Python remove rn from bytes

Asked 4 years, 1 month ago

Viewed 5k times

Given this string


got by serial.readlines(), how can I extrapolate 141, or however the number in its position? Actually I can remove b' simply by using string[2:] but I cannot remove the remainder in this way. string.replace does not work I don't know why.

The number of figures in the number may vary. Is there a smart way to avoid this problem?

Python remove rn from bytes


6,2289 gold badges42 silver badges48 bronze badges

asked Aug 29, 2018 at 13:44


Ok so theres two questions here. Is your object

b = b'141\r\n'


s = "b'141\\r\\n'"

If it's the former


if it's the latter

import re'\d+', s).group(0)

answered Aug 29, 2018 at 13:55

Python remove rn from bytes


11.2k2 gold badges33 silver badges46 bronze badges

Remove \r\n from a string (or list of strings) in Python #

Use the str.rstrip() method to remove \r\n from a string in Python, e.g. result = my_str.rstrip(). The str.rstrip() method returns a copy of the string with the trailing whitespace removed.


my_str = "Hello world\r\n" # ✅ remove \r\n from string result = my_str.rstrip() print(repr(result)) # 👉️ 'Hello world' # ------------------------------------- # ✅ remove \r\n from all strings in list with open('example.txt', 'r', encoding='utf-8') as f: lines = f.readlines() print(lines) # 👉️ ['First line\r\n', 'Second line\r\n', 'Third line\r\n'] result = [line.rstrip() for line in lines] print(result) # 👉️ ['First line', 'Second line', 'Third line']

The \r\n character is used as a newline character in Windows.

The str.rstrip method returns a copy of the string with the trailing whitespace removed.


my_str = "Hello world\r\n" # ✅ remove \r\n from string result = my_str.rstrip() print(repr(result)) # 👉️ 'Hello world'

There is also a str.strip method, which returns a copy of the string with the leading and trailing whitespace removed.


my_str = "\r\nHello world\r\n" result = my_str.strip() print(repr(result)) # 👉️ 'Hello world'

You can also use the re.sub method to remove all \r\n characters in the string.


import re my_str = "\r\nHello world\r\n" result = re.sub(r'\r\n', '', my_str) print(repr(result)) # 👉️ 'Hello world'

The re.sub method returns a new string that is obtained by replacing the occurrences of the pattern with the provided replacement.

The first argument we passed to the method is a regular expression that matches \r\n characters, and the second is the replacement string.

To replace \r\n from a list of strings:

  1. Use a list comprehension to iterate over the list.
  2. Call the str.rstrip() method to remove trailing \r\n characters.
  3. The strings in the new list won't contain any \r\n characters.


with open('example.txt', 'r', encoding='utf-8') as f: lines = f.readlines() print(lines) # 👉️ ['First line\r\n', 'Second line\r\n', 'Third line\r\n'] result = [line.rstrip() for line in lines] print(result) # 👉️ ['First line', 'Second line', 'Third line']

We used a list comprehension to iterate over the list.

List comprehensions are used to perform some operation for every element, or select a subset of elements that meet a condition.

On each iteration, we call the str.rstrip() method on the string to remove any trailing whitespace.

You could also call the str.strip() method to remove all leading and trailing whitespace or the re.sub() method to remove all \r\n characters from the string.


import re # ✅ remove \r\n from all strings in list with open('example.txt', 'r', encoding='utf-8') as f: lines = f.readlines() print(lines) # 👉️ ['First line\r\n', 'Second line\r\n', 'Third line\r\n'] result = [re.sub(r'\r\n', '', line) for line in lines] print(result) # 👉️ ['First line', 'Second line', 'Third line']

The example above assumes that there is a file named example.txt located in the same directory as the Python script.

The file has the following contents:


First line Second line Third line

How do I get rid of RN in Python?

Use the str. rstrip() method to remove \r\n from a string in Python, e.g. result = my_str. rstrip() .

What does \r do in Python?

In Python strings, the backslash "\" is a special character, also called the "escape" character. It is used in representing certain whitespace characters: "\t" is a tab, "\n" is a newline, and "\r" is a carriage return. Conversely, prefixing a special character with "\" turns it into an ordinary character.

How do you remove NR from a string in Python?

Method 1: Use the replace function to Remove a Newline Character From the String in Python..
Method 2: Use the strip() Function to Remove a Newline Character From the String in Python..
Method 4: Use the re. sub() Function to Remove a Newline Character From the String in Python..