Stop making so much noise i need having a nap before

Im not sure if the sounds Im making while asleep is Catathrenia or not. My fiance has just recently moved in with me [about a month and a half ago] and he has told me on several occasions that I make a moaning sound in my sleep.[ Not to mention talking in my sleep and the snoring ] I was aware of the snoring but not the talking and moaning. I have noticed the majority of comments here state that they start immediately when they fall asleep, same as I do. But seems like every article claims it begins in REM which is longer into the sleep cycle. Hmm. But Im no longer overweight. Ive mostly always had a snoring problem. I am asthmatic and Im a smoker as well. I do suffer from anxiety and depression along with bipolar disorder and insomnia. Which the insomnia has improved some, but now I do this and it causes me to not want to sleep so I dont keep everyone awake. When I was a child I had horrible night terrors which have mostly subsided now that Im an adult. But I feel like there may be some correlation with mental disorders and Catathrenia. I could be wrong. Does anyone else suffer from mental/emotional disorders and also sleep moan/groan?? I feel awful for my fiance because he cant sleep if Im having a rough night. He always tries to beat me to bed. So he can fall asleep first. I guess he doesnt hear it in his sleep. Also I dont really get to sleep much or for long. So during the day Im exhausted and by the time I actually get to lay down and go to sleep I SLEEP. Hard. I hope someone has some insight on how to improve this condition. I was completely unaware I was doing this and now that know I wish nobody would have told me.

My husband started this sleep moaning just 6 weeks before he died at age 62. I taped the moaning so he could hear it and he claimed he had been having very strange dreams but could not identify them to a person or place. I wonder if he was really talking to people in his sleep because he would change tones and many times he seemed to be answering or asking a question, the sounds would grow very load and then sometimes soft, After a few minutes of this he would become silent and breath in a heavy panting pattern and then it would start all over again. He did this as soon as closed his eyes and it continued throughout the entire time, night after night and day after day for 6 weeks. It got so bad they put him on oxygen 24/7 and still it got worse by the day. He had to have a mass removed around his heart and his heart gave out immediately following the surgery. He even mentioned to me that he felt he was going to die weeks before the surgery. The tapes I have clearly show me he was having conversations with people who have already passed away. Does anyone know if there has been any studies on this in relationship to those who are in fact in a stage of death?

I have been diagnosed with Mild OSA but also developed symptoms that causes groaning, grunting and a moaning sound during sleep. It has made my life miserable because I did have the overnight take home sleep study and do have a CPAP but was told that the machine only picks up certain vibratory sounds. The recordings on the machine I am told looked really good and my numbers are low however I have recorded myself with the CPAP on and I still hear the snoring and loud sounds
What makes it worse is I live in an apartment complex and I can hear pounding on my wall or floor and I feel bad because but also want it to stop, Im.not doing it intentionally but when the machine is on, you would think its silent but it makes a sound when you inhale and exhale on top of the stages in sleep when you are making sounds that are now disturbing others in your complex. I no longer sleep in my bedroom where the neighbors would pound my wall. Sometimes the sounds are moaning which could be mis interpreted or assumed as something else which is not the case at all. Its embarassing to say the least and disruptive to say the least. Now Im not on the machine some nights as Im trying not to disturb anyone when the machine is on but when its not its louder so damned if I do and damned if I dont. Now the neighbors know Im now in the living room sleeping because of the sounds so they drag their kitchen chairs, slam them and pound their feet to retaliate but asking the resident manager here to mediate is another challenge in itself they dont see a problem, no one is admitting to the pounding either. Cant break a lease without penalties and cant find a solution. I withheld my rent til I got answers and resolution on the pounding and I get slapped with a late fee and a 3 day pay or vacate notice which was cruel as I always was on time and they took my request as not a problem cause no ones admitting what they are doing. I am so miserable in the complex I am in but also miserable in not finding a solution and the CPAP not being effective which makes life miserable. I rent a 2 bedroom apartment and have resorted to sleeping on the floor in my living room and still dealing with pounding and slamming and dragging chairs and making life hell but the landlord thinking its not a problem. I work from home and before I raised the issue even talking on the phone and typing they would mimic keyboard sounds by tapping or if on a call tapping the vent in the room for.heat from their room to echo it to my unit. Basically they are doing it but the resident manager doesnt do a damn thing so basically they want their money but make basic living and utter nightmare. Im already watching tv with wireless headsets and this is just insane but no matter what I do this sleep disorder is affecting normalcy. What legal options do we have, I have read for some with sleep disorders have gotten evicted on noise complaints even if we are not doing it intentional but we also remedy to fix.these issues we face. My issue is the opposite, I know its effecting the neighbors from their actions but also no one is admitting to it, recording it would not aid if there not knowing where or what unit is making the pounding or deliberate sounds and asking for mediation or peaceful resolution is also thrown out the window. These sleep disorders and living in conditions where its impacting habitable living conditions where its peaceful for all can cause tensions between units and its embarassing to deal with are making when you are a private person and some of these noises could be assumed its something else when moaning sounds are occuring and grunting etc on exhaling on top.of the snoring. ugh!! I wish we had a surgical option to stop all of.this, its a damn nightmare!! Oh, I also had my machine checked out and replaced and changed to a full mask and still recorded myself and I still hear the snoring and sounds occuring when wearing it thru the night so either the machine is not picking up those vibratory sounds or its not doing what it claims to do and based on the actions of my neighbors its not fixing the issues using the CPAP

I am looking for ANY new information on catathrenia. My 17 year old son has been living with the classic symptoms of catathrenia since he was 4 years old and he is planning on attending college next year. We are concerned about his ability to live with others in a dorm setting. As with most catathrenia sufferers, the sleep groaning does not seem to bother my sons own sleep but it is very problematic for others trying to sleep in the same or adjacent rooms. Over the years my son has had to skip many sleep overs and camps with friends because the groaning is disruptive to others and causes embarrassment to him.

I have discussed the issue with our pediatrician and I have conducted numerous internet searches and read everything that I can find about the condition and I have not been able to find any information that gives me real hope that the symptoms can be managed or cured. I am reaching out to anyone reading this comment to you to see if you know of anyone that has had any success with treating catathrenia patients or if you know of any new research or findings related to cures?

Basically, I am looking for ANY suggestions or help that you can offer!

Thank you very much for your time and I look forward to any replies.

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