listening, reading, writing and speaking] of the two tests, the results differed greatly from previously published benchmark reports which are still relied upon by many organisations. Warwick Freeland, Managing Director – IELTS, said the findings highlighted the importance of carefully examining the criteria of different test providers. “Language assessment is complex. Comparing scores between different test providers is even more so,” Mr Freeland said. “It is important we get it right,” he said.

“If candidates are accepted based on tests that don’t align, they risk being set up to fail if they cannot keep up in the classroom or work environment, in turn causing emotional stress.” - Warwick Freeland, Managing Director – IELTS

“This new research shows the benchmarks that are often used to compare scores from different language test suppliers may not be reliable.” “When accepting results from different test providers, it is important for institutions to be confident candidates are assessed on a like-for-like basis.”

Risks for organisations

Mr Freeland said there were social and financial risks for organisations and students when inaccurate and outdated test equivalencies are relied upon uncritically. “If candidates are accepted based on tests that don’t align, they risk being set up to fail if they cannot keep up in the classroom or work environment, in turn causing emotional stress.” “The financial and real-life risks for organisations who accept people without the language skills they need to be successful is also a real and significant risk.”

Compare IELTS bandscores with other tests

Some organisations may rely on more than one test for English language proficiency. However, comparing test scores is notoriously difficult. The following tables that provide an equivalency between IELTS, the Canadian Language Benchmarks, Cambridge Assessment English [CAE], and the CEFR are all based on extensive research. This will help organisations to have confidence that they are treating all test takers fairly and setting their applicants up for success.

Canadian Language Benchmarks and IELTS

Equivalencies between the Canadian Language Benchmarks [CLBs] [for English] and the results of language tests from designated testing organisations have been established. To review the full equivalencies table, visit the Canadian Government website. This table below shows the official relationship between CLB and IELTS: More about IELTS for Canada

CLB levelIELTS ReadingIELTS WritingIELTS ListeningIELTS Speaking1087.58.57.59778786.

Source: Government of Canada, cited 5 January 2020

Cambridge Assessment English [CAE] and IELTS

Cambridge Assessment English’s B2 First and C1 Advanced both report on the Cambridge English Scale. The table below shows the relationship between Cambridge English Scale and IELTS:

IELTS band scoreCambridge English scale score7.519171856.517661695.51625154

Source: Comparing scores to IELTS B2 First and C1 Advanced, Cambridge Assessment English, cited 5 January. 

Common European Framework of Reference for Languages [CEFR]

IELTS test users may find the Council of Europe’s Common European Framework of Reference for Languages [CEFR] helpful. The framework is a series of descriptions of abilities at different learning levels that can be applied to any language. It can provide a starting point for interpreting and comparing different language qualifications and is increasingly used as a way of benchmarking language ability around the world.

We have created a PDF with more information about IELTS and the CEFR. It also includes an FAQ section to answer your most common questions.

PTE 50 bằng bao nhiêu IELTS?

IELTS band 6.0 tương đương với band 50 của chứng chỉ PTE.

42 điểm PTE bằng bao nhiêu IELTS?

Để vào các trường đại học quốc tế với chứng chỉ PTE, học sinh cần lưu ý ba mốc điểm quan trọng, đó là PTE 42, 58 và 79, tương đương IELTS 5.5, 6.5 và 8.0.

PTE 56 tương đương IELTS bao nhiêu?

Thang điểm mới nhất đã thay đổi từ PTE 58 / IELTS 6.5 thành PTE 56 / IELTS 6.5.

IELTS 4.5 tương đương TOEIC bao nhiêu?

Bảng điểm tương đương TOEIC và IELTS:.

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