String replace last character python

In this article, we will discuss different ways to replace the last N characters of a string with another substring in Python.

Table Of Contents

  • Using Indexing
  • Using rsplit[] and join[]
  • Using Regex

Suppose we have a string,

"Sample String"

We want to replace the last 3 characters in this string. After replacement, the final string should be like,

"Sample StrXXX"

There are different techniques to do this. Let’s discuss them one by one.


Using Indexing

To replace the last N characters in a string using indexing, select all characters of string except the last n characters i.e. str[:-n]. Then add replacement substring after these selected characters and assign it back to the original variable. It will give us an effect that we have replaced the last N characters in string with a new substring.

For example: Replace last 3 characters in a string with “XXX”

strValue = 'Sample String'

n = 3
replacementStr = 'XXX'

# Replace last 3 characters in string with 'XXX'
strValue = strValue[:-n] + replacementStr



Sample StrXXX

It replaced the last 3 characters in string with “XXX”.

Using rsplit[] and join[]

Split the string but from reverse direction i.e. starting from the end and while moving towards the front of string. Use the last N characters of string as delimeter and 1 as the max count of split i.e. str.rsplit[str[-n:], 1] . It returns a sequence of all characters in string except the last N characters. Then join these characters with the substring ‘XXX’ using the join[] function.

For example: Replace last 3 characters in a string with “XXX”

strValue = 'Sample String'

n = 3
replacementStr = 'XXX'

# Replace last 3 characters in string with 'XXX'
strValue = replacementStr.join[strValue.rsplit[strValue[-n:], 1]]



Sample StrXXX

It replaced the last 3 characters in string with “XXX”.

Using Regex

The regex module provides a function regex.sub[pattern, replacement_str, original_str] . It helps to replace the substrings in string that matches the given regex pattern.

To replace the last N character in a string, pass the regex pattern “.{N}$” and replacement substring in the sub[] function. This regex pattern will match only the last N characters in the string and those will be replaced by the given substring.

For example: Replace last 3 characters in a string with “XXX”

import re

strValue = 'Sample String'

# Replace last 3 characters in string with 'XXX'
strValue = re.sub[r'.{3}$', 'XXX', strValue]



Sample StrXXX


We learned about three different ways to replace the last N characters in a string in Python.

How do I remove the last character from a string?

"abcdefghij"  →  "abcdefghi"

Mateen Ulhaq

22.2k16 gold badges86 silver badges127 bronze badges

asked Mar 18, 2013 at 13:33



my_str =  "abcdefghij"
my_str = my_str[:-1]

Try the following code snippet to better understand how it works by casting the string as a list:

str1 = "abcdefghij"
list1 = list[str1]
list2 = list1[:-1]

In case, you want to accept the string from the user:

str1 = input["Enter :"]
list1 = list[str1]
list2 = list1[:-1]

To make it take away the last word from a sentence [with words separated by whitespace like space]:

str1 = input["Enter :"]
list1 = str1.split[]
list2 = list1[:-1]


1,1283 gold badges14 silver badges23 bronze badges

answered Mar 18, 2013 at 13:34


13.3k2 gold badges17 silver badges38 bronze badges


What you are trying to do is an extension of string slicing in Python:

Say all strings are of length 10, last char to be removed:

>>> st[:9]

To remove last N characters:

>>> N = 3
>>> st[:-N]

answered Aug 30, 2019 at 9:56

Anshul GoyalAnshul Goyal

69.1k36 gold badges142 silver badges175 bronze badges

The simplest solution for you is using string slicing.

Python 2/3:

source[0: -1]  # gets all string but not last char

Python 2:

source = 'ABC'    
result = "{}{}".format[{source[0: -1], 'D']
print[result]  # ABD

Python 3:

source = 'ABC'    
result = f"{source[0: -1]}D"
print[result]  # ABD

answered Jun 8, 2021 at 13:38


8489 silver badges20 bronze badges

So there is a function called rstrip[] for stuff like this. You enter the value you want to delete, in this case last element so string[-1] :

string = "AbCdEf" 
newString = string.rstrip[string[-1]]

If you runt his code you shouul see the 'f' value is deleted.


answered May 3 at 18:57

Using slicing, one can specify the start and stop indexes to extract part of a string s. The format is s[start:stop]. However, start = 0 by default. So, we only need to specify stop.

Using stop = 3:

>>> s = "abcd"
>>> s[:3]

Using stop = -1 to remove 1 character from the end [BEST METHOD]:

>>> s = "abcd"
>>> s[:-1]

Using stop = len[s] - 1:

>>> s = "abcd"
>>> s[:len[s] - 1]

answered Apr 25 at 0:14

Mateen UlhaqMateen Ulhaq

22.2k16 gold badges86 silver badges127 bronze badges

How do you change the last character of a string?

There are four ways to remove the last character from a string:.
Using StringBuffer. deleteCahrAt[] Class..
Using String. substring[] Method..
Using StringUtils. chop[] Method..
Using Regular Expression..

How do I change the last 3 characters of a string in Python?

To replace the last N characters in a string using indexing, select all characters of string except the last n characters i.e. str[:-n]. Then add replacement substring after these selected characters and assign it back to the original variable.

How do you match the last character in Python?

The last character of a string has index position -1. So, to get the last character from a string, pass -1 in the square brackets i.e. It returned a copy of the last character in the string. You can use it to check its content or print it etc.

Can you replace a character in a string Python?

The Python replace[] method is used to find and replace characters in a string. It requires a substring to be passed as an argument; the function finds and replaces it. The replace[] method is commonly used in data cleaning.

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