Review innisfree eco flower tint balm

Today, I will be reviewing one of my very favorite lip products! I absolutely love this product and I am confident you all will too so without further ado lets get right to it!

So this product is by a Korean Brand called Innisfree [I hyperlinked the name so you all can check out their website]. Innisfree is known for their natural ingredients that come from South Korea’s very own Jeju Island so they are pretty high quality for their low price. They have many wonderful products but for today I will be focusing on my very favorite product from them.

Innisfree’s Glow Tint Lip Balm is a lip balm that works like a lip tint in that as it keeps your lips moisturized it leaves a long lasting beautiful color at the same time. It is literally the best of both worlds for those who have dry and cracked lips like I do.

There are several different colors that innisfree offers and the one I currently have is Azalea which is the lightest color but DO NOT BE DECEIVED! Though it looks super light in the picture I promise you it isn’t when you put it on. This is especially true when you put more layers on because as you put more on the color obviously tints darker on your lips. Also since we all have different lip colors the color will come out different for all of us but for me it comes out to a pinkish red depending on how many layers I put on. It can get pretty dark as you put more on but that is definitely up to you. If you lightly put one layer on then the color would definitely be light while if you press harder on your lips and put on multiple layers it can turn more red.

One thing I really love about this product is that the tint lasts a very long time. It’s absolutely amazing! For those of you that wear regular lipstick you would notice that when you eat by the time you are done with your meal it was like you never had lipstick on in the beginning. Plus it isn’t the most convenient when you have to wipe your lips and your lipstick smears all over the napkin. But with this lip balm the tint stays! I’m going to be real yes your lips won’t look exactly the same as before you ate your meal but this is some pretty lasting stuff.

Also another major bonus of this product is that it is moisturizing. It is not thick! It is actually pretty thin [all depends on how many layers you put on or how hard you press on your lips]. This moisturizing effect lasts a long time too and when it wears out it doesn’t leave your lips super cracked and disgusting. I REPEAT IT DOES NOT LEAVE YOUR LIPS SUPER DRY AFTER ITS 2 HOUR SHIFT. It just doesn’t feel as moisturizing as it did before. It may feel a little dry but that is only because you get used to having that moisturizing feeling on your lips. And when it does get a little less moisturizing after 2-3 hours you can just put on another layer because with this product, unlike Etude House’s Enamel Lipstick, your lips will never be so dry. Some lip products, like the Etude House lipstick above, will be moisturizing at first and then leave your lips dried out within hours! So dried out to the point that putting on another layer won’t help. It would make the lop layer of your lips sort of moisturized and then leave the rest still feeling dried out. Almost itchy.

If you look at any of my selfies on my Instagram @jitokki08 this is usually the lip product I am wearing! I usually put on 1 or 2 layers to get the color I want, which is a darker pink or more reddish pink. And here is a photo for your reference. This is with about two layers on. Also depending on how hard you press onto your lips the more or less color that comes across. I tend to like a more darker color but for those of you that like lighter colors don’t let the color on my lips scare you because it can come on a lot lighter as well.

Just a tip for those of you who have super dry lips like I do, I personally like to wear a base lip balm and then wear this one on top so my lips stay extra moisturized but depending on the conditions of your lips you could improvise and see what’s best for your lips. You could always wear a regular lipstick on top of a lip balm but when I do that my lips always feel dry and want to peel… So to solve that problem, I am using this innisfree tinted lip balm! I know other lipsticks are moisturizing as well but personally this product is my favorite at the moment because it is 1. Moisturizing 2. Has a Beautiful color 3. Lasts a long time because it is a tint and lastly 4. You can always put more on and it won’t leave your lips all gross.

Also I completely forgot to mention that this product is not expensive!!! It is only around $10 and it will last you a long time. So it is definitely worth it! I like to buy off of the website or another website called which I will definitely review one of these days as well. Since it does come from Korea it can take quite a bit of time for it to ship over to wherever you are at so keep that in mind. I would say Innisfree takes about 2 weeks to ship to me [I’m in California] and it takes like a month.

Anyways go check this tinted lip balm out with the link HERE!!! And if you have any other questions or suggestions please comment down below and I will get back to you as soon as I can! Thank you!

How do you use Innisfree lip balm?

[Directions] Apply whenever you feel dryness on your lips. [Caution] [1] For external use only. [2] Avoid direct contact with eyes. [3] If contact occurs rinse thoroughly with water.

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