So sánh helio p22 vs snapdragon 660 năm 2024

Qualcomm Snapdragon 660 has been announced on May 2017 whereas MediaTek Helio P22 has been announced on May 2018. Check out detailed comparison with key specs below:

Benchmark Comparison: Snapdragon 660 vs Helio P22

Benchmark measures the performance of the CPU. Geekbench is a benchmark that measures a processor's single core performance and AnTuTu score is the most popular and trustable benchmarking score which evaluates multi core performance. Snapdragon 660 has an AnTuTu benchmark score of 156749 points with CPU, GPU, Memory, UX score 69937, 24360, 32441, 27977 respectively.

CPU Comparison: Snapdragon 660 vs Helio P22

CPU speed shows how many processing cycles per second can be executed by a CPU. Snapdragon 660 comes up with the architecture of Adreno 500 and Helio P22 comes up with architecture of Rogue. Former one has 8 core and 2200 MHz frequency and latter has 8 cores and 2000 MHz frequency. A larger cache time leads to faster performance.

Graphics Comparison: Snapdragon 660 vs Helio P22

Qualcomm Snapdragon 660 has Adreno 512 GPU with GPU Frequency as 850 MHz. Dynamic frequency allows the processor to conserve power and reduce noise when it is under a light load. MediaTek Helio P22 has PowerVR GE8320 GPU with GPU Frequency as 650 MHz.

Memory Comparison: Snapdragon 660 vs Helio P22

First chipset has max size of 8 GB and MediaTek Helio P22 has max size of 8 GB. It shows the maximum amount of memory supported by a chipset.

Multimedia and Connectivity Comparison: Snapdragon 660 vs Helio P22

In terms of multimedia, Snapdragon 660 has Hexagon 680 NPU with storage type as UFS 2.1 and Helio P22 has CorePilot NPU and eMMC 5.1 storage type.

We compared two 8-core processors: Unisoc Tiger T610 [with Mali-G52 MP2 graphics] and Qualcomm Snapdragon 660 [Adreno 512]. Here you will find the pros and cons of each chip, technical specs, and comprehensive tests in benchmarks, like AnTuTu and Geekbench.


General comparison of performance, power consumption, and other indicators

CPU Performance

Single and multi-core processor tests

Gaming Performance

GPU performance in games and OpenCL/Vulkan

Battery life

Efficiency of battery consumption

NanoReview Score

Overall chip score

Key Differences

Main differences and advantages of each chip

Pros of Unisoc Tiger T610

  • Announced 2-years and 1-month later
  • Has a smaller size transistor [12 versus 14 nm]
  • Shows better [up to 10%] AnTuTu 10 score – 250K vs 228K

Pros of Qualcomm Snapdragon 660

  • Performs 3.7x better in floating-point computations
  • Higher GPU frequency [~38%]
  • 21% higher CPU clock speed [2200 vs 1820 MHz]


Performance tests in popular benchmarks

AnTuTu 10

The AnTuTu Benchmark measures CPU, GPU, RAM, and I/O performance in different scenarios

CPU 85494 78040 GPU 40815 36487 Memory 58863 52252 UX 63605 61014 Total score 250783 228724

Submit your AnTuTu result

GeekBench 6

The GeekBench test shows raw single-threaded and multithreaded CPU performance

Asset compression 72.2 MB/sec 71.3 MB/sec HTML 5 Browser 36.6 pages/sec 41.6 pages/sec PDF Renderer 49.3 Mpixels/sec 51.8 Mpixels/sec Image detection 22.6 images/sec 13.6 images/sec HDR 40.5 Mpixels/sec 46.2 Mpixels/sec Background blur 3.17 images/sec 1.89 images/sec Photo processing 10.8 images/sec 10.2 images/sec Ray tracing 2.01 Mpixels/sec 1.97 Mpixels/sec


A cross-platform benchmark that assesses graphics performance in Vulkan [Metal]

3DMark Wild Life Performance

Stability - 96% Graphics test 3 FPS 2 FPS Score 526 373


Full list of technical specifications of Tiger T610 and Snapdragon 660


Architecture 2x 1.82 GHz – Cortex-A75 6x 1.82 GHz – Cortex-A55 4x 2.2 GHz – Kryo 260 Gold [Cortex-A73] 4x 1.84 GHz – Kryo 260 Silver [Cortex-A53] Cores 8 8 Frequency 1820 MHz 2200 MHz Instruction set ARMv8-A ARMv8-A L2 cache - 2 MB Process 12 nanometers 14 nanometers Transistor count - 1.75 billion TDP - 5 W Manufacturing TSMC Samsung


GPU name Mali-G52 MP2 Adreno 512 Architecture Bifrost 2nd gen Adreno 500 GPU frequency 614 MHz 850 MHz Execution units 2 1 Shading units 24 128 Total shaders 48 128 FLOPS 58.9 Gigaflops 217.6 Gigaflops Vulkan version 1.3 1.0 OpenCL version 2.0 2.0 DirectX version - 11


Memory type LPDDR4X LPDDR4X Memory frequency 1600 MHz 1866 MHz Bus 2x 16 Bit 2x 16 Bit Max bandwidth - 13.9 Gbit/s Max size 6 GB 8 GB

Multimedia [ISP]

Neural processor [NPU] No Hexagon 680 Storage type eMMC 5.1 eMMC 5.1, UFS 2.1 Max display resolution 2160 x 1080 2560 x 1600 Max camera resolution 1x 16MP, 2x 8MP 1x 48MP, 2x 16MP Video capture 1K at 30FPS 4K at 30FPS Video playback 1080p at 30FPS 4K at 30FPS Video codecs H.264, H.265 H.264, H.265, VP8, VP9 Audio codecs AAC, AIFF, CAF, MP3, MP4, WAV AAC LC, MP3, HE-AACv1, HE-AACv2, FLAC


Modem - X12 4G support LTE Cat. 7 LTE Cat. 13 5G support No No Download speed Up to 300 Mbps Up to 600 Mbps Upload speed Up to 150 Mbps Up to 150 Mbps Wi-Fi 5 5 Bluetooth 5.0 5.0 Navigation GPS, GLONASS, Beidou, Galileo GPS, GLONASS, Beidou, Galileo, QZSS, SBAS, NAVIC

Cast your vote

So, which SoC would you choose?

Snapdragon 660

201 [47.1%]

Total votes: 427

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