Python read log file continuously

I'm currently writing a program in python on a Linux system. The objective is to read a log file and execute a bash command upon finding a particular string. The log file is being constantly written to by another program.

My question: If I open the file using the open[] method will my Python file object be updated as the actual file gets written to by the other program or will I have to reopen the file at timed intervals?

UPDATE: Thanks for answers so far. I perhaps should have mentioned that the file is being written to by a Java EE app so I have no control over when data gets written to it. I've currently got a program that reopens the file every 10 seconds and tries to read from the byte position in the file that it last read up to. For the moment it just prints out the string that's returned. I was hoping that the file did not need to be reopened but the read command would somehow have access to the data written to the file by the Java app.

import time

fileBytePos = 0
while True:
    inFile = open['./server.log','r'][fileBytePos]
    data =[]
    print data
    fileBytePos = inFile.tell[]
    print fileBytePos

Thanks for the tips on pyinotify and generators. I'm going to have a look at these for a nicer solution.

Jeff Bauer

13.5k9 gold badges50 silver badges72 bronze badges

asked Mar 24, 2011 at 13:24

I would recommend looking at David Beazley's Generator Tricks for Python, especially Part 5: Processing Infinite Data. It will handle the Python equivalent of a tail -f logfile command in real-time.

# Follow a file like tail -f.

import time
def follow[thefile]:[0,2]
    while True:
        line = thefile.readline[]
        if not line:
        yield line

if __name__ == '__main__':
    logfile = open["run/foo/access-log","r"]
    loglines = follow[logfile]
    for line in loglines:
        print line,

answered Mar 24, 2011 at 13:42

Jeff BauerJeff Bauer

13.5k9 gold badges50 silver badges72 bronze badges


"An interactive session is worth 1000 words"

>>> f1 = open["bla.txt", "wt"]
>>> f2 = open["bla.txt", "rt"]
>>> f1.write["bleh"]
>>> f1.flush[]
>>> f1.write["blargh"]
>>> f1.flush[]

In other words - yes, a single "open" will do.

Jeff Bauer

13.5k9 gold badges50 silver badges72 bronze badges

answered Mar 24, 2011 at 14:11


89k10 gold badges138 silver badges193 bronze badges


Here is a slightly modified version of Jeff Bauer answer which is resistant to file truncation. Very useful if your file is being processed by logrotate.

import os
import time

def follow[name]:
    current = open[name, "r"]
    curino = os.fstat[current.fileno[]].st_ino
    while True:
        while True:
            line = current.readline[]
            if not line:
            yield line

            if os.stat[name].st_ino != curino:
                new = open[name, "r"]
                current = new
                curino = os.fstat[current.fileno[]].st_ino
        except IOError:

if __name__ == '__main__':
    fname = "test.log"
    for l in follow[fname]:
        print "LINE: {}".format[l]

answered Aug 29, 2016 at 19:33


Since you're targeting a Linux system, you can use pyinotify to notify you when the file changes.

There's also this trick, which may work fine for you. It uses to do what tail -f does.

answered Mar 24, 2011 at 13:36


48.1k12 gold badges102 silver badges132 bronze badges


I am no expert here but I think you will have to use some kind of observer pattern to passively watch the file and then fire off an event that reopens the file when a change occurs. As for how to actually implement this, I have no idea.

I do not think that open[] will open the file in realtime as you suggest.

answered Mar 24, 2011 at 13:32

Adam PointerAdam Pointer

1,4828 silver badges17 bronze badges

If you have the code reading the file running in a while loop:

f = open['/tmp/workfile', 'r']
    line = f.readline[]
    if line.find["ONE"] != -1:
        print "Got it"

and you are writing to that same file [ in append mode ] from another program. As soon as "ONE" is appended in the file you will get the print. You can take whatever action you want to take. In short, you dont have to reopen the file at regular intervals.

>>> f = open['/tmp/workfile', 'a']
>>> f.write["One\n"]
>>> f.close[]
>>> f = open['/tmp/workfile', 'a']
>>> f.write["ONE\n"]
>>> f.close[]

answered Mar 24, 2011 at 14:06


4506 silver badges10 bronze badges


I have a similar use case, and I have written the following snippet for it. While some may argue that this is not the most ideal way to do it, this gets the job done and looks easy enough to understand.

def reading_log_files[filename]:
    with open[filename, "r"] as f:
        data =[].splitlines[]
    return data

def log_generator[filename, period=1]:
    data = reading_log_files[filename]
    while True:
        new_data = reading_log_files[filename]
        yield new_data[len[data]:]
        data = new_data

if __name__ == '__main__':
    x = log_generator[]
    for lines in x:
        # lines will be a list of new lines added at the end

Hope you find this useful

answered Feb 10, 2021 at 17:34


642 silver badges6 bronze badges


It depends on what exactly you want to do with the file. There are two potential use-cases with this:

  1. Reading appended contents from a continuously updated file such as a log file.
  2. Reading contents from a file which is overwritten continuously [such as the network statistics file in *nix systems]

As other people have elaborately answered on how to address scenario #1, I would like to help with those who need scenario #2. Basically you need to reset the file pointer to 0 using seek[0] [or whichever position you want to read from] before calling read[] n+1th time.

Your code can look somewhat like the below function.

def generate_network_statistics[iface='wlan0']:
    with open['/sys/class/net/' + iface + '/statistics/' + 'rx' + '_bytes', 'r'] as rx:
        with open['/sys/class/net/' + iface + '/statistics/' + 'tx' + '_bytes', 'r'] as tx:
            with open['/proc/uptime', 'r'] as uptime:
                while True:
                    receive = int[[]]
                    transmit = int[[]]
                    uptime_seconds = int[[]]
                    print["Receive: %i, Transmit: %i" % [receive, transmit]]

answered Feb 25, 2021 at 22:57

Keep the file handle open even if an empty string is returned at the end of the file, and try again to read it after some sleep time.

    import time

    syslog = '/var/log/syslog'
    sleep_time_in_seconds = 1

        with open[syslog, 'r', errors='ignore'] as f:
            while True:
                for line in f:
                    if line:
                        # do whatever you want to do on the line
    except IOError as e:
        print['Cannot open the file {}. Error: {}'.format[syslog, e]]

answered May 20 at 1:19

How do you read a file continuously in Python?

It is pretty simple, open the file using the open[] method, read the file line by line using the readline[] method, and outputting the line immediately after reading. In use here is a while loop that continuously reads from the file as long as the readline[] method keeps returning data.

How do you implement tail command in Python?

Either open the file with O_NONBLOCK and use select to poll for read availability and then read to read the new data and the string methods to filter lines on the end of a file...or just use the subprocess module and let tail and grep do the work for you just as you would in the shell.

How do you print the last 10 lines of a file in Python?

How to get the last n lines of a file in Python.
a_file = open["example.txt", "r"].
lines = a_file. readlines[].
last_lines = lines[-5:].
a_file. close[].

How do I move a pointer to the end of a file in Python?

Set whence to 2 and the offset to 0 to move the file pointer to the end of the file. Next, we will move the file pointer at the start of the file and write fresh content at the beginning of the file. Again, we will move the file pointer to the end of the file and write more content.

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