tumbleweed là gì - Nghĩa của từ tumbleweed

tumbleweed có nghĩa là

Dusty aggregation of plant matter rolled along the ground by the desert wind. A cliche of Western movies, emphasising silence or stillness, e.g. as the hero rides into an apparently deserted frontier town. Often used in connection with the death of a conversation after one participant unwittingly reveals that they are a moron. See also tumbleweed moment.

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"But then Katie made a singularly unfunny cancer joke..."
"Ah. Tumbleweed?"

tumbleweed có nghĩa là

good ass weed

Ví dụ

"But then Katie made a singularly unfunny cancer joke..."

tumbleweed có nghĩa là

"Ah. Tumbleweed?"

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"But then Katie made a singularly unfunny cancer joke..."

tumbleweed có nghĩa là

"Ah. Tumbleweed?"

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tumbleweed có nghĩa là

"But then Katie made a singularly unfunny cancer joke..."
"Ah. Tumbleweed?"

Ví dụ

good ass weed man im all out of tumbleweed you have a bag i can buy A roaming party, where the sole intention is to roam, whilst partying. Thus giving the effect of a bush party that moves, i.e. a tumbleweed. Screw the bush party, let's tumbleweed.

tumbleweed có nghĩa là

After the act of "road head" one pushes
open the door and kicks the female out what you say if someone starts a conv, or says something that no-one finds a] funny, b] like a pivotal moment in the conv, and c] is of any interest.

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usually involves a silence followed by merry saying tumbleweed silence...tumbleweed.

tumbleweed có nghĩa là

pubic hair deposited in a drink

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The act of yanking some pubic hair out of your own pubic area and depositing the [tumbleweed] into an unsuspecting asshole's beverage. Sit back and watch him pick your pubs off his tongue.

tumbleweed có nghĩa là

what a shit example...

Ví dụ

1. A weed [Amaranthus albus and/or Amaranthus graecizans] that has broken away from its roots and travels along the prairy wherever the wind blows it.

tumbleweed có nghĩa là

Excessive pubic growth on an otherwise hot girl. It literally looks like a tumbleweed. You know what I mean.

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2. A person [traditionally male, traditionally a cowboy] with no family or romantic ties; no permanence; and no responsibilities; who drifts through life, going wherever the wind blows him. Bán tại. 1: He'll never settle down. He's too much of a tumbleweed.

Bán tại. 2: Drifting along with the tumbling tumbleweed. pubic hair deposited in a drink

tumbleweed có nghĩa là

The act of yanking some pubic hair out of your own pubic area and depositing the [tumbleweed] into an unsuspecting asshole's beverage. Sit back and watch him pick your pubs off his tongue.

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Refers to the pubic hair that can be commonly found on the ground around a household.

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