Update multiple columns with different conditions in mysql

im trying to update multiple columns in a table that all needs different where clauses in single query. Im not amazing at sql, and struggle to find help on google. im trying to achieve something like this

UPDATE $table 
SET meta_value = 'john',
    meta_value = 'v1234'
WHERE   meta_key = 'name' AND post_id=$post_id,
        meta_key = 'trak' AND post_id=$post_id"

the idea being that the first SET matches the first WHERE, and the 2nd SET matches the 2nd WHERE etc.. ideally id be able to do many of these. any idea how I can achieve this?

asked Mar 13, 2015 at 19:39


Update $table
set meta_value = CASE WHEN meta_key = 'name' then 'john'
                      WHEN meta_key = 'trak' then 'v1234' end
where post_Id = $post_ID 

answered Mar 13, 2015 at 19:46


33.9k2 gold badges39 silver badges60 bronze badges


UPDATE $table 
SET meta_value = IF[meta_key='name','john','v1234']
WHERE   post_id=$post_id AND
    meta_key IN ['trak','name']

answered Mar 13, 2015 at 19:45


46.9k6 gold badges56 silver badges90 bronze badges


  1. HowTo
  2. MySQL Howtos
  3. Update Multiple Columns in Multiple Rows With Different Values in MySQL

Created: May-06, 2022

In this article, we’ll learn the use of the CASE statement, IF[] function, INSERT ... ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE clause and UPDATE with JOIN[] function to update multiple columns in multiple rows with different values in MySQL.

Update Multiple Columns in Multiple Records [Rows] With Different Values in MySQL

Sometimes, we need to update multiple columns in multiple rows with different values in the database. It is ok to use multiple UPDATE statements if we have a few records in the table.

Suppose there are millions of rows in the table. Some of the ways to update the table are listed below.

  1. Use the CASE statement.
  2. Use the IF[] function.
  4. Use UPDATE with JOIN[].

To learn the approaches mentioned above, create a table named students having ID, JavaScore, and PythonScore as attributes [columns] where ID is a primary key. You can follow this tutorial by using the queries below to create and populate the table.

Example Code:

# create a table
CREATE TABLE students[
  JavaScore INT NOT NULL,
  PythonScore INT NOT NULL,

# insert data
INSERT INTO students [ID, JavaScore, PythonScore]
[1, 70, 65],
[2, 75, 80],
[3, 81, 89],
[4, 50, 70];

# display table data
SELECT * FROM students;


1 70 65
2 75 80
3 81 89
4 50 70

Once the students table is created and populated, we can use the mentioned approaches.

Use the CASE Statement

Example Code:

UPDATE students
    SET JavaScore = [case
                    when ID = 1 then 75
                    when ID = 2 then 80
                    when ID = 3 then 86
                    when ID = 4 then 55
        PythonScore = [case
                    when ID = 1 then 70
                    when ID = 2 then 85
                    when ID = 3 then 94
                    when ID = 4 then 75
    WHERE ID in [1,2,3,4];

Use the SELECT statement to get the updated results.

SELECT * FROM students;


1 75 70
2 80 85
3 86 94
4 55 75

We update multiple columns on multiple rows with different values using the CASE statement that goes through all conditions and outputs an item [value] when the first condition is satisfied [like the if-then-else statement]. It stops reading once the condition is TRUE and returns the corresponding result.

Suppose there are no TRUE conditions, then the ELSE part is executed. In the absence of the ELSE section, it returns NULL.

If there is another field of the DATETIME type that we want to keep constant for all the records, the query would be as follows.

Example Code:

UPDATE students
    SET JavaScore = [case
                    when ID = 1 then 75
                    when ID = 2 then 80
                    when ID = 3 then 86
                    when ID = 4 then 55
        PythonScore = [case
                    when ID = 1 then 70
                    when ID = 2 then 85
                    when ID = 3 then 94
                    when ID = 4 then 75

    WHERE ID in [1,2,3,4];

Use the IF[] Function

Example Code:

UPDATE students SET
    JavaScore = IF[ID=1,76,IF[ID=2,81,IF[ID=3,87,IF[ID=4,56,NULL]]]],
    PythonScore = IF[ID=1,71,IF[ID=2,86,IF[ID=3,95,IF[ID=4,76,NULL]]]]
WHERE ID IN [1,2,3,4];

Execute the SELECT command to get the new values of the students table.

