Umwelt là gì

In the semiotic theories of Jakob von Uexküll and Thomas A. Sebeok, umwelt [plural: umwelten; from the German Umwelt meaning "environment" or "surroundings"] is the "biological foundations that lie at the very center of the study of both communication and signification in the human [and non-human] animal".[1] The term is usually translated as "self-centered world".[2] Uexküll theorised that organisms can have different umwelten, even though they share the same environment. The term umwelt, together with companion terms Umgebung [an Umwelt as seen by another observer] and Innenwelt [the mapping of the self to the world of objects],[3] have special relevance for cognitive philosophers, roboticists and cyberneticians because they offer a potential solution to the conundrum of the infinite regress of the Cartesian Theater.


Each functional component of an umwelt has a meaning that represents the organism's model of the world. These functional components correspond approximately to perceptual features,[4] as described by Anne Treisman. It is also the semiotic world of the organism, including all the meaningful aspects of the world for any particular organism. It can be water, food, shelter, potential threats or points of reference for navigation. An organism creates and reshapes its own umwelt when it interacts with the world. This is termed a 'functional circle'. The umwelt theory states that the mind and the world are inseparable because it is the mind that interprets the world for the organism. Because of the individuality and uniqueness of the history of every single organism, the umwelten of different organisms differ. When two umwelten interact, this creates a semiosphere.[5][6]

As a term, umwelt also unites all the semiotic processes of an organism into a whole. Internally, an organism is the sum of its parts operating in functional circles and, to survive, all the parts must work cooperatively. This is termed the "collective umwelt" which models the organism as a centralised system from the cellular level upward. This requires the semiosis of any one part to be continuously connected to any other semiosis operating within the same organism. If anything disrupts this process, the organism will not operate efficiently.

Uexküll's writings show a specific interest in the various worlds that he believed to exist ['conceptually'] from the point of view of the umwelt of different creatures such as ticks, sea urchins, amoebae, jellyfish, and sea worms.

The biosemiotic turn in Jakob von Uexküll's analysis occurs in his discussion of the animal's relationship with its environment. The umwelt is for him an environment-world which is, according to Agamben, "constituted by a more or less broad series of elements [called] 'carriers of significance' or 'marks' which are the only things that interest the animal". Agamben goes on to paraphrase Uexküll's example of the tick, saying:

"...this eyeless animal finds the way to her watchpoint [at the top of a tall blade of grass] with the help of only its skin’s general sensitivity to light. The approach of her prey becomes apparent to this blind and deaf bandit only through her sense of smell. The odor of butyric acid, which emanates from the sebaceous follicles of all mammals, works on the tick as a signal that causes her to abandon her post [on top of the blade of grass/bush] and fall blindly downward toward her prey. If she is fortunate enough to fall on something warm [which she perceives by means of an organ sensible to a precise temperature] then she has attained her prey, the warm-blooded animal, and thereafter needs only the help of her sense of touch to find the least hairy spot possible and embed herself up to her head in the cutaneous tissue of her prey. She can now slowly suck up a stream of warm blood."[7]

Thus, for the tick, the umwelt is reduced to only three [biosemiotic] carriers of significance: [1] the odor of butyric acid, which emanates from the sebaceous follicles of all mammals; [2] the temperature of 37°C [corresponding to the blood of all mammals]; and [3] the hairy topography of mammals.


Uexküll's application of the notion of "umwelt" to the human person has been contested. In "Welt und Umwelt" and "Die Wahrheit der Dinge", the philosopher and sociologist Josef Pieper argued that reason allows the human person to live in "Welt" [world] while plants and animals do indeed live in an Umwelt—a notion he traces back far beyond Uexküll to Plato, Aristotle, and Thomas Aquinas.

Từ lâu chủ đề môi trường đã là một chủ đề không thể thiếu trong cuộc sống cũng như trong các bài thi B1, B2. Vậy hãy cùng GermanLab chúng mình chuẩn bị vốn từ cho chủ đề này một cách kĩ càng nhất nhé!



die Umwelt: môi trường 

das Klima: khí hậu 

das Wetter: thời tiết 

der Regen: cơn mưa 

der Sturm: cơn bão 

der Müll: rác 

die Mülltonne, -n: thùng rác 

der Behälter, –: thùng chứa 

die Menge: số lượng 

die Gesundheit: sức khỏe 

der Stoff, -e: chất 

der Schadstoff, -e: chất ô nhiễm 

der Kunststoff, -e: nhựa 

die Verpackung, -en:  bao bì

die Einwegverpackung, -en: bao bì dùng một lần 

die Mehrwegverpackung, -en: bao bì có thể tái sử dụng 

der Abfall, die Abfälle: chất thải 

das Plastik: nhựa 

die Tüte,- n: túi

die Plastiktüte, -n: túi nhựa 

die Einwegflasche, -n: chai dùng 1 lần 

die Mehrwegflasche, -n: chai có thể tái sử dụng 

die Dose, -n: lon 

die Deponie, -n: bãi rác 

die Pflanze, -n: cây cối 

der Schutz: sự bảo vệ

die Pflanzenschutzmittel: thuốc trừ sâu 

der Akku, -s: pin 

das Altpapier: giấy cũ 

der Umweltschutz: sự bảo vệ môi trường

die Umweltbelastung: sự tác động đến môi trường

die Verschmutzung: sự ô nhiễm

das Gift,-e: chất độc

der saure Regen: mưa axit


kaufen: mua 

kontaminieren: làm ô uế

verbrauchen: tiêu thụ 

verwenden: sử dụng 

übrig bleiben: còn thừa 

wegschmeißen: ném đi 

verschmutzen: gây ô nhiễm

entsorgen: vứt bỏ 

schaden: gây hư hại 

belasten: làm hại, gây ô nhiễm 

vermeiden: tránh 

verursachen: gây ra 

vergiften: gây độc hại 

schützen: bảo vệ 

sparen: tiết kiệm 

wegwerfen: vứt đi 

verwerten: tận dụng 

sorgen für: chăm lo 

sammeln: sưu tầm 


schädlich: có hại 

gesundheitsschädlich: có hại cho sức khỏe 

verpackt: đóng gói 

verbraucht: tiêu thụ 

umweltfreundlich: thân thiện với môi trường 

umweltfeindlich: không thân thiện với môi trường 

umweltschädlich: có hại cho môi trường

restlich: còn lại

reparaturfreundlich: dễ sửa chữa 

wichtig: quan trọng 

sauber: sạch sẽ 

giftig: đọc hại



– die Umwelt verschmutzen

= die Umwelt belasten: gây ô nhiễm môi trường

– die Umwelt schützen: bảo vệ môi trường 

– für die Umwelt kämpfen: đấu tranh cho môi trường 

– umweltfreundlich leben: sống thân thiện với môi trường 

– die Menge des Hausmülls reduzieren: giảm lượng rác thải sinh hoạt 

– unnötigen Abfall vermeiden: tránh lãng phí không cần thiết 

– Müll im Haushalt sortieren/trennen: phân loại rác trong gia đình 

– frische, unverpackte Leben

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