SELECT * FROM students;


1 76 71
2 81 86
3 87 95
4 56 76

We use the IF[] function that returns a particular value if the condition is satisfied. Otherwise, it returns another specified value. It’s syntax is IF[condition, TrueValue, FalseValue].

You may have a question if the ID=1 condition meets, then why is it going to another IF[]? We use nested IF[] functions as follows to make multiple IFs.

IF[condition, TrueValue,
  IF[condition, TrueValue,
    IF[condition, TrueValue,
      IF[condition, TrueValue, FalseValue]

Let’s make it more simple to understand. In the following snippet, we have multiple IFs, and it doesn’t matter whether the condition is met or not.

Every IF condition would be checked and set the value accordingly. The last IF has the ELSE part, which will only run if the fourth IF condition is FALSE.

IF Condition
IF Condition
IF Condition
IF Condition

Reason for using nested IF[] functions is to update multiple rows with different values.

When required to update multiple columns in multiple rows, we prefer using the CASE statement because it is easier to understand and manage than the nested IF[] functions.


Example Code:

INSERT INTO students [ID, JavaScore, PythonScore]
[1, 77, 72],[2, 82, 87],[3, 88, 96],[4, 57, 77]
JavaScore = VALUES[JavaScore],
PythonScore = VALUES[PythonScore];


1 77 72
2 82 87
3 88 96
4 57 77

This example shows INSERT ... ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE. Normally, when we INSERT into a particular table where it may cause a duplicate in the PRIMARY KEY or UNIQUE index, it causes an error.

However, MySQL updates the existing records with the latest values if we specify ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE. If a duplicate in PRIMARY KEY is found, the value for that particular column will be set to its current value.

Although the VALUES[] function is working when writing this tutorial, it shows a warning that the VALUES[] function is deprecated and will be removed in a future release. You may consider MySQL Documentation for further assistance.


Example Code:

UPDATE students std
    SELECT 1 AS ID, 78 AS JavaScore, 73 AS PythonScore
    SELECT 2 AS ID, 83 AS JavaScore, 88 AS PythonScore
    SELECT 3 AS ID, 89 AS JavaScore, 97 AS PythonScore
    SELECT 4 AS ID, 58 AS JavaScore, 78 AS PythonScore
] temp
ON std.ID = temp.ID
SET std.JavaScore = temp.JavaScore, std.PythonScore = temp.PythonScore;

This solution will only work if the safe mode is disabled. We can disable it in MySQL Workbench by going to Edit->Preference->SQL Editor and unchecking the Safe Mode option.

Then, restart the MySQL server, execute the query given above and use the SELECT * FROM students; command to get the following results.


1 78 73
2 83 88
3 89 97
4 58 78

We gather the data inside the JOIN[] using SELECT and UNION ALL. Once it is done, we join all the data using JOIN[] and set the JavaScore and PythonScore on every satisfying condition for the ID attribute.

Related Article - MySQL Column

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  • Find Tables in MySQL With Specific Column Names in Them
  • Calculate Average of a Table Column in MySQL
  • MySQL Check if Column Is Null or Empty
  • How do you UPDATE multiple columns in SQL with different conditions?

    To update multiple columns use the SET clause to specify additional columns. Just like with the single columns you specify a column and its new value, then another set of column and values. In this case each column is separated with a column.

    How UPDATE multiple columns with different values in MySQL?

    MySQL UPDATE multiple columns MySQL UPDATE command can be used to update multiple columns by specifying a comma separated list of column_name = new_value. Where column_name is the name of the column to be updated and new_value is the new value with which the column will be updated.

    How UPDATE multiple rows and columns with different values in SQL?

    Update Multiple Columns in Multiple Records [Rows] With Different Values in MySQL.
    Use the CASE statement..
    Use the IF[] function..
    Use UPDATE with JOIN[] ..

    Can we UPDATE multiple columns in a single UPDATE statement?

    We can update multiple columns by specifying multiple columns after the SET command in the UPDATE statement. The UPDATE statement is always followed by the SET command, it specifies the column where the update is required.

